Red chest normal on high test?


New Member
I’ve began cycling with 750mg of test split M/W/F with 0.5mg adex on injection days. My bp is 135/76 and my chest is so red. Water retention isn’t that bad yet. Just wondering if this is normal with high testosterone. Was with a woman there last night and she noticed it. I also feel extremely hot and sweating all the time since I began the cycle.
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I’ve began cycling with 750mg of test split M/W/F with 0.5mg adex on injection days. My bp is 135/76 and my chest is so red. Water retention isn’t that bad yet. Just wondering if this is normal with high testosterone. Was with a woman there last night and she noticed it. I also feel extremely hot and sweating all the time since I began the cycle.
How long have you been on cycle?
I’ve began cycling with 750mg of test split M/W/F with 0.5mg adex on injection days. My bp is 135/76 and my chest is so red. Water retention isn’t that bad yet. Just wondering if this is normal with high testosterone. Was with a woman there last night and she noticed it. I also feel extremely hot and sweating all the time since I began the cycle.
Your body will adjust, give it 2 weeks, also take 2.5-5 mg cialis ed if you can, works amazing in so many ways

That is alot of adex
Happens to me even on much lower doses, almost always in the evening.

I hope you had a very good reason to start an AI, especially at that substantial of a dose. I don't know if there's a TikTok'er who is popping AI like Pez, but people are going nuts with them.
I noticed that on Tic tok too, They are spreading so much dangerous information and some of these young dudes are so impressionable. One guy was like in his 20’s I think and already took a heart attack due to being stupid with his gear use.
Your body will adjust, give it 2 weeks, also take 2.5-5 mg cialis ed if you can, works amazing in so many ways

That is alot of adex
Is it too much? I feel low E2 symptoms on the day I take the tablet, back to normal the next day. I might lower it to 0.5mg twice weekly, seems more reasonable? I know nothing about AI dosage.
How long have you been on cycle?
I was on 500mg for the past 3 weeks. Ramping it up to 750mg of test. I hate running other compounds and would rather use just test due to other stuff affecting my sleep and mood. I might lower AI to 0.5mg twice weekly, only started using adex last Monday so early days yet.
It doesn't seem like an absurd amount of ai. On 500 test 0.5 adex 2x a week isn't uncommon so 750 and 0.5 3x a week seems reasonable. Obviously blood work needs to be monitored but the dose doesn't sound outright extreme, esp if this isn't his 1st cycle and he knows how he responds to test, his e2 and ai usage.
It doesn't seem like an absurd amount of ai. On 500 test 0.5 adex 2x a week isn't uncommon so 750 and 0.5 3x a week seems reasonable. Obviously blood work needs to be monitored but the dose doesn't sound outright extreme, esp if this isn't his 1st cycle and he knows how he responds to test, his e2 and ai usage.
I’ve had E2 issues in the past, mostly blood pressure, ED and unnecessary water retention. Only when I used HCG on top of 500mg test did I develop a very small gyno lump. Been cautious about E2 ever since. This is the first time I’m pushing test past 500mg as I’m going for high test cycles now. I can’t be assed dealing with side effects from deca/tren.
Hmm lots of AI bashing here. If you recall, the “mainstream” YouTubers like Derek also engage in AI bashing. Him being sweaty and hot all the time is honestly classic high estrogen.

I aromatise a lot and have low baseline SHBG, and had the same symptoms as well as additional ones on my first 350 test blast before trying to control E2. Also right now somewhere between 10-12% bf. Currently easing into a test 200 primo 100 (to be titrated a bit later) blast (pins every morning) and I started taking 6.25 mg asin every night on day 1 last Tuesday. I’ve been sleeping great and little to no high E symptoms for me. My current state of libido in week 1 of this blast is better than it ever was natty or on my prior test blast

I’m gonna get E2 checked within the next 2 weeks to try and assess how the primo is affecting my E2 levels… if at all. With any luck I’ll be able to titrate the primo and replace the need for asin. I do recognize there are long term cardiovascular effects from taking AIs, but as per literature, these effects don’t seem to take hold unless taking AIs for a year or more.
I noticed that on Tic tok too, They are spreading so much dangerous information and some of these young dudes are so impressionable. One guy was like in his 20’s I think and already took a heart attack due to being stupid with his gear use.
Was probably from unnecessarily high doses of injectables rather than taking AIs
Was probably from unnecessarily high doses of injectables rather than taking AIs
I’ve heard the damage done from AIs is due to low E2 more so than the actual AI itself. Can any expert come in and clear this up? It’s used for breast cancer in women after all and they’re on high dose AI ED for 5+ years.
My mom has a very VERY red chest by nature - always - I don’t think it always has to do with blood pressure or something like steroids - she never took any. Haha.
I’ve heard the damage done from AIs is due to low E2 more so than the actual AI itself. Can any expert come in and clear this up? It’s used for breast cancer in women after all and they’re on high dose AI ED for 5+ years.
That’s what I was thinking, but another thing is that AIs are steroids themselves and can likely damage specific proteins in the liver due to oxidative damage (that’s how cysts and rarer adenomas/cancer can be caused by high gear use long term). Honestly I bet the only way we would know is by doing a literature search ourselves.

