Rambling rant on testosterone tolerance

Hi everyone, this is long-winded so grab a drink!

Started doc prescribed trt this past winter. Felt good on empower test no bad sides. Tried india pharma test cyp from a meso source and also felt great. Bloodwork came back similar to empower. My wife and family were complimenting me on how much i was accomplishing. I have been plowing through my honey do list and rocking at work. Still working on getting in shape to run first cycle, but making steady progress.

I ordered from Pharmaqo a while back, which was not great, but eventually received stuff. First and last Pharmaqo order. Started July with Pharmaqo test cyp 200 and within two-three weeks I was becoming a grumpy prick and libido was off the charts. I was in a huge fight with my wife about not having enough intimacy and even gave her an ultimatum almost leading to separation. She suggested that we were fine and my issues may be getting exacerbated by my trt. Of course I said that's not possible because I had just lowered my test dose by 10%. Fortunately my wife talked me down and we made up. Shes the best, but after that, the sexual urges and perverted thoughts made it almost impossible to think around her. Maybe i had a breakdown and just dont know how to recognize it. This is not like me, and i knew that the thoughts i was having were not the typical things that would go through my head. This past week I saw a test result posted on Pharmaqo test and it was overdosed by 20%. I have no way that I'm aware of to know if my test was from this batch or not, but if it was similarly off perhaps this change could account for my mood changes. I last injected that 5 days ago and am already returning to normal. I'm still extra horny but I at least have some self control again. Mood is better already too.

Bloodwork is coming up in two weeks for trt, but likely too late for getting any data on the above issue. Perhaps I just reached my ceiling for testosterone or maybe had high estrogen.

Have any of you experienced this sort of thing and was it related to high estrogen or just too much test? I really doubt it was a different compound, but I wouldn't know if it was. The dose I was aiming for with pharmaqo was 220mg/wk. I was previously at 240mg/wk. 20% over would have me around 270mg/wk. Any feedback would be appreciated!
I'm guessing you're fat. Bodyfat plus testosterone equals higher e2 conversion.

Also it sounds like you may have mental health problems. 270mg of testosterone doesn't do anything to anybody who is of healthy mind. That's barely TRT. It doesn't cause arguments, aggression, mental breakdowns. Anything you're describing.

I don't understand why fat people think steroids are a cure-all to their lack of discipline in their lives. From how you worded your question, you don't even workout.

You didn't even test the product you purchased so how would we know if you don't know?
I'm guessing you're fat. Bodyfat plus testosterone equals higher e2 conversion.

Also it sounds like you may have mental health problems. 270mg of testosterone doesn't do anything to anybody who is of healthy mind. That's barely TRT. It doesn't cause arguments, aggression, mental breakdowns. Anything you're describing.

I don't understand why fat people think steroids are a cure-all to their lack of discipline in their lives. From how you worded your question, you don't even workout.

You didn't even test the product you purchased so how would we know if you don't know?
Thanks for your reply @5scoops although I think you misread a good bit of my post.

Yes, I'm still a little overweight, hence why I am waiting to cycle until I get to a low enough bodyfat percentage. Im accomplishing this by being disciplined. This is trt as i mentioned in my post. I haven't personally ever experienced high estrogen or intentionally been on that high of testosterone dose. My intention was to lower it from 240mg to 220mg/wk. It has not escaped me that many guys use multiple grams of test on a cycle so 270mg isnt shit. Hence why i thought my experience was abnormal and made my post. I had zero problems until I switched brands. I don't think if you knew me you would say I'm lacking discipline either. Ive never had mental problems and generally excel at things i do. It did occur to me that maybe i have had some kind of breakdown as ive been pushing myself pretty hard. It wouldnt explain that within a week of switching back to a previous brand of test, all this went away. I was hoping that maybe someone had similar experience that could offer some insight. Rather than suggest I'm a fat, lazy, and don't work out. I'm no expert on this stuff, hence why I'm here.
Maybe you should try a real TRT dose like 150 mg week. If over 200 is messing with ya. And yes the fatter you are the more problems you're going to run into with e2, BP. You don't t need over 200 for TRT .
Maybe you should try a real TRT dose like 150 mg week. If over 200 is messing with ya. And yes the fatter you are the more problems you're going to run into with e2, BP. You don't t need over 200 for TRT .
Thanks. 240mg/wk was fine. No problems whatsoever. Blood markers and BP were steadily improving at that dose as well. It wasn't a problem until I switched brands. As mentioned in original post. I lowered it from 240 to 220 to see how it would feel. After switching, I had some other odd sides as well like rediculous large loads that shoot across the room and random boners all the time too. This along with everything i mentioned above had me wondering if i could have gotten something either overdosed or a different compound altogether. Both pharma brands i used had none of these side effects. I guess in the future I'll send out any ugl stuff for testing or make sure I'm getting it from a better source.
Does the "test" you're using have an amber or golden color to it? Just asking..............
This is interesting. I don't know for sure if there is a connection but coincidentally, I also had an increase in sex drive like you described, and it started after I started using Pharmaqo Test E. And I also had priapism for a few weeks. Then, I switched my product to test C from another brand, just to experiment, and my sex drive reduced and the priapism went away.

