Quingdao Sigma - Raws Testing - Jano


Well-known Member
Qingdao Sigma - Sustanon raw - HPLC- Jano
Qingdao Sigma - Deca raw - HPLC- Jano
Qingdao Sigma - Test Cyp raw - HPLC- Jano


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Thank you for sharing those lab tests so we end up with the rumors of deca raw purity and the reliability of Chinese HPLCs, because now almost all the Chinese HPLC results of our raws match the Janoshik results.
But also the rumors of cheap raws that have proven to be the most qualitative, like paying high or low means absolutely nothing
Thank you for sharing those lab tests so we end up with the rumors of deca raw purity and the reliability of Chinese HPLCs, because now almost all the Chinese HPLC results of our raws match the Janoshik results.
For raws that are actually in the 96%+ purity range there's not much in terms of impurities to miss for chinese HPLC, so obviously the result will be closer to Janoshik's than for raws lower in purity, which chinese HPLC will still measure in the 96%+ purity range no matter the amount of impurities. I've seen raws in the 80's,70's, 40's, even 30% purity range tested by @janoshik test 98% via chinese HPLC.
For raws that are actually in the 96%+ purity range there's not much in terms of impurities to miss for chinese HPLC, so obviously the result will be closer to Janoshik's than for raws lower in purity, which chinese HPLC will still measure in the 96%+ purity range no matter the amount of impurities. I've seen raws in the 80's,70's, 40's, even 30% purity range tested by @janoshik test 98% via chinese HPLC.
Talking only about those I shared and related to our company, I have shared few ones before like deca, primo, EQ, DHB etc.. done by qualified labs in China, looking to see more Jano testings by members in future, especially EQ and DHB.
For all Jano labs I saw of our raws: Test E, Test C, Test P, Sustanon, Tren A, Tren E, Deca, Primo E, Primo A, Mast P, Mast E, Trestolone acetate, Anavar, Dianabol, Proviron, exemestane ... all tested +96% or %98 so it gives a partial idea about the reliability of those HPLCs which seems doing their job, and saving money and also about quality of our raws, one of the best in the market and this forum.
Talking only about those I shared and related to our company, I have shared few ones before like deca, primo, EQ, DHB etc.. done by qualified labs in China, looking to see more Jano testings by members in future, especially EQ and DHB.
For all Jano labs I saw of our raws: Test E, Test C, Test P, Sustanon, Tren A, Tren E, Deca, Primo E, Primo A, Mast P, Mast E, Trestolone acetate, Anavar, Dianabol, Proviron, exemestane ... all tested +96% or %98 so it gives a partial idea about the reliability of those HPLCs which seems doing their job, and saving money and also about quality of our raws, one of the best in the market and this forum.
For those that care about harm reduction, a 'qualified' lab is one that can detect impurities correctly, not one with a wall of stamped certifications that may as well say 'g2g'. Selectively listing raws that tested 96-98%+ while ignoring those that did not seems to be doing your job, a great job a lot of people are saying, the best job on this forum.
For those that care about harm reduction, a 'qualified' lab is one that can detect impurities correctly, not one with a wall of stamped certifications that may as well say 'g2g'. Selectively listing raws that tested 96-98%+ while ignoring those that did not seems to be doing your job, a great job a lot of people are saying, the best job on this forum.
Anadrol 90.75%
As a source I advice you to keep it neutral and stop vetting other sources with the excuse of harm reduction, just an advice.. you ain't selling brocoli and veggies but only harmful illegal steroids, so don't put push the impurity thing and hplc addiction too much..
Calling harm reduction an excuse is exactly the problem with you, and steroids being illegal and thus not subject to regulations and quality control is exactly why I'm pushing 'the impurity thing and hplc addiction'. You know very well that after the cleansing of veterans and the failure to establish a labtesting group, this community lacks the funds and knowledge to vet a chinese source properly. Pushing the narrative that chinese labtesting is reliable is a step backwards, pushing chinese labs to improve their testing facilities and methods is the way forward, as difficult as that may be.
Selling high purity fentanyl doesn't make you a harm reduction drug dealer.
You won't get a liver failure because you are getting 90% anadrol instead of 96%. Those 6% might be more toxic to your liver than those evil impurities.
Pushing the narrative that chinese labs are reliable isn't a step backwards, but a reduction of harm on customers pockets.
Many of you complaning about a missing 5 or 10mg per 1 cc of test, what is your margin error while injecting those? Most of guys here finish their 10cc vial at their 8th injection, doesn't it make it 20% overdosage? Harm reduction narrative from a source it's what we call it political speech..
You guys just forget that you are doing this for bodybuilding purposes to grow not because you are some of lab tests and mg junkies..
You won't get a liver failure because you are getting 90% anadrol instead of 96%. Those 6% might be more toxic to your liver than those evil impurities.
What are you even saying? I wanna hear you say this in a legitimate lab, and see everyone with PhDs fucking laugh their ass off at this statement.

