Raw materials stop production in china

hes also been here for 1 year.

I think most would agree that you, @B Ware are one of the most respected guys here, youve been here for a good while, with a long history of good posts and contributions.

2,276 total posts.

Ghoul 8,200 posts.
or an average of nearly 23 posts each and every day.

unfortunately with the influx of all the GLP1 addicted jackasses that dont know how to diet to save their lives and the slobbering shills drooling over bargain bin chinese sources, this guy is right at home in the new meso

What’s comical is read Ghoul’s post above where he displays his true character and you get to see the side without ChatGPT. There is no in between with him. He’s either commenting on anything and everything that he knows very little to nothing about with great detail and visual graphs or he’s very child like.

I never really cared when members made fun of him for using ChatGPT A LOT but I can’t help but laugh at how child like he is without it and when he is obviously using it.

FYI… I have some primo raws in route from two different vendors. I previously wrote in this thread that I had inquired about the status of primoE raws from several vendors. Well, they all hit me up saying it was available so I snagged a bit and will be testing it.
What’s comical is read Ghoul’s post above where he displays his true character and you get to see the side without ChatGPT. There is no in between with him. He’s either commenting on anything and everything that he knows very little to nothing about with great detail and visual graphs or he’s very child like.

I never really cared when members made fun of him for using ChatGPT A LOT but I can’t help but laugh at how child like he is without it and when he is obviously using it.

FYI… I have some primo raws in route from two different vendors. I previously wrote in this thread that I had inquired about the status of primoE raws from several vendors. Well, they all hit me up saying it was available so I snagged a bit and will be testing it.
Nice! Man I saw the prices were like 13k+ for a kilo. So glad my body doesn't like primo
Nice! Man I saw the prices were like 13k+ for a kilo. So glad my body doesn't like primo

From what I gather it depends on the vendor. They seem to have all acquired this batch from the same factory but each vendor was only allowed so much. The long standing well known vendors were able to obtain more and their prices were cheaper. I went with one of them and their price was $9500 a kg. Then another smaller and newer vendor hit me back a few days ago stating they had some but it was priced at $13k a kg. I’ve even heard stories of a few vendors selling it for higher than that.

Definitely a bit unsettling purchasing primo as not only is it 30% more or so expensive than previously but for me I’m more worried if it will make it stateside.
What’s comical is read Ghoul’s post above where he displays his true character and you get to see the side without ChatGPT. There is no in between with him. He’s either commenting on anything and everything that he knows very little to nothing about with great detail and visual graphs or he’s very child like.

I never really cared when members made fun of him for using ChatGPT A LOT but I can’t help but laugh at how child like he is without it and when he is obviously using it.

FYI… I have some primo raws in route from two different vendors. I previously wrote in this thread that I had inquired about the status of primoE raws from several vendors. Well, they all hit me up saying it was available so I snagged a bit and will be testing it.
Did you get lucky with it being domestic getting stuff through state side is hard right now
From what I gather it depends on the vendor. They seem to have all acquired this batch from the same factory but each vendor was only allowed so much. The long standing well known vendors were able to obtain more and their prices were cheaper. I went with one of them and their price was $9500 a kg. Then another smaller and newer vendor hit me back a few days ago stating they had some but it was priced at $13k a kg. I’ve even heard stories of a few vendors selling it for higher than that.

Definitely a bit unsettling purchasing primo as not only is it 30% more or so expensive than previously but for me I’m more worried if it will make it stateside.
guess ill go with poor mans primo instead.
eq is the way to go
Been brewing Test/Deca/Tren all different cycles for over 10 years. Capping my own raw viagra, depox. Now at 48 yrs old just brewing test on more of a TRT cycle. Used Tracy for the longest time to get my raws. Now can't even find raw viagra to help my old butt out. Hoping things change soo
Been brewing Test/Deca/Tren all different cycles for over 10 years. Capping my own raw viagra, depox. Now at 48 yrs old just brewing test on more of a TRT cycle. Used Tracy for the longest time to get my raws. Now can't even find raw viagra to help my old butt out. Hoping things change soo
Hey man I got a grip of raw viagra and cialis if you wanna trade for something