Quickest Delivery?

Blitz Comet

AnabolicLab.com Supporter
Anyone know what US domestic UGL has the fastest shipping, like 2 day or overnight? Just curious.
If it was me, I would go to a source board an find one I was willing to pull the trigger with. Then simply email him an ask. Good luck bro.
New a guy in college.. could text him and twenty minutes later anytime of the day or night and he'd be at your doorstep with anywhere from a dime to a pound of weed. Typically, weed dealers are the slowest, most complacent folk you'll meet IME. This guy was a unicorn compared to most others I've met.
New a guy in college.. could text him and twenty minutes later anytime of the day or night and he'd be at your doorstep with anywhere from a dime to a pound of weed. Typically, weed dealers are the slowest, most complacent folk you'll meet IME. This guy was a unicorn compared to most others I've met.
Is their anyway I could get you to tex him an have him show up at my door step with a Lb. of bud?????? Bahahaha. We could all get fried an see who can chug a protein shake the fastest;) Now thats my kind of party:cool: Man were gonna get so Wheysted:D:p:D:p
New a guy in college.. could text him and twenty minutes later anytime of the day or night and he'd be at your doorstep with anywhere from a dime to a pound of weed. Typically, weed dealers are the slowest, most complacent folk you'll meet IME. This guy was a unicorn compared to most others I've met.

Thats funny. In college my weedman literally lived at the other end of the hall and I would call or knock on his door. He would say he'd bring it to me and it would take hours because he was using his own product!
Thats funny. In college my weedman literally lived at the other end of the hall and I would call or knock on his door. He would say he'd bring it to me and it would take hours because he was using his own product!
Never get high on your own supply;) Damn weed dealers:D.....I was gonna sale some weed, but then I got high:p:D:cool:
Never get high on your own supply;) Damn weed dealers:D.....I was gonna sale some weed, but then I got high:p:D:cool:

I havent smoked in almost 10 years, but when I did most of the dealers were just smokers trying to make their money back. So they might buy an ounce and sell a few 8ths and dime bags so that they smoke for free and can always buy more.

I wonder what all the dealers are going to do now. Seems like they gotta move to hard drugs with weed being legalized everywhere. I went in a marijuana dispensary for the first time last week. Just to look around. Its crazy they have all that out there and its legal to buy.
I havent smoked in almost 10 years, but when I did most of the dealers were just smokers trying to make their money back. So they might buy an ounce and sell a few 8ths and dime bags so that they smoke for free and can always buy more.

I wonder what all the dealers are going to do now. Seems like they gotta move to hard drugs with weed being legalized everywhere. I went in a marijuana dispensary for the first time last week. Just to look around. Its crazy they have all that out there and its legal to buy.
Damn congrats on 10yrs goin smoke free bro. Lol back when I slang bud, I did the same thing. Gettin high for free hahaha. Then I started growing an selling. I cant grow anymore since I live in an apartment conplex where the land lords have a key an cone an go as they please smh. Man I could imagine the kind of money to be made now days with all this medical floatin aroun for $25 a gram smfdh. Man thats highway robbery. Back when I was selling it was $5 a fuckin gram. We called a gram a damn joint lol. 9 gram quarter's for $45....an this skunky ass green shit we grew was everybit as good as any of this medical floatin aroun now days. Just flips my lid that the street cost of a fuckin joint now days is $25.....Oh how I wished I still grew hahaha. Man just think about it. We could grow 1lb of bud with the cost being $25 for 1G....×that by 453Grams, which is whats in 1lb of bud....an you got yourself a cool $11,325.00 of profit......What I could do with 11Grand;) An jus thunk if your were growing multiple plants at a time $$$$$$$
Thats funny. In college my weedman literally lived at the other end of the hall and I would call or knock on his door. He would say he'd bring it to me and it would take hours because he was using his own product!

Lol yeah other guys I'd hook up with.. they'd drop over about three hours later than they said they would, stoned of course, and complain how they needed more money. o_O
Wish the younger generation just smoked weed hell weed you don't even hear about that anymore really. Its people freaking out on meth and herion sad how times changed