Also people who do this for body building, do need to know the doses of shit going in their body. It's not just fucking throwing shit at a wall and seeing what sticks, and the people who go that route, are usually the ones who end up checking out a bit early.
Selling high purity fentanyl doesn't make you a harm reduction drug dealer.
You won't get a liver failure because you are getting 90% anadrol instead of 96%. Those 6% might be more toxic to your liver than those evil impurities.
Pushing the narrative that chinese labs are reliable isn't a step backwards, but a reduction of harm on customers pockets.
Many of you complaning about a missing 5 or 10mg per 1 cc of test, what is your margin error while injecting those? Most of guys here finish their 10cc vial at their 8th injection, doesn't it make it 20% overdosage? Harm reduction narrative from a source it's what we call it political speech..
You guys just forget that you are doing this for bodybuilding purposes to grow not because you are some of lab tests and mg junkies..
While your example is particularly desperate, selling high purity recreational drugs and testing them for a lack of contamination with fentanyl etc. does qualify one as a harm reduction drug dealer in my book and there is a lot of testing done by the responsible ones in that market as well.

Putting the burden of paying for Janoshik testing onto the customer was your deliberate choice by not offering store credit for the full amount of testing like most other Meso sources do.

Do you think Millard calling this a harm reduction board is political speech as well? You're being deceptive by putting 'bodybuilding purposes' and 'lab tests and mg junkies' on opposite ends, as these are completely compatible.

Lastly, I want to make it clear I'm not speaking against QSC as a company but you specifically, as I've never dealt with them and wouldn't know if they share your position necessarily.
While your example is particularly desperate, selling high purity recreational drugs and testing them for a lack of contamination with fentanyl etc. does qualify one as a harm reduction drug dealer in my book and there is a lot of testing done by the responsible ones in that market as well.

Putting the burden of paying for Janoshik testing onto the customer was your deliberate choice by not offering store credit for the full amount of testing like most other Meso sources do.

Do you think Millard calling this a harm reduction board is political speech as well? You're being deceptive by putting 'bodybuilding purposes' and 'lab tests and mg junkies' on opposite ends, as these are completely compatible.

Lastly, I want to make it clear I'm not speaking against QSC as a company but you specifically, as I've never dealt with them and wouldn't know if they share your position necessarily.

I think my point has been pretty clear.

Where I want to go is that you start using the principle of harm reduction for political and marketing purposes and what I call bullshit is your attempt to establish the permanent link between HPLC and harm reduction.

Whereas in the end, you will have to admit that above all you are a drug dealer, who sells harmful products for his clients, and who simply tries to buy back positive karma to compensate for the negative, like an oilman who plants bamboos and markets its important role in the protection of Koalas or even a factory that buys "the right to pollute" .. to sleep better and well you spend in lab tests when in the end it's only money that counts for a source, and a source is only here to make money.

To achieve your ends, you chose to worship Janoshik, disqualify all aggregated Chinese laboratories in favor of a person who himself never disqualified this labs..
and again it's just the money that counts .. Jano is god because it's the cheapest.

Meso existed before Jano, the principle of harm reduction was not born with Jano and even if the lab tests were overpriced, you would never have done them, as was the case before.. and you all will be blowing the cheapest sources with the biggest number of feelz reports..

So stop taking people for idiots with these stories of harm reduction and link with hplc..
what link?
because here we are debating the impact of 6% impurity?
do you know what this impurity is?
a mouse poop? remains of molecules? heavy metals?
do they appear in your regular reports to Jano of which you are proud thinking that you are doing harm reduction?
When a raw test 79-90% like EQ, did you throw it ib garbage? no.. you brewed with it and you gave it to your customers.. what are thoses impurities? well damn no one knows and it costs a lot of money.. huuum well fuck it, let's talk harm reduction another day..

When you prevent a young person from taking tren on his first cycle, you do harm reduction, when you disappoint people from starting very quickly for B&C, you do harm reduction.., when you help a lost person to get rid of the tits he begins to have of an uncontroled e2 cycle until his gyno disappears, or at best orient him medically there you worry about harm..
when you do an hplc to prove that you have maid 99.8mg/ primo with 100mg target, no you don't do harm reduction, you do marketing..

