
New Member
Hi guys, just very briefly - I have inflamed patellar tendons on my both knees and an impinged shoulder. As you can imagine, it's extremely frustrating, because I can't properly train upper body nor my lower body.

My main problem that's preventing me from moving forward are the knees. I am looking to fix this and I would like to do so in 2 months or less. I was thinking about the following:

21 day ALFLUTOP treatment or 8 weeks of BPC-157.

I would further supplement this with Glucosamine, Chondroitine, MSM & Omega 3.

Have you had any experience with either of these? Can you please give me some advice on which one should I go with? (alflutop or peptide)

My goal is to be able to go back to boxing 2 months from now + at least be able to do some light squats, deadlifts, etc...

Let me know your thoughts. Thanks!

P.S.: I have looked into TB-500 as well but I will not go with that one because of the risks associated with it.