Readalots Enhanced Testing

Robot Wtf GIF
I’m not calling you an arsehole myself here

Up to you Brother. I wouldn't have got this far being a pushover. Nothing takes the place of persistence.

I want to keep SPAMMING every 10 posts for E.T. to die. I am all for the occasional offtopic, I am part of it.
I can understand your POV on this and now that we've got some progress after breaking through the typical BS gauntlet I will scale back. We have options now so people can decide.
There are already a couple of sources that are going with that, all parties interested should purchase their gear there.
Agreed. If folks don't vote with their wallet and take the time to keep this effort alive I will shut my trap. I'd be a fool otherwise and a spammer at that point. You know and I know there is work to be done to break free from status quo.

Unless the ultimate end goal is exactly that: drive vendor threads to the gutter in order to promote certain "E.T. approved" sources like P.M. has its "Guaranteed Sponsor" tag and other boards. Hell, make some mods that shit on anyone that dare to question anything on the "E.T. approved" sources thread and we end up like every other board out there.
I would never support this and Millard has specifically warned me about this morphing into a marketing gimmick. I agree with you here we don't want to end up right back in a bizarro PM world where thou must kiss the ring. But I did have to push to get another option daylighted. We will see if others will now put in the work and $$ to grow it and refine the requirements/standards.

He knows what hitting ignore on someone like Readalot means.

Perceptive comment. Many have claimed they would. They always seem to come back.

Interested Peeping Tom GIF

Many have stated they want improvements and another option. Let's see who is willing to put in the work. At this point reactions to posts aren't going to cut it.

@Ghoul I've sent an email to Janoshik requesting SOP for endotoxin assay. I've also asked Janoshik about what he can offer on the additional HPLC runs to chase down the -ene question. I'll post up a community challenge to help source the reference standard we need.

In the meantime I've taken this as far as i can without more community involvement. So if you want to get involved then this is the time. If crickets, then I'll zip it. If you have been lurking this is the chance to hear from you and how you are willing to support "ET" vendor options.
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If this is you scaling back, I wanna see you rev up. That is textbook offtopic, self masturbatory, spam.

Come on, stop this.
He is being reasonable and showing good will. Fair.

Things often change with people, they way they show themselves to you, the way you think about them.
You haven't given him a chance for this to happen.
All this has been a lot of heated stuff.
Give it a little time to settle into something more balanced?

Come on, stop this.
He is being reasonable and showing good will. Fair.

Things often change with people, they way they show themselves to you, the way you think about them.
You haven't given him a chance for this to happen.
All this has been a lot of heated stuff.
Give it a little time to settle into something more balanced?

Chiquita, let grandpa play a bit, will 'ya?
At least you don't have to keep asking Liter O Test about the bad faith. You've got prima facie and then some at this point.

Man, I have written many messages to Senor Narta today, when I never do, unless absolutely necessary.
9 times out of 10 I mention him and don't tag him.
So, i see it as his way to tell me to shut up, basically, lol.
He's had enough of me for the next few months, minimum.

(Yo, Narta, viceversa also true).

You see, he has not been back for more fun with Readalot.
And so...
i've tried to put people on ignore , but i'm a "PEEKER" , because they "might say something useful " and i might learn something,,,, so I don't ignore anyone,,,, it's frustrating at times,,,,
I have never put anyone on ignore. Words on a screen in a steroid forum just simply can never be that offensive to me.

Annoying? Maybe, but like you said even the ones that can annoy me throw in a pretty useful nugget here and there.
@readalot Have you considered making a consolidated list of all the manufacturers that have complied thus far? I know you've posted something similar in the past. This is just a suggestion, but I would also add a separate list of manufacturers who refuse to perform enhanced testing, potentially a list of *maybes*. Two (or three) simple lists, those in compliance with listed tests they've done, and those who refuse to perform ET. Once you've made contact with a seller and they refuse, leave the thread alone and let them continue their "business". I think this is where most people have issues.

While you know I agree with your message, I genuinely don't think every interaction directed towards you warrants a response. This goes both ways though, as your detractors needn't respond to every single message of yours either.