Red chest normal on high test?

It's normal for a lot of people. Increased blood flow and blood volume brings capillaries closer to the skin surface which can cause redness. I get it and Hemoglobin and BP are perfectly normal.
All respect, I think you're pulling most of that out of your ass. I can think of about ten national or international medical societies that offer guidelines for the standard of care of testosterone replacement therapy. The number of them that advocate the prescription of an AI prophylactically is -- the last time I read all of their literature -- precisely zero.

It's also extra convenient when someone's position has an uncited statistic that happens to be a very clean multiple of ten. Either your memory can't recall the actual number, or you didn't read it anywhere because it's not a peer-reviewed, published number.

If you are making the claim that 0.5 adex comes with a lot of initial TRT scripts, sure, I buy it. As long as you also concede that a number of these scripts are coming from 1) shady TRT clinics that don't follow any evidence-based standard of practice and 2) are increasingly being written by physician assistants and nurse practitioners who have vanishingly little training in the area to support "judgement calls" such as that.

And let's just use our own heads for a moment: male aromatase has about a dozen tissue specific varieties, activities, and expression patterns, and the bodyfat percentage of males being prescribed exogeneous testosterone is now all over the map. That means the variance in AI requirement has exploded.

All that, and you want to make the claim that 0.5 adex is dead nuts on 90% of the time. I've driven past dung carts that reek of less bullshit.

Yeah, it's fucking stupid to avoid AIs when you're on gear and could benefit. It's also really silly to start a post saying "bloodwork should drive ancillary use" and then pretend there's data that says otherwise. It's a careless way to talk about powerful compounds.
Not pulling it out of my ass. Four of my friends are doctors and with that prescription it gets 90% of all trt patients in range for estrogen. We are talking about mainly people over the age of 40.
Higher rbc is the only thing I can think off
I’ve began cycling with 750mg of test split M/W/F with 0.5mg adex on injection days. My bp is 135/76 and my chest is so red. Water retention isn’t that bad yet. Just wondering if this is normal with high testosterone. Was with a woman there last night and she noticed it. I also feel extremely hot and sweating all the time since I began the cycle.
I had the same probelm on testosterone first cycle. I was doing 300mg when my whole body started to get darker after 1 month and half on gear. Chest, neck, face, whole body like 4/5 shades darker. (I’m black). Now I’m off gear skin tone still hasn’t changed. Very weird side effect that I’m sure is from the test
I noticed that on Tic tok too, They are spreading so much dangerous information and some of these young dudes are so impressionable. One guy was like in his 20’s I think and already took a heart attack due to being stupid with his gear use.

I've noticed on other forums that a lot of really young guys are asking how much Tren to take for their first cycle. No Test, just Tren.

Had one 20 y/o ask if he did something wrong by injecting his vial of Test Cyp 250 in two separate injections. He could only find 5ml syringes (18g!), and wasn't feeling well. I asked if he injected each directly into a testicle or all of it into his sack.

We sent him to the hospital where they just sent him home and told him to come back in a week for a blood test. I looked it up and sure enough Test overdose is not a thing. Only ONE case of death from testosterone, during some sort of IV based treatment.
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I had the same probelm on testosterone first cycle. I was doing 300mg when my whole body started to get darker after 1 month and half on gear. Chest, neck, face, whole body like 4/5 shades darker. (I’m black). Now I’m off gear skin tone still hasn’t changed. Very weird side effect that I’m sure is from the test
Test boosts the number of "free melanocytes" circulating in the skin, makes them larger, and elongates them. This results in darkening skin tone. I get it most visibly in my hands. In fact a visible sign of low test in old men is called "paling out".