Question about test crystalizing in your muscle after a shot...

Every steroid board is full of people discussing hypotheses using loosely associated studies.

Why? Because no one studies majority of the topics discussed in bodybuilding circles.

The problem these days is people like to dig in and just want to argue. So the end result is usually two people calling each other stupid without ever thinking critically about the topic.

Whether the pip is caused by crystallization or not will likely remain nothing more than a hypothesis. That doesn't mean you can instantly rule it out or say it's the cause.

It's mind blowing that you guys keep claiming something can't happen because it's not directly reported in a study. The whole "evidence based" bodybuilding and training world is based on making assumptions from studies that are somewhat associated with the topic

Also is if the guy is "scared" because PIP could or could not be caused by crystallization doing steroids is probably not going to go well for him mentally.
So what is your point here? What are you trying to prove to this guy asking about crystalizatiin post injection?

What's your advice to him? Is it to not inject testosterone based on your hypothisis of possible post injection crystalization?

Or is it to go ahead and inject it BUT be scared all the while that it will crystalize becuase of your hypothisis?

Do you just want to create fear and anxiety for this person? Do you want to stear them away from using AAS?

How are you being helpful here? Please cut to the chase and share the exact point of your responses to the OP and what your advice to him is.

I think you're just trying to look like the smartest guy in the room here and it's more about your ego now than helping this person. You come off like a facetious person by nature and your comments come off more like that than trying to advance AAS knowledge and safety.

Again, to the OP... I am not aware of one case where this has happened. If this was something that even happened occassionally the community would be aware of it and it would actively come up in posts and threads on every AAS related forum on the internet.

This guy can't point to one person this has been proven to have happened to. Nor can he point out even one study or treatment plan in the medical industry on how to diagnos and or administer a treatment plan for someone who's had crystalized testosterone stay in an injection site post injection.

No smoking gun. No standard protocol for the medical industry to diagnos or treat.

I feel that this has pretty much traversed into the same realm as arguing with flat earthers. And with that.. I'm done wasting anymore of my time on this.

Best of luck to all here.

I'm new. But I've heard the test can crash and you have to get warm rag and massage it really good to help it dissolve into the body. Is this correct? And is this harmful? I don't think I've ever got that just inquiring about it is al. I read about it a little on meso.
The gear probably not sterile. Run it through a filter. If it keeps happening, throw it out.
So what is your point here? What are you trying to prove to this guy asking about crystalizatiin post injection?

What's your advice to him? Is it to not inject testosterone based on your hypothisis of possible post injection crystalization?

Or is it to go ahead and inject it BUT be scared all the while that it will crystalize becuase of your hypothisis?

Do you just want to create fear and anxiety for this person? Do you want to stear them away from using AAS?

How are you being helpful here? Please cut to the chase and share the exact point of your responses to the OP and what your advice to him is.

I think you're just trying to look like the smartest guy in the room here and it's more about your ego now than helping this person. You come off like a facetious person by nature and your comments come off more like that than trying to advance AAS knowledge and safety.

Again, to the OP... I am not aware of one case where this has happened. If this was something that even happened occassionally the community would be aware of it and it would actively come up in posts and threads on every AAS related forum on the internet.

This guy can't point to one person this has been proven to have happened to. Nor can he point out even one study or treatment plan in the medical industry on how to diagnos and or administer a treatment plan for someone who's had crystalized testosterone stay in an injection site post injection.

No smoking gun. No standard protocol for the medical industry to diagnos or treat.

I feel that this has pretty much traversed into the same realm as arguing with flat earthers. And with that.. I'm done wasting anymore of my time on this.

Best of luck to all here.

And fuck these long ass arguments you idiots on here get into constanlty. You ruining it for everyone else. Take some blood pressure meds and chill tf out
Every steroid board is full of people discussing hypotheses using loosely associated studies.

Why? Because no one studies majority of the topics discussed in bodybuilding circles.

The problem these days is people like to dig in and just want to argue. So the end result is usually two people calling each other stupid without ever thinking critically about the topic.

Whether the pip is caused by crystallization or not will likely remain nothing more than a hypothesis. That doesn't mean you can instantly rule it out or say it's the cause.

