Dracorex Labs - Canada Domestic

If you want,, I can photo shop some lab analysis reports for you if you like?
Would that make you happy? I'm pretty sure you wouldn't be able to tell the difference from the real thing.
I could of done that from the get go,, but chose not to,, because,, if caught,, my reputation and Dracorex reputation would be tarnished.

Also,, I'll turn down your offer of $500 in bitcoin. If you want to form your own opinions and etched them in stone,, as you seem to of done in paragraph 1, then so be it.
Now,, let me make an offer to you. How about you try a combo of Dracorex tren ace and superdrol for three weeks and tell me if your not cut or massive after that time. If your neither one,, then let me know and I will see what I can do for you. Buy, likely, that won't be the case
Listen now friend, You don't have any degrees, certainly not in Business Management.
Your writing is terrible. You know you can use spell check and other tools to at least appear educated.

1- You don't need 2 commas.
2- You write "I could of", it's actually "I could have".
3- My reputation and "Dracorex", replace Dracorex with "Dracorex's"
4- and "etched" them should be "etch"
5- as you seem to of done... should be as you seem to have done. This entire sentence.
6- your, should be you're as If you are not...

I am not trying to shit on your lab, I'm just saying if you want people to take you seriously at least use proper grammar, spell check and punctuations.

Grammarly is a great tool for that, I am not being sarcastic. I am still at page 4 of this thread.

Good luck.
In all honesty here's what I think happened with the Dracorex rep/reseller.
I believe he's new to the game and genuinely believes in Dracorex. I believe he's just starting out and is trying to make some money.

Not posting photos, reports etc... is simply because he does not have them. I think everyone here was a bit too tough on him.

People here need to be a bit patient and recognize that not everyone who comes selling here has a million dollar setup.

Perhaps he needed some guidance and in all honesty jumping at the guy's throat like this is not going to help the situation.

I have never tried Dracorex so I can't comment on the product's quality. Perhaps it's good or perhaps it's not. For those who trashed them, I hope at least they tried the product and commenting from personal experience.

Also he should have done his homework pertaining to how things work on this board.
In all honesty here's what I think happened with the Dracorex rep/reseller.
I believe he's new to the game and genuinely believes in Dracorex. I believe he's just starting out and is trying to make some money.

Not posting photos, reports etc... is simply because he does not have them. I think everyone here was a bit too tough on him.

People here need to be a bit patient and recognize that not everyone who comes selling here has a million dollar setup.

Perhaps he needed some guidance and in all honesty jumping at the guy's throat like this is not going to help the situation.

I have never tried Dracorex so I can't comment on the product's quality. Perhaps it's good or perhaps it's not. For those who trashed them, I hope at least they tried the product and commenting from personal experience.

Also he should have done his homework pertaining to how things work on this board.

No such thing as "too rough on him" when we're talking about our health.

If he needed guidance then that's on him, members are here to vet the sources, not hold them by their hand and walk them through on how to be a drug dealer.

If he doesn't have reports or pictures or whatever, then that's on him too, if he read even a bit around here, he'd know that he'd get torn to shreds.

You don't have to try their products to trash them, that's now how this works. They come here, if they've done everything right on these simple things I mentioned, then some members can try their products.

We won't start shooting random chemicals in our butts when the dumbass sources can't even post some pictures of their stock and their setup.
I saw that but people on Canadian brawns are still talking about this lab so I'm assuming it's still around
I used their Test, Anadrol and Superdrol.

Going by the feelz it seemed to do its job but I wouldn't order again because this is before I knew any more details about who runs it.

I initially heard about them through Canadian Brawn.

This was back in Summer 2020