Reliable Lantus Source


Hey y’all, I was hoping you might be able to assist me in finding a reliable Lantus source. I’ve must have checked 20 different source threads here.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
I have them. I found them from looking at the sources that are pharmacies/contracted with pharmacies.

I am not gonna give it to you. its not hard
Hey y’all, I was hoping you might be able to assist me in finding a reliable Lantus source. I’ve must have checked 20 different source threads here.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Why do you prefer Lantus over the longer-acting insulin available at Walmart?

Is it just the convenience of a pen (any brand or any refillable pen)?
Familiarity with Lantus?
Why do you prefer Lantus over the longer-acting insulin available at Walmart?

Is it just the convenience of a pen (any brand or any refillable pen)?
Familiarity with Lantus?
I’ve been using humalog for quite some time but no experience with Lantus. Recently upped my HGH dose and noticed my fasting glucose is a bit high. I’ve known for a while that a common practice for many is to use about 1 iu of Lantus per 20grams of carbs and then supplement with humalog as needed (reduced amount of course), in order to get glucose in check. The stuff at Walmart like Humalin-R, has multiple peaks, which id like to avoid.
I have them. I found them from looking at the sources that are pharmacies/contracted with pharmacies.

I am not gonna give it to you. its not hard
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You can't of looked hard enough
It’s amazing how many of you lack reading comprehension. The key word here is “reliable”, and therefore anecdotal. Yes, I’ve found plenty of sources that carry Lantus, but many have had consistent issues with reliability.. hence my question… as I was hoping members would help one another out and provide their experience instead of acting like D-Bags.
RFS is international and pretty cheap compared to the competition, that’s where I got my Lantus from. And the customer service is very helpful
It’s amazing how many of you lack reading comprehension. The key word here is “reliable”, and therefore anecdotal. Yes, I’ve found plenty of sources that carry Lantus, but many have had consistent issues with reliability.. hence my question… as I was hoping members would help one another out and provide their experience instead of acting like D-Bags.
I have them. I found them from looking at the sources that are pharmacies/contracted with pharmacies.

I am not gonna give it to you. its not hard
Seriously, could you be helpful or just shut the fuck up. Jesus Christ, you took the time to respond only to tell the OP you won't help him?
Seriously, could you be helpful or just shut the fuck up. Jesus Christ, you took the time to respond only to tell the OP you won't help him?
He did help him.

Spoon-feeding lazy members is not only bad for the board, but also bad for those members.

Taking source recommendations from strangers is idiotic.
BG pharma
Thank you!
2-4 sources with pharmacy lantus
Yeah. I saw that; was curious which ones were reliable and had good communication. Seems like comms are a major issue with some of those sources.
Seriously, could you be helpful or just shut the fuck up. Jesus Christ, you took the time to respond only to tell the OP you won't help him?
I couldn’t agree more. It’s insