Question about PCT?


New Member
Hi, guys!

In my country (Bulgaria), in the pharmacy, we have only:
1. Omnadren (Sustanon)
2. Choriomon (Pregnyl)
3. Tamoxifen (Nolvadex)

I want to run a quick testosterone cycle. I'll use Tamoxifen during the cycle for controlling the E2 levels, but can I use it in the PCT as well, instead of Clomid, and with what dosage? 50mg daily?

Hi, guys!

In my country (Bulgaria), in the pharmacy, we have only:
1. Omnadren (Sustanon)
2. Choriomon (Pregnyl)
3. Tamoxifen (Nolvadex)

I want to run a quick testosterone cycle. I'll use Tamoxifen during the cycle for controlling the E2 levels, but can I use it in the PCT as well, instead of Clomid, and with what dosage? 50mg daily?

You need a AI if you plan to run HCG and testosterone together. Nolva will not reduce estrogen. 2-3 weeks after your last injection is when you use 20mg nolva for 4 weeks and you’ll be g2g. You need to keep reading these are basic things you should know before you inject yourself with hormones.
You need a AI if you plan to run HCG and testosterone together. Nolva will not reduce estrogen. 2-3 weeks after your last injection is when you use 20mg nolva for 4 weeks and you’ll be g2g. You need to keep reading these are basic things you should know before you inject yourself with hormones.

Thank you for the reply!

Actually, it seems I didn't explain correctly. For my cycle, I'll be using Omnadren (Sustanon) only, probably 10-20mg of Tamoxifen (Nolvadex) daily, if I sense increased E2 symptoms. Then, for my PCT, I'll use Choriomon (Pregnyl) for the first week, until my Testosterone levels are normal, then 4-5 weeks of Tamoxifen (Nolvadex).

My main concern was if I'm able to replace the Clomid with Nolva and I'm happy that I can since we don't have Clomid in the pharmacies anymore.

Thanks again!
Thank you for the reply!

Actually, it seems I didn't explain correctly. For my cycle, I'll be using Omnadren (Sustanon) only, probably 10-20mg of Tamoxifen (Nolvadex) daily, if I sense increased E2 symptoms. Then, for my PCT, I'll use Choriomon (Pregnyl) for the first week, until my Testosterone levels are normal, then 4-5 weeks of Tamoxifen (Nolvadex).

My main concern was if I'm able to replace the Clomid with Nolva and I'm happy that I can since we don't have Clomid in the pharmacies anymore.

Thanks again!
Ok gotcha. If this is your first cycle then you don’t need to do the HCG. It won’t make a difference and probably just spike up your estrogen.

Just the nolva is fine you don’t need clomid. Even more important is having a AI on hand. Especially with sust and the fast esters in it. I also highly recommend you get baseline bloodwork before you start AAS.