Floaters in gear, what are they? What CAN they be? Ways to deal with them?

for me my angle is not them getting busted, I dont wish incarceration on my worst enemy.
Mine is just how goofy the little qsc buddy buddy field trip freakin meet and greet looked. Just down right sus and not nessisary.i doubt it even happened. That would be like me and u meeting up for a workout and we filmed it and posted it here on meso lol.

I think most of us can agree on this. But dont mind me I'm just board and kinda out of it right now I'm home with covid for the 3rd time.
Hahaha for sure, imagine making a Meso cookout, bring your own peptide boys lmao.
for me my angle is not them getting busted, I dont wish incarceration on my worst enemy.
Mine is just how goofy the little qsc buddy buddy field trip freakin meet and greet looked. Just down right sus and not nessisary.i doubt it even happened. That would be like me and u meeting up for a workout and we filmed it and posted it here on meso lol.

I think most of us can agree on this. But dont mind me I'm just board and kinda out of it right now I'm home with covid for the 3rd time.
I remember reading Tracy's chronicle of the day they met.
The strangest thing is that they actually advertised it.
If Janoshik were to make some shady dealing with Mr Tracy, it doesn't make any sense they would let anyone know they met.
I like to think that Janoshik is an honourable man, but I have read somewhere on Meso he was accused about something by a few members (don't know what, exactly).
But from what I have seen, he is responsive and has good customer service, shares knowledge with members and is always approachable.
I imagine the financial outlay to set up a lab like his must have been considerable.
He may have recouped it 10 times over, but I doubt he would willingly risk compromising his business and reputation.
You are right, though, saying that the whole shebang being portrayed here was odd. It was Qsc that posted about it, in the first place.
Didn't they think people would have perceived it as a conflict of interest?

When I read that Tracy was there because he was interested in seeing how the lab works, it reminded me of a wealthy Chinese woman I used to work, for years ago.
She used to get various things made where I am based, by small or independent producers/designers.
Periodically, she would send a few of her minions from China, to meet them.
They would visit their production premises, take pictures, ask questions, get materials and freebies. Lots of dinners paid by the Chinese.
Then a few months down the line, i would discover she was getting those same items produced for her in China, at a fraction of the cost.
Maybe Mr Tracy wants to open his own lab, somewhere, or get one open on behalf of someone else. Who knows.
I remember reading Tracy's chronicle of the day they met.
The strangest thing is that they actually advertised it.
If Janoshik were to make some shady dealing with Mr Tracy, it doesn't make any sense they would let anyone know they met.
I like to think that Janoshik is an honourable man, but I have read somewhere on Meso he was accused about something by a few members (don't know what, exactly).
But from what I have seen, he is responsive and has good customer service, shares knowledge with members and is always approachable.
I imagine the financial outlay to set up a lab like his must have been considerable.
He may have recouped it 10 times over, but I doubt he would willingly risk compromising his business and reputation.
You are right, though, saying that the whole shebang being portrayed here was odd. It was Qsc that posted about it, in the first place.
Didn't they think people would have perceived it as a conflict of interest?

When I read that Tracy was there because he was interested in seeing how the lab works, it reminded me of a wealthy Chinese woman I used to work, for years ago.
She used to get various things made where I am based, by small or independent producers/designers.
Periodically, she would send a few of her minions from China, to meet them.
They would visit their production premises, take pictures, ask questions, get materials and freebies. Lots of dinners paid by the Chinese.
Then a few months down the line, i would discover she was getting those same items produced for her in China, at a fraction of the cost.
Maybe Mr Tracy wants to open his own lab, somewhere, or get one open on behalf of someone else. Who knows.
I read the argument against Janoshik and tbh nothing made sense about it, but Janoshik apologized in the end… we all make mistakes.

The biggest thing you gotta watch out for with Janoshik is he has a tendency to tell it like it is and come across as a dick if you’re new to communicating with him. He isn’t afraid to disagree with anyone.

I don’t think they are making backroom deals… he exposed some problems with product from QSC very recently. He doesn’t care what anyone thinks about him, and he will continue to produce quality work even if it pisses you off.

Having Janoshik here working with QSC to make sure their shit is valid is very helpful to a lot of us in reducing harm. We should still hold everyone accountable for everything they do wrong.
I read the argument against Janoshik and tbh nothing made sense about it, but Janoshik apologized in the end… we all make mistakes.

The biggest thing you gotta watch out for with Janoshik is he has a tendency to tell it like it is and come across as a dick if you’re new to communicating with him. He isn’t afraid to disagree with anyone.

I don’t think they are making backroom deals… he exposed some problems with product from QSC very recently. He doesn’t care what anyone thinks about him, and he will continue to produce quality work even if it pisses you off.