It's mind blowing that you guys keep claiming something can't happen because it's not directly reported in a study. The whole "evidence based" bodybuilding and training world is based on making assumptions from studies that are somewhat associated with the topic

Also is if the guy is "scared" because PIP could or could not be caused by crystallization doing steroids is probably not going to go well for him mentally.
Ok.. yeah arguing won't do anything good... All I was asking was if it could happen. I read somewhere on meso some people talking about pip and that it could crystalize. I was just inquiring is all. Just learning for knowledge. I'm not having any problems of pip or being afraid of pip. Heck I just learned what pip was the other week. I'm on TRT from the clinic. I doubt I have to worry much about dirty test. Thank you all for your knowledge I did pick a little up from 3 of you I think.
Ok.. yeah arguing won't do anything good... All I was asking was if it could happen. I read somewhere on meso some people talking about pip and that it could crystalize. I was just inquiring is all. Just learning for knowledge. I'm not having any problems of pip or being afraid of pip. Heck I just learned what pip was the other week. I'm on TRT from the clinic. I doubt I have to worry much about dirty test. Thank you all for your knowledge I did pick a little up from 3 of you I think.
As you can see it's a topic people are strangely defensive about. No idea why. I don't know if crystallization is legit just like everyone here. I just think given the information out there the chance is greater than 0.

Whether PIP is caused by crystallization or some other inflammatory mechanism doesn't matter. It's unlikely to ever be studied and the effect is temporary.

You'll experience post injection pain from time to time and the type of compound/concentration greatly influences the chance.

When it happens you'll just have to ride it out and the pain will eventually subside.
The fucking ignorance is absurd.

Oil based IM injections create a oil depot that is slowly leached to the circulation based on individual lipase action. That's why Testosterone Undecanoate in Tea seed oil has a shorter elimination half life than Testosterone Udecanoate in castor oil.

As oil solutions by intramuscular injection, the elimination half-lives of testosterone esters are.............. 20.9 days (in tea seed oil) and 33.9 days (in caster oil) for testosterone undecanoate

As to pip, if administration is spot on and the gear is clean, high concentration with the use of thin oils and not enough solvent to hold the hormone in solution. That's what we call "crystallization". Long esters with low melting points are kept in solution due to the body's temperature, its the propionates usually or cypionates that need significantly higher temps to kept in solution that cause pip.
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The fucking ignorance is absurd.

Oil based IM injections create a oil depot that is slowly leached to the circulation based on individual lipase action. That's why Testosterone Undecanoate in Tea seed oil has a shorter elimination half life than Testosterone Udecanoate in castor oil.

As to pip, if administration is spot on and the gear is clean, high concentration with the use of thin oils and not enough solvent to hold the hormone in solution. That's what we call "crystallization". Long esters with low melting points are kept in solution due to the body's temperature, its the propionates usually or cypionates that need significantly higher temps to kept in solution that cause pip.

But hey, it's much easier to say "show me the study" on something that will never be studied and using that to disprove something.

No scientists is going to study the cause of PIP in higher concentration UGL steroids. It's ludicrous to even ask to see a study on such a topic.

The same people asking for studies have and will continue to use unstudied methods in their administration of illegal PEDs because theory is all you have most of the time.
The fucking ignorance is absurd.

Oil based IM injections create a oil depot that is slowly leached to the circulation based on individual lipase action. That's why Testosterone Undecanoate in Tea seed oil has a shorter elimination half life than Testosterone Udecanoate in castor oil.

As to pip, if administration is spot on and the gear is clean, high concentration with the use of thin oils and not enough solvent to hold the hormone in solution. That's what we call "crystallization". Long esters with low melting points are kept in solution due to the body's temperature, its the propionates usually or cypionates that need significantly higher temps to kept in solution that cause pip.
Which carrier oil do you recommend and at what BA / BB ratio for Test Prop @ 100mg/mL?
Now, all that being said.. I have been at this for over 25 years. I do not know of, or have ever heard of test definitivly crystalizing inside of a muscle belly post injection. And neither does the devil's advocate arguing it can happen.. if he did, he would have referenced it. He can't even find a documented instance of it actually happening. If he could of he would of posted it. Instead he's running circles around it with unrelated studies.

post-injection drug precipitation (PDP)...

Posts 14 to 19.

Nice bullet points here if you skip the papers:

But skipping the papers is why we have folks claiming PDP has never been referenced.
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OP why don’t you just take a really warm shower if anything crystallised you should be fine with just warming up the area but idk what specific compound or carrier oil it is so I’d say try that n if not resterilize n transfer it to a better vial