Question about home testing raws


I'm not finding this with a search, and I'm a newb here (as you can tell by my flair, or lack thereof), so, here goes.

Tl:dr - what's the best way to do you own raw testing at home, without HPLC/LC?

Long version: I homebrewed in the past, with good results. The way I was testing raws was using a combination of ROIDTEST test kits (the A/B vials), and an old melting point apparatus (picked it up off eBay for like $100) with capillary tubes. I would use the test kits to look for the presence of the hormone, and then use the melting point apparatus combined with the CAS data to get a rough idea of purity.

My rationale is that melding point alone doesn't tell you that the hormone is present, just that your unknown substance melts in a certain range. The presence of the hormone alone doesn't tell you if the bulk of your raw isn't some kind of filler. But if my reagent test says that testosterone enanthate is present, and my melting point test says that it starts melting at 34°C and is fully melted by 39°C, then it's either mostly pure test e, or it was cut with something that melts in the same temperature range that also doesn't screw up the reagent test results.

The only ones I had problems with were boldenone undecylenate (Equipoise) because that's liquid at room temp (e.g., already melty), and Winstrol; the only time I ordered Winstrol, it melted at >10°C lower than it was supposed to. I sent that sample off to Janoshik, and it came back as 98%+ pure; he said that it wasn't 'dry', which would have accounted for the melting point being so far off. I assume that, in the future, I should vacuum pack my samples with silica gel for a few days before testing, just to suck any atmospheric moisture out.

So, let's hear it: what was i doing wrong, if anything, and what could I do better?

FWIW, I'm not looking to gain yuge mass gainz anymore; I just want to be able to recover quickly from workouts, so I don't feel like trash all the time.
I think more than melting point and chemical tests arent possible at home. But in future avoid buying ROIDTEST because you can only test once. Checkout these two threads.

"Labmax-like roid tests with cheap Ebay chemicals? Here's how"​

"Reverse engineer Labmax, Roidtest"​

I think more than melting point and chemical tests arent possible at home. But in future avoid buying ROIDTEST because you can only test once. Checkout these two threads.

"Labmax-like roid tests with cheap Ebay chemicals? Here's how"​

"Reverse engineer Labmax, Roidtest"​

Well, that's super neat. I've been reading through one of those, and it looks like it should be fairly straightforward. Looking on the Labmax site, it appears to call for a UV light, and I'm not seeing that on the cursory first read-through of the reagent sources.

I would definitely need to keep the sulfuric acid away from the cats; I can see so many ways that would go wrong.

I'll have to look through that and see if those all cover testing finished products too. I've got some Purple Panda Labs test E that I got for TRT (I had a script, but prefer keeping shit off the books as much as possible), and I'm just feeling run down and beat up from what should be a normal workout. I see that at least one other person was testing very low on Purple Panda Labs test E from a similar time frame of when I bought mine, and I'm guessing that I'm well below therapeutic level as well.

I didn't get this shit when I home brewed; no PIP, and great blood levels. :/
I've got some Purple Panda Labs test E that I got for TRT (I had a script, but prefer keeping shit off the books as much as possible), and I'm just feeling run down and beat up from what should be a normal workout.

So, turns out that that's not the problem. Got my blood work back, test levels are fantastic, better than expected. Looks like I need to run a broader blood panel to see if there's another reason for feeling wiped out, or maybe my terrrible sleep schedule is finally catching up to me.

PIP is still fucking awful though, like, five days from each injection.