Recovering over 40 ... remedies, supplements, peptides etc.


I worked my shoulders yesterday and woke up feeling like I was hit by a bus, this has been a reoccurring experience the older I get.
My question is, what is your must have / go to for recovering.... remedies, supplements, peptides etc. along with rest and nutrition ?
Looking forward to hearing everyone's feedback
Besides the anabolics and peptides that will be recommended. Lots of sleep. Mobility and stretching. Sauna. Hydration. Proper macros in diet. Lowering total volume per session or spacing sessions further apart. Eliminate alcohol, tobacco, and recreation drugs from your life.

For me quantity of and regular quality sleep as well as total volume are the main factors.
The movement that helps my shoulder most is the 'shoulder dislocate'. I do it almost daily during my warm up.

Also I do believe that the HGH helps recovery.

And everything that UncleBuns said above.
Sounds to me like overtraining. Either lifting too heavy or too many reps or both No supplement, diet, sleep, drugs or all the bs listed above will help. Train smarter not harder.
Started lifting 50 years ago. Things change as time goes by. Adapting to the changes suck but that is life. I eat well. Digestion slowly goes down hill as the decades go by. So less nutrients get absorbed and they don't get used as well. Rest the best i can. If something starts hurting i do what i can to stop that. Either quit the movement. Do it less often, find something else. Taking some thing to mask a problem doesn't make a problem go away. As for shoulders for example i quit doling over haed presses over 25 years ago for the most part and have not missed them as there are other things i can do to stimulate the muscle well enough. I do what works not what i want. I find that works for most areas of life.
Shoulder pain

DEAD Hang from a pull-up bar for a cumulative 3-5 minutes EVERY day. You can use straps.

I just saved you $15 by summarizing a book written by an orthopedic surgeon Amazon link here who claims that 90% of shoulder surgeries can be avoided by doing this. The premise is that we are not fully evolved from apes swinging from tree branches, and our shoulder acromion (the hole where all the rotator and bicep tendons travel through and get impinged) can be reshaped and enlarged by doing this.

Personally, I have come back from the brink with 2 debilitating shoulder injuries with this method. One was wear and tear, I couldn’t even do a knee pushup for years, within a week or two of hanging I was bench pressing 135- within a year, 300+ again. Another, I went over the handlebars of my snowmobile and tore my rotator cuff almost completely. I still press over 300lbs for a few reps today if I want, pain free.

The book includes real evidence (before and after scans) that this works I have shared this advice with probably 10-12 people in my real life and saved them from PT or surgery. A 60 year old guy I rock climb with had a trip planned to latin America to get stem cell treatment and he aborted it after 2 weeks of hanging.

No bullshit, this works. Read the Amazon reviews if you’re still curious. People with full tears live pain free with full ROM.

Cheers buddy
For me (40+) I find recovery is pretty good these days. I use magnesium, fish oil, CBD oil, and ice topically as needed. I take other supplements, but these are the ones for recovery.
From my own experience I’d be careful with the hanging protocol. Depending on your skeletal/muscle idiosyncrasies, hanging can exasperate impingement of acromium and supraspinatus. BPC157 and tb500 can do good things for inflammation which is usually the root of impingement vs any change in bone structure. If the sub acromium space is tight, chronic or acute inflammation can be enough for impingement. This is why this particular area often flares up like an acute injury, very debilitating, without an obvious injury. It can subside just as quickly with reduced inflammation. You’ve already mentioned the biggest culprit for many- overhead presses. I’d avoid overhead pulldown, chins for the same reason. You can get all the back development you could ever imagine from rows and straight arm pulldowns (don’t go beyond parallel with floor on eccentric with pulldowns or you’ll risk shoulder aggravation too).

Really focus on hitting rear delts too. Don’t overly exaggerate the retraction. It’s pushing end ranges that leads to impingement in the shoulder.
Had knee surgery a few years ago tore acl, mcl and big year in miniscus. Of course had surgery, but what really helped me heal was BPC-157. Improved healing by 200% and was up walking around in half the time dr said I would be. You can do oral or sub q injection. Will utilize this peptide for any injury involving muscle tendon or joint.


TOT Hängen Sie JEDEN Tag für insgesamt 3–5 Minuten an einer Klimmzugstange. Sie können Riemen verwenden.

Ich habe Ihnen gerade 15 US-Dollar gespart, indem ich ein Buch eines orthopädischen Chirurgen ( Amazon-Link hier) zusammengefasst habe , in dem behauptet wird, dass 90 % der Schulteroperationen dadurch vermieden werden können. Die Voraussetzung ist, dass wir uns noch nicht vollständig von Affen entwickelt haben, die an Ästen schwingen, und dass unser Schulterdach (das Loch, durch das alle Rotatoren- und Bizepssehnen verlaufen und auf sie treffen) auf diese Weise umgeformt und vergrößert werden kann.

Persönlich bin ich mit dieser Methode mit zwei kräftezehrenden Schulterverletzungen vom Abgrund zurückgekommen. Einer davon war die Abnutzung, ich konnte jahrelang nicht einmal einen Knie-Liegestütz machen, innerhalb von ein oder zwei Wochen nach dem Aufhängen schaffte ich beim Bankdrücken 135 – innerhalb eines Jahres wieder 300+. Bei einem anderen Unfall bin ich über den Lenker meines Schneemobils gefahren und habe mir dabei die Rotatorenmanschette fast vollständig gerissen. Wenn ich möchte, drücke ich heute noch ein paar Wiederholungen über 300 Pfund, schmerzfrei.

Das Buch enthält echte Beweise (vor und nach Scans), dass dies funktioniert. Ich habe diesen Rat wahrscheinlich mit 10–12 Menschen in meinem wirklichen Leben geteilt und sie vor einer PT oder Operation bewahrt. Ein 60-jähriger Mann, mit dem ich Klettern gehe, hatte eine Reise nach Lateinamerika geplant, um sich einer Stammzellenbehandlung zu unterziehen, und er brach die Reise nach zweiwöchigem Hängen ab.

Kein Blödsinn, das funktioniert. Lesen Sie die Amazon-Rezensionen, wenn Sie immer noch neugierig sind. Menschen mit vollen Tränen leben schmerzfrei mit vollem ROM.

Prost Kumpel
ICH need this book in German?
Probably wasn't that bad of an injury. But the location meant it never got rest. Hard not to use your arms in one way or another during workouts.