Having Janoshik here working with QSC to make sure their shit is valid is very helpful to a lot of us in reducing harm. We should still hold everyone accountable for everything they do wrong.
I agree, I was just saying the conspiracy theories about their meeting are, on the one hand, justified because of how it was all presented.
On the other hand, do I believe Janoshik made a pact with the devil?
Not really. He may make mistakes, like everyone may do at work or dealing with people, but I wouldn't question his integrity.
Unless we are given reasons to, obviously.
The biggest thing you gotta watch out for with Janoshik is he has a tendency to tell it like it is and come across as a dick if you’re new to communicating with him. He isn’t afraid to disagree with anyone.
That's putting it plainly. The guy makes my skin crawl, personally. He's the only person on my ignore list on this forum.
Give that thread about his scam a read through if you want to get a good picture of who that guy is. If you aren't ready to vomit by the end of it then maybe he's the right guy for you.
That's putting it plainly. The guy makes my skin crawl, personally. He's the only person on my ignore list on this forum.
Give that thread about his scam a read through if you want to get a good picture of who that guy is. If you aren't ready to vomit by the end of it then maybe he's the right guy for you.
Oh wow. So you got to know about this when it happened?
I only saw a few comments; like I said I don't know the reasons behind the argument
Oh wow. So you got to know about this when it happened?
I only saw a few comments; like I said I don't know the reasons behind the argument
Nah I came into it last year at some point. It happened 7 years ago or something like that. The thread is still active though. It wouldn't be if Jano wasn't such a dismissive little slut. People have a lot harder time forgiving someone who acts the way he does. That's a concept he can't seem to grasp.
That's putting it plainly. The guy makes my skin crawl, personally. He's the only person on my ignore list on this forum.
Give that thread about his scam a read through if you want to get a good picture of who that guy is. If you aren't ready to vomit by the end of it then maybe he's the right guy for you.
Thats the only thing that got me too. What makes it more believable is the members involved were well respected vets. I'm a little bias i guess because I just dont like sales people much and I trust respected members input more than I do someone that is making money off me.
So you got covid @laclark89 ?
How are you feeling?
Just in time for the holidays, huh?
Yea thanks for asking, my 3rd freakin time.

My kids got me sick so now my whole house is. It's weird my kids never got the vax and they bairly get sick from covid just some alergy like symptoms. Me and my wife got the vax and it hits us pretty hard still. Another conspiracy of mine lol.

But I'm cool first few days it was rough dident wana get out of bed for shit. I'm alot better today just feeling a little out of it.

But yea we all have 4 days weekends so it did through a big wrench in my plans. I'm still gana bbq and light off fire works,.mabe have a few shots to sweat the rest of this sickness out lol.
Nah I came into it last year at some point. It happened 7 years ago or something like that. The thread is still active though. It wouldn't be if Jano wasn't such a dismissive little slut. People have a lot harder time forgiving someone who acts the way he does. That's a concept he can't seem to grasp.
Thanks. I'll see if I can find it and understand what happened.
Yes, I have seen that he can be very direct and blunt but, tbh, so am I so I couldn't possibly criticise someone else for being like that...
Thats the only thing that got me too. What makes it more believable is the members involved were well respected vets. I'm a little bias i guess because I just dont like sales people much and I trust respected members input more than I do someone that is making money off me.

Yea thanks for asking, my 3rd freakin time.

My kids got me sick so now my whole house is. It's weird my kids never got the vax and they bairly get sick from covid just some alergy like symptoms. Me and my wife got the vax and it hits us pretty hard still. Another conspiracy of mine lol.

But I'm cool first few days it was rough dident wana get out of bed for shit. I'm alot better today just feeling a little out of it.

But yea we all have 4 days weekends so it did through a big wrench in my plans. I'm still gana bbq and light off fire works,.mabe have a few shots to sweat the rest of this sickness out lol.
Oh no, 3 times?!
They did say that it doesn't affect children, much.
Good for them but to know this crap is still around is a pita.
That bbq will perk you up, all right. It will be fabulous.
Your food pictures on that thread always look yummy.
Sorry to hear your wife is unwell, too.
I was about to ask you if she put you in isolation and was wearing a hazmat suit but no...
Wish you and your family a good independence day and to get well, quickly
Oh no, 3 times?!
They did say that it doesn't affect children, much.
Good for them but to know this crap is still around is a pita.
That bbq will perk you up, all right. It will be fabulous.
Your food pictures on that thread always look yummy.
Sorry to hear your wife is unwell, too.
I was about to ask you if she put you in isolation and was wearing a hazmat suit but no...
Wish you and your family a good independence day and to get well, quick
Yea kids are resilient little terds lol.
I know it's crazy 4 years later. It's not going anywhere.
Yea last time I had it she made me quarantine in my room alone with a bottle of lysol and she would leave food and drinks at the door for me and she still ended up sick.

Thanks I love to cook its kinda my thing. The bbq will perk me up for sure.

Thanks for the regards and u have a good 1 aswell.
Damn u guys are getting me in this lol.

I dident know where jano was from but, now that I look they tax over 20% u think hes paying taxes on all those samples. Mabe hes in a gray area I'm not a internation law lawer. But he has been busted out even by some elite members here for straight up lieing and stealing, with messages to prove it. U know what they say f me once shame on u f me twice shame on me.

As far as china, some sources even manufacturers of gear and raws have been gone after by the us and busted, possibly because what decaln said they weren't paying enough $ to the political party or local officials or what ever.
Stop reaching, and nobody cares you were “locked up” just hurts your bullshit stories more
Stop reaching, and nobody cares you were “locked up” just hurts your bullshit stories more
What are u even talking about? No one even likes u here. U always have some catty ass little bitch shit to say to people , nothing good or positive Ur one of those dudes who's feels tough behind a key board, its pitiful.

I'm the nicest guy in the world untill I'm not.
You would never talk to me like that in person.


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