Raloxifene question and other advice


New Member
Hello, so I just started using Raloxifene at 60mg 3 days ago for mildish pubertal gyno and I'm feeling fine so far. So a few questions I have are as follows: Continue with 60mg or go high, should I taper off to avoid rebound gyno, and can I start my first cycle concurrently while running Ralox? On a side note, people claim Ralox or Nolva can make the blood thicker and I am also using BPC/TB which members claim thickens the blood as well. Are these worth even being worried about, and would simple hematocrit tests be enough for assurance? Thanks guys
Hello, so I just started using Raloxifene at 60mg 3 days ago for mildish pubertal gyno and I'm feeling fine so far. So a few questions I have are as follows: Continue with 60mg or go high, should I taper off to avoid rebound gyno, and can I start my first cycle concurrently while running Ralox? On a side note, people claim Ralox or Nolva can make the blood thicker and I am also using BPC/TB which members claim thickens the blood as well. Are these worth even being worried about, and would simple hematocrit tests be enough for assurance? Thanks guys
Stay at 60mg and use an AI until it shrinks to a level you're happy with.

Like mine, surgery is the only way to get rid of it unfortunately, but i do occasional nolvadex+letrozole blasts when it starts acting up to fix the issue and shrink it.

Will be giving ralo a try soon though, heard good things about it. Want to see how it compares to nolvadex.

Can't comment on the blood thickening aspect, would be the first I've heard of it