Those are the harm reduction examples that Millard was talking about and which is logical, when an hplc shows you that source x replaces primo with testo or anavar with dianabol then you are doing harm reduction..

that was the contribution and goal of anaboliclabs, but when you think about doing harm reduction because your raw has tested 5% less or more, that's what we call bullshit, my point is that in your talk of raw impurities and all this political speech, the only harm that exists is well you, dealer of products with short and long term health impacts, so either you accept yourself and you live with it, and face the fact that you are here for money and using Jano as a marketing tool, and try to redeem yourself with these miserable lab tests to be able to sleep better, if that helps you that, good for you, but we have to stop this hypocrisy of thinking that you do harm reduction as much as source, just because you spend money at Jano's and you disqualify all the labs of a country of more than one billion in favor of an underground Czech lab.

Yes Janoshik is competent and I myself have already sent him 12 blind samples, and was able to get the molecule and the concentration out, but at least I admit it's a pure marketing thing I did, it's not because he is the best or the chinese sucks, but it's market requirements, Jano became a ticket to enter here, it's done.. so stop taking him for god and disqualifying all the other laboratories just because you saw some fake CN reports, knowing that even him I've never seen him insinuate or disqualify others and make such stupid generalizations.. Jano is what he is now because he was able to offer the best value for money in the western market..

We can debate it all day if necessary, but it won't lead anywhere, you try to find meaning and ethics in what you do, I'm more realistic and consistent with myself and I don't need to spend a lot to sleep better, I can only say that as a dealer as you, the only harm reduction I can contribute with is on the wallets of my clients.. two different mentalities, learn to respect the other points of view, it will save you from entering into useless confrontations for philosophical debates of conscience..

All sources are just drug dealers, they can spin it how they like with harm reduction etc. if they test the products they are helping out the community. But at the end of the day they are in it to make money.

If a source genuinely believed in harm reduction then go get a proper job and sell all your products at cost price. See how much you believe in harm reduction then
I think my point has been pretty clear.

Where I want to go is that you start using the principle of harm reduction for political and marketing purposes and what I call bullshit is your attempt to establish the permanent link between HPLC and harm reduction.

Whereas in the end, you will have to admit that above all you are a drug dealer, who sells harmful products for his clients, and who simply tries to buy back positive karma to compensate for the negative, like an oilman who plants bamboos and markets its important role in the protection of Koalas or even a factory that buys "the right to pollute" .. to sleep better and well you spend in lab tests when in the end it's only money that counts for a source, and a source is only here to make money.
Yes, I hereby admit to being a performance enhancing drug dealer norwegian forest catgirl. These drugs are necessary for athletes/bodybuilders to achieve certain goals they have dedicated a major part of their lives and health to, and I've dedicated my life to producing these drugs at the highest quality I consider possible, and have a long way to go.
To achieve your ends, you chose to worship Janoshik, disqualify all aggregated Chinese laboratories in favor of a person who himself never disqualified this labs..
and again it's just the money that counts .. Jano is god because it's the cheapest.

Meso existed before Jano, the principle of harm reduction was not born with Jano and even if the lab tests were overpriced, you would never have done them, as was the case before.. and you all will be blowing the cheapest sources with the biggest number of feelz reports..
I chose Janoshik because not even the best chinese labs offer the selection of testing options nor precision of testing equipment, neither will they explain to me what I'm looking at in case I don't understand the results, which I greatly depend on. I don't want to speak for @janoshik but if you've never read his comments regarding chinese lab testing capabilities, you must be new here. I don't care about his prices and have repeatedly told him to take more money, and paying double for rush testing can be a blessing.

So stop taking people for idiots with these stories of harm reduction and link with hplc..
what link?
because here we are debating the impact of 6% impurity?
do you know what this impurity is?
a mouse poop? remains of molecules? heavy metals?
do they appear in your regular reports to Jano of which you are proud thinking that you are doing harm reduction?
When a raw test 79-90% like EQ, did you throw it ib garbage? no.. you brewed with it and you gave it to your customers.. what are thoses impurities? well damn no one knows and it costs a lot of money.. huuum well fuck it, let's talk harm reduction another day..
Do you think decent sources don't ask Janoshik for further GCMS testing for these impurities when HPLC returns a worrisome purity result? It's telling that you're ignorant of the extra options at the bottom of his price list, as you'd never pay up for them.
Jano is what he is now because he was able to offer the best value for money in the western market..
You seem incapable of perceiving a world beyond wallets. When the day comes that you've fallen seriously ill on your very expensive bed, you may finally understand why it is said that health is priceless, as you'll not be able to buy that back.


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