Rad 140 and blood work


So I upped my trt from 200mg week. Not 360 mg to try a small blast. Using what I had stock piled. My estrogen always ran high 60’s on this dose with no symptoms. After 6 weeks. My blood pressure was good ish. So 7 days added 5 mg rad 140. Now I’m regretting not getting labs done. I’m 47 so this will probably be my only blast. Which is why I didn’t draw labs
Now out of curiosity I regret not getting g labs before the rad 140. If I was still to get T free T and estro does anyone know how if the Rad 140 would effect my labs much? What would you do?
Appreciate the intellectual response. I feel no side effects. Which is why I was up in the air about getting them. I can easily afford them . It was more of a question of how accurate would the results be on 360mg not that I to the rad 140.
Appreciate the intellectual response. I feel no side effects. Which is why I was up in the air about getting them. I can easily afford them . It was more of a question of how accurate would the results be on 360mg not that I to the rad 140.

Get the labs imo.

I understand your true concern is about how Rad 140 may influence your lab work, but get the labs anyway even if no one gives you an answer about Rad 140.

Maybe you can be the one to answer the question with future lab work.
So I upped my trt from 200mg week. Not 360 mg to try a small blast. Using what I had stock piled. My estrogen always ran high 60’s on this dose with no symptoms. After 6 weeks. My blood pressure was good ish. So 7 days added 5 mg rad 140. Now I’m regretting not getting labs done. I’m 47 so this will probably be my only blast. Which is why I didn’t draw labs
Now out of curiosity I regret not getting g labs before the rad 140. If I was still to get T free T and estro does anyone know how if the Rad 140 would effect my labs much? What would you do?

I haven't seen any evidence to suggest Rad 140 will radically alter blood test results. Safe to get your labs now.
Rad 140 will not effect your lab work other than elevating liver enzymes.

It also won't do much outside of your bloodwork either, except make you look like a jackass for using a SARMs in the first place.
Rad 140 will not effect your lab work other than elevating liver enzymes.

It also won't do much outside of your bloodwork either, except make you look like a jackass for using a SARMs in the first place.

Mixed findings on liver enzymes in the literature: Eg, Abstract P5-11-01 : Phase 1 dose escalation study of a novel selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM), RAD140, in estrogen receptor positive (ER+), human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 negative (HER2-), metastatic breast cancer
Drug-Induced Liver Injury by Selective Androgenic Receptor Modulators - PubMed