Edit: here are some studies in women showing AIs are safe

  1. Stachenfeld NS, Taylor HS. Effects of estrogen and progesterone administration on extracellular fluid. J Appl Physiol. 2004;96(3):1011-1018. doi:10.1152/japplphysiol.01032.2003
  2. Wu CY, Hu HY, Chou YJ, Huang N, Chou YC, Li CP. High blood pressure and all-cause and cardiovascular disease mortalities in community-dwelling older adults. Med (United States). 2015;94(47):e2160. doi:10.1097/MD.0000000000002160
  3. Cuhaci N, Polat SB, Evranos B, Ersoy R, Cakir B. Gynecomastia: Clinical evaluation and management. Indian J Endocrinol Metab. 2014;18(2):150-158. doi:10.4103/2230-8210.129104
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Happens to me even on much lower doses, almost always in the evening.

I hope you had a very good reason to start an AI, especially at that substantial of a dose. I don't know if there's a TikTok'er who is popping AI like Pez, but people are going nuts with them.
Incorrect. I know people are different and bloodwork determines dosage.....but. 0.5mg arimidex per every 100mg testosterone is the most prescribed dosage by doctors. It's literally the starter dose they put you on pre bloodwork before they make adjustments to the dosage. 90% if the time it's spot on and adjustments are not needed.
Incorrect. I know people are different and bloodwork determines dosage.....but. 0.5mg arimidex per every 100mg testosterone is the most prescribed dosage by doctors. It's literally the starter dose they put you on pre bloodwork before they make adjustments to the dosage. 90% if the time it's spot on and adjustments are not needed.

All respect, I think you're pulling most of that out of your ass. I can think of about ten national or international medical societies that offer guidelines for the standard of care of testosterone replacement therapy. The number of them that advocate the prescription of an AI prophylactically is -- the last time I read all of their literature -- precisely zero.

It's also extra convenient when someone's position has an uncited statistic that happens to be a very clean multiple of ten. Either your memory can't recall the actual number, or you didn't read it anywhere because it's not a peer-reviewed, published number.

If you are making the claim that 0.5 adex comes with a lot of initial TRT scripts, sure, I buy it. As long as you also concede that a number of these scripts are coming from 1) shady TRT clinics that don't follow any evidence-based standard of practice and 2) are increasingly being written by physician assistants and nurse practitioners who have vanishingly little training in the area to support "judgement calls" such as that.

And let's just use our own heads for a moment: male aromatase has about a dozen tissue specific varieties, activities, and expression patterns, and the bodyfat percentage of males being prescribed exogeneous testosterone is now all over the map. That means the variance in AI requirement has exploded.

All that, and you want to make the claim that 0.5 adex is dead nuts on 90% of the time. I've driven past dung carts that reek of less bullshit.

Yeah, it's fucking stupid to avoid AIs when you're on gear and could benefit. It's also really silly to start a post saying "bloodwork should drive ancillary use" and then pretend there's data that says otherwise. It's a careless way to talk about powerful compounds.
My ex would get really red alot.. I don't think it's anything to worry about. As long as BP is good. Hers would be caused my stress or like any thing physical labor wise.
Ai seems fine. I don't use Adex.. I prefer aromasin.. I take half a 25mg pill 2x a week.. keeps me around 90 e2 which I like when on blast/cycle. I prefer a little lower when on cruise. Not much lower though.. 70 ..
Anyway I think the redness is ok and has more to do other outside variables then Mayne the gear.. I coukd be wrong.. I myself get red sometimes and it doesn't matter if I'm on 150mg or over a gram a wk.. it's more a mood or energy output thing for me.
I recommend maybe lower your test dose so you don't need an ai or lower test some and add primo so your still at 750mg total a wk but better test/e2 ration with out taking an ai.. right now I'm on 300mg total a week and I take 200mg test and 100 mg primo..I feel great and so far blood work is really good.. I'll post my next bloods..