question about low dose test c


New Member
hello again everyone! hope everyone is feeling pumped for the new year!

so i fucked up and started an anavar only cycle a month ago. 2 weeks in i realized i should probably just run test with it. so i ended up starting 250mg of test c weekly. split into 2 125mg injections. my question is when should i feel the effects of the test c? i remember back when i did 500mg of test e i really felt it like the 3rd of 4th week. Will it be the same for 250mg a week? should i expect to feel it around week 3 or 4? i wanted to keep the test dose low because 500mg made me break out with acne really badly. hence the anavar only attempt lol. i have an arimidex,clomid,nolva and everything i need. i was trying to do like a 12-16 week recomp. any advice is appreciated thank you for your time!
Around 4-6 weeks in you should be at stable levels with cyp. You could check on steroid plotter to get a better idea.
Some people feel drugs, some don’t. I can’t tell the difference between TRT and 700+mg/wk.
just because you don’t feel it (assuming gear is properly doses) doesn’t mean anything. It’s still there and will still do it’s job if you do.

As for the acne, some are prone to acne when the androgens get on up there, some aren’t. I know I only get acne (facial) when my estrogen is out of whack. I’ll usually get a little body acne regardless of estrogen management.
Around 4-6 weeks in you should be at stable levels with cyp. You could check on steroid plotter to get a better idea.
Some people feel drugs, some don’t. I can’t tell the difference between TRT and 700+mg/wk.
just because you don’t feel it (assuming gear is properly doses) doesn’t mean anything. It’s still there and will still do it’s job if you do.

As for the acne, some are prone to acne when the androgens get on up there, some aren’t. I know I only get acne (facial) when my estrogen is out of whack. I’ll usually get a little body acne regardless of estrogen management.
damn bro that steroid plotter shit is really cool never knew about that! hoping i dont break out from 250mg a week. that time i ran 500 test e i was also using tbol with it. and aromasin 12.5mg eod. wonder if any of that played a part in the acne. thanks for your reply brother!
damn bro that steroid plotter shit is really cool never knew about that! hoping i dont break out from 250mg a week. that time i ran 500 test e i was also using tbol with it. and aromasin 12.5mg eod. wonder if any of that played a part in the acne. thanks for your reply brother!
probably cause you crashed your e2 with 12.5mg asin eod for only 500mg of test... unless you aromatize a lot.. which i doubt you took bloodwork to see before popping the asin.
hello again everyone! hope everyone is feeling pumped for the new year!

so i fucked up and started an anavar only cycle a month ago. 2 weeks in i realized i should probably just run test with it. so i ended up starting 250mg of test c weekly. split into 2 125mg injections. my question is when should i feel the effects of the test c? i remember back when i did 500mg of test e i really felt it like the 3rd of 4th week. Will it be the same for 250mg a week? should i expect to feel it around week 3 or 4? i wanted to keep the test dose low because 500mg made me break out with acne really badly. hence the anavar only attempt lol. i have an arimidex,clomid,nolva and everything i need. i was trying to do like a 12-16 week recomp. any advice is appreciated thank you for your time!
Just blast and cruise

Feeling and seeing are two different things. I know most people would disagree but my first ever pin of testosterone I felt it the same day.

Seeing results? I didn't see results until week 5


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