If I try the Pharmaqo Test E again and these symptoms come back, then I will report back. But what could the cause be? Better Pharmaqo raws? Contamination? Are there actually differences among various testosterone preparations? I always assumed testosterone was testosterone, but that was an assumption I made with no real understanding or information to prove that. Either way, besides the priapism (I had to jog in place vigorously for like a half an hour every morning to make it reduce or go away) it was kind of cool, but also it became too much after a few weeks, but it is also something I want to be able to feel again when I want too. So it isn't negative.
Hi everyone, this is long-winded so grab a drink!

Started doc prescribed trt this past winter. Felt good on empower test no bad sides. Tried india pharma test cyp from a meso source and also felt great. Bloodwork came back similar to empower. My wife and family were complimenting me on how much i was accomplishing. I have been plowing through my honey do list and rocking at work. Still working on getting in shape to run first cycle, but making steady progress.

I ordered from Pharmaqo a while back, which was not great, but eventually received stuff. First and last Pharmaqo order. Started July with Pharmaqo test cyp 200 and within two-three weeks I was becoming a grumpy prick and libido was off the charts. I was in a huge fight with my wife about not having enough intimacy and even gave her an ultimatum almost leading to separation. She suggested that we were fine and my issues may be getting exacerbated by my trt. Of course I said that's not possible because I had just lowered my test dose by 10%. Fortunately my wife talked me down and we made up. Shes the best, but after that, the sexual urges and perverted thoughts made it almost impossible to think around her. Maybe i had a breakdown and just dont know how to recognize it. This is not like me, and i knew that the thoughts i was having were not the typical things that would go through my head. This past week I saw a test result posted on Pharmaqo test and it was overdosed by 20%. I have no way that I'm aware of to know if my test was from this batch or not, but if it was similarly off perhaps this change could account for my mood changes. I last injected that 5 days ago and am already returning to normal. I'm still extra horny but I at least have some self control again. Mood is better already too.

Bloodwork is coming up in two weeks for trt, but likely too late for getting any data on the above issue. Perhaps I just reached my ceiling for testosterone or maybe had high estrogen.

Have any of you experienced this sort of thing and was it related to high estrogen or just too much test? I really doubt it was a different compound, but I wouldn't know if it was. The dose I was aiming for with pharmaqo was 220mg/wk. I was previously at 240mg/wk. 20% over would have me around 270mg/wk. Any feedback would be appreciated!

First of, this is not a trt forum, try excelmale for that. Secondly, 220 is just simply not trt. That's way high and into supra physiological territory (unless you're somehow surprisingly around 600 - 700 ngdl?). Trt is 500 to 700 ngdl, you should feel NORMAL, and not super extra motivated, horny, nothing, just normal. Trt is "creating normalcy". A prolonged exposure to non physiological levels of androgens, when the "honeymoon" period ends, bring a slew of issues, much of which you are seemingly going thru or have went thru. There is nothing wrong with you and if you don't tolerate supra high levels, there is really no discussion to be had around yadayada high estrogen, etc., to put it really simply; you are on a steroid cycle and expecting nothing to change and to feel normal. Ofc all of this is assuming your levels are actually too high.

Levels 12 - 24h after your last pin,should be around 700 ng dl (presuming a 2x week pinning schedule) and around 500 ngdl 3.5 days later assuming test c is being used.

It is not only a problem with higher dosage, you must also account that time passed under a high androgen load also matters a lot. You might be anxiety/aggression/depression/cognitive (IQ) issues free for the first couple of months, but as time goes by, issues start to present them self due to neurological taxation and subsequent brain physiological changes that high a high androgen load is causing.

What are your levels and why haven't you shared this seemingly most important information?


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