Question about PCT


New Member
I've finished a 8 week 500mg/week Omnadren cycle. Then I waited 2 weeks and started 1000ui/day Pregnyl for 2 weeks until I got my testosterone levels back to normal (25nmol). Then I started taking 50mg Clomid with 40mg Tamoxifen daily. Everything seemed to be okay, but a week passed since I started the Clomid and my testicles were still shrinked a lot (like 70-80%). So I decided to boost the dosage to 150mg Clomid with 40mg Tamoxifen daily. It's been another week since then and I still don't see a difference. The only drug I bought from the black market is the Clomid (maybe it's fake?), since here in Bulgaria we don't have it in the pharmacies.

What do you guys think I should do? What about lower the Clomid dose back to 50mg and start taking 1000ui/day Pregnyl again until my testicles get back to normal? At least the Pregnyl is from the pharmacy...
I forgot to say that hCG was ALSO from black market here in Bulgaria, so it's possible to be fake like the Clomid as well. Basically, only the Omnadren and Tamoxifen were pharmacy products. Now I learned that we have hCG in our pharmacies as well.

Anyway, it looks like that I'm going to buy Clomid from Pharmacom. Do you guys think it's a bad idea to make another cycle before that? It's been 1 month since my last testosterone injection and it looks like I haven't done a proper PCT yet... AND I feel like shit...