Random abdominal pain on cycle


Well-known Member
So I’m on week 7 of my cycle
250/300/450 test e , npp, mast p

4 weeks ago I added 40mg of Var.

Last Friday started to get random abdominal pain which is very discomfort and annoying, I would assume it’s from the Var as I didn’t change anything in my diet.

Anyone can relate from past experiences?
I would when I wouldn’t drink enough water with the var.

My digestion would slow way down. Which I assumed was causing the discomfort
I’m keeping track on water which is weird as fuck.

Plus it’s random pain and bloat that comes from nowhere, like this morning I took 20mg of Var and went to the gym (I split it into morning/evening) all was fine and then after noon I started to get bloated and get abdominal pain again
More than likely the var. It has a tendency to make my stomach feel full sometimes when I take it. No pain though, just a full feeling, which makes it hard to eat at times.