Recently,some steroids companies in Qingdao and Xianju has been crackdown ?

Your question is incorrect. You are asking have CHEMICAL COMAPNIES been cracked down on, not STEROID as China has no steroid companies.

But Yes. There are many articles on International Business Forums in Asia all about it. These efforts reflect China's increasing focus on regulating its chemical industry, both to prevent industrial accidents and to combat the illegal drug trade, particularly the global fentanyl crisis.

They view all the products we order are 100% OK to produce and sell. The products listed here are all normal things for a chemical company to sell. The articles and the inspections taking place are about FENTANYL.
Your question is incorrect. You are asking have CHEMICAL COMAPNIES been cracked down on, not STEROID as China has no steroid companies.

But Yes. There are many articles on International Business Forums in Asia all about it. These efforts reflect China's increasing focus on regulating its chemical industry, both to prevent industrial accidents and to combat the illegal drug trade, particularly the global fentanyl crisis.

They view all the products we order are 100% OK to produce and sell. The products listed here are all normal things for a chemical company to sell. The articles and the inspections taking place are about FENTANYL.
If anything I think they are going after them just for looks. Like yea rest of the world we are trying to do something about this problem lol.

The whole fentanyl thing is just to good of a tool or some subversive act of war. For china to pass up on, and you see how active china is in mexico and Central America especially the last few years suspiciously around the same time as the fentanyl crisis.

Look how many military age Americans fentanyl has taken out or turned into useless bums. We are already way smaller than china and needed those numbers. I never heard of anyone dropping dead from Vicodin or oxy
or even morphine back in the day.

But who know or cares, I love the cheap products lol.
We are already way smaller than china

The number of troops either country has at their disposal will make very little difference in a military conflict with China. China relies heavily on imports for energy and food production. If a conflict were to kick off, their navy would be obliterated within a week and any inbound shipping would be cutoff. From there it's a waiting game until the famines begin.