Floaters in gear, what are they? What CAN they be? Ways to deal with them?

You guys dident see the thread or messages about qsc and Jano being buddies and he suposibly let tracy or some higher up from qsc hang out and gave a tour of his labs lmao, best way to get ratted on.

They were blowing each other so hard it was disgusting. Who the f does that in this world, if u wana make it u gota turn into a full on keyser Soze. Loose lips sink ships everyone knows it.

After that I'm sorry as a ex con i cant trust either one of them, even though I'm positive a bunch of other sources get raws from them.

It sounded highly suspicious and slightly homosexual, and like a great way to get snitched on 1 day. So logically any smart criminal would never agree to such a meeting, enless it was 100% made up and.

If any of u guys really think that meeting happened, I'll question your cognition.

Several of Jano's results have resulted in QSC having to reship hundreds of group buy orders recently though. If they had a "special" relationship doesn't sound like it's going well lately lol
Several of Jano's results have resulted in QSC having to reship hundreds of group buy orders recently though. If they had a "special" relationship doesn't sound like it's going well lately lol
I dident see that, what I mentioned was the last thing I heard of. But ur away of the messages/ thread I'm talking about ?

That's y I said why would someone give up the identity and possible freedom for a sales pitch. That meeting happened right after qsc seemed to be getting alot of extra heat. Mabe it was a 1 time deal.

if it's true what u said it's possible they're beefing now lol. Qsc has a reason to be butt hurt and snitch on jano if he ever gets busted and needs a bargaining chip. In the us they say if u give 3 u go free.
I dident see that, what I mentioned was the last thing I heard of. But ur away of the messages/ thread I'm talking about ?

That's y I said why would someone give up the identity and possible freedom for a sales pitch. That meeting happened right after qsc seemed to be getting alot of extra heat. Mabe it was a 1 time deal.

if it's true what u said it's possible they're beefing now lol. Qsc has a reason to be butt hurt and snitch on jano if he ever gets busted and needs a bargaining chip. In the us they say if u give 3 u go free.
I don’t think they’re breaking any laws where they’re from?

Jano operates a legit lab and he is not selling/manufacturing, analyzing and identifying the contents of whatever samples you receive isn’t illegal right?

As for QSC, it’s in China, nobody is prosecuting anybody unless profits are not being made.

Domestic warehouses and personnel will be prosecuted if LE wants to tighten it up but I doubt the Chinese sources are worried considering the fentanyl crisis is not getting solved soon.
I dident see that, what I mentioned was the last thing I heard of. But ur away of the messages/ thread I'm talking about ?

That's y I said why would someone give up the identity and possible freedom for a sales pitch. That meeting happened right after qsc seemed to be getting alot of extra heat. Mabe it was a 1 time deal.

if it's true what u said it's possible they're beefing now lol. Qsc has a reason to be butt hurt and snitch on jano if he ever gets busted and needs a bargaining chip. In the us they say if u give 3 u go free.

It's definitely not a good look for Jano to be meeting with source. Everyone in this business has at least a little bit of amateur in them.

I agree with you many sources are probably using QSC raws, in fact, I'm pretty sure more and more sources here are reselling their peptides, esp the weight loss stuff. If he ever gets his crap together on oils, I predict a lot of "new labs" will just be slapping labels on oil vials too.

It's like a lot of Chinese businesses. First people laugh at their cheap crap. Then they get good enough for the "low end" cheapest price matters most category. then better and better bit by bit until they're "good enough" for almost everyone and new competitors can't touch them on pricing.
I dident see that, what I mentioned was the last thing I heard of. But ur away of the messages/ thread I'm talking about ?

That's y I said why would someone give up the identity and possible freedom for a sales pitch. That meeting happened right after qsc seemed to be getting alot of extra heat. Mabe it was a 1 time deal.

if it's true what u said it's possible they're beefing now lol. Qsc has a reason to be butt hurt and snitch on jano if he ever gets busted and needs a bargaining chip. In the us they say if u give 3 u go free.
Jano runs a legit lab, he's not worried about being busted. He made the same offer to anyone else who wanted to visit and see his lab.
Jano runs a legit lab, he's not worried about being busted. He made the same offer to anyone else who wanted to visit and see his lab.
Damn u guys are getting me in this lol.

I dident know where jano was from but, now that I look they tax over 20% u think hes paying taxes on all those samples. Mabe hes in a gray area I'm not a internation law lawer. But he has been busted out even by some elite members here for straight up lieing and stealing, with messages to prove it. U know what they say f me once shame on u f me twice shame on me.

As far as china, some sources even manufacturers of gear and raws have been gone after by the us and busted, possibly because what decaln said they weren't paying enough $ to the political party or local officials or what ever.
Damn u guys are getting me in this lol.

I dident know where jano was from but, now that I look they tax over 20% u think hes paying taxes on all those samples. Mabe hes in a gray area I'm not a internation law lawer. But he has been busted out even by some elite members here for straight up lieing and stealing, with messages to prove it. U know what they say f me once shame on u f me twice shame on me.

As far as china, some sources even manufacturers of gear and raws have been gone after by the us and busted, possibly because what decaln said they weren't paying enough $ to the political party or local officials or what ever.

QSC, unfortunately, has a bullseye on them because they ended up being the center of attention in a Wall Street Journal article.

This makes them valuable because whatever high ranking LE official in the FBI or DEA or FDA that's involved in bringing them down can staple that article to their resume.

Eventually, it's possible China will trade QSC for something they want from US law enforcement. That's how it works. Probably should've closed and come back with a different name after that article so they'd be a nobody again.
He's brought up the elephant in the room. Something none of us wants to think or talk about because the implications would turn this place on its head. They're people just like us. how do you NOT meet someone in that fashion and not form a strong business and even personal relationship
It's definitely not a good look for Jano to be meeting with source. Everyone in this business has at least a little bit of amateur in them.
It's impossible to not let personal creep into business. or to not let business into personal.

I agree with you many sources are probably using QSC raws, in fact, I'm pretty sure more and more sources here are reselling their peptides, esp the weight loss stuff. If he ever gets his crap together on oils, I predict a lot of "new labs" will just be slapping labels on oil vials too.
Not just sources but random people trying a new hustle for themselves. There's been a few instances of people giving away the fact that they're reselling

It's like a lot of Chinese businesses. First people laugh at their cheap crap. Then they get good enough for the "low end" cheapest price matters most category. then better and better bit by bit until they're "good enough" for almost everyone and new competitors can't touch them on pricing.

That's exactly as the QSC thread has gone. People were laughing and buying from the start, now it's just more people buying. I swore i never would buy from the guy and i even went over eventually.
It's impossible to not let personal creep into business. or to not let business into personal.
Not even if ur life is on the line? I dont talk to anyone about illegal activities. Took me a while to learn that.

You should see me on a job site, I feel like a dick but i dont make buddy buddy talk with co workers not even my boss. I dont give 2 shits what u did over the weekend or how many kids u have, and is for damn sure not their business that I take a hit or 2 off a vape pen when I get home from work. It dosent matter if the businesses is legal or illegal. People will use what u say in conversation to screw u over later.

2 people cant keep a secret.
Not even if ur life is on the line? I dont talk to anyone about illegal activities. Took me a while to learn that.

You should see me on a job site, I feel like a dick but i dont make buddy buddy talk with co workers not even my boss. I dont give 2 shits what u did over the weekend or how many kids u have, and is for damn sure not their business that I take a hit or 2 off a vape pen when I get home from work. It dosent matter if the businesses is legal or illegal. People will use what u say in conversation to screw u over later.

2 people cant keep a secret.

Most people who get in trouble with the law, their personal life, or business do so because they just couldn't stfu.

Nobody will keep what you say private. Absolutely no one. And the juicier it is the greater the temptation to share it.

You're right though, it takes people a long time, and hard lessons, to learn this.

Women have zero chance in this regard, they always tell on themselves (and will tell on you too). Don't burden them with your secrets.

Men usually do, eventually, learn the value of this policy.

Next level is figuring out who likes to blab, and strategically telling them "secrets" to get info out there to reach certain ears while maintaining plausible deniability.
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Women have zero chance in this regard, they always tell on themselves (and will tell on you too). Don't burden them with your secrets.

Men usually do, eventually, learn the value of this policy.

Next level is figuring out who likes to blab, and strategically telling them "secrets" to get info out there to reach certain ears while maintaining plausible deniability.

Judges 16, that's all you need to know about women and secrets
You guys are placing too much emphasis on these drug dealers, QSC et al aren’t special; there will be a dozen to take their spot if they get busted.

There are thousands of us who have been at this way before china ever stepped in, and most will still be here using aas when another country takes over steroid and peptide production.

No need for us users to be worried or even be concerned a little, the world has already changed on how they view aas use, there is no direction but up.
You guys are placing too much emphasis on these drug dealers, QSC et al aren’t special; there will be a dozen to take their spot if they get busted.

There are thousands of us who have been at this way before china ever stepped in, and most will still be here using aas when another country takes over steroid and peptide production.

No need for us users to be worried or even be concerned a little, the world has already changed on how they view aas use, there is no direction but up.
for me my angle is not them getting busted, I dont wish incarceration on my worst enemy.
Mine is just how goofy the little qsc buddy buddy field trip freakin meet and greet looked. Just down right sus and not nessisary.i doubt it even happened. That would be like me and u meeting up for a workout and we filmed it and posted it here on meso lol.

I think most of us can agree on this. But dont mind me I'm just board and kinda out of it right now I'm home with covid for the 3rd time.
for me my angle is not them getting busted, I dont wish incarceration on my worst enemy.
Mine is just how goofy the little qsc buddy buddy field trip freakin meet and greet looked. Just down right sus and not nessisary.i doubt it even happened. That would be like me and u meeting up for a workout and we filmed it and posted it here on meso lol.

I think most of us can agree on this. But dont mind me I'm just board and kinda out of it right now I'm home with covid for the 3rd time.

The one's who don't would make sure to announce that if you think they're a shill that invalidates what you have to say, because naming someone a shill is just so ridiculous how could those people have a coherent thought? QSC does deserve some defense but i don't know why they stoop to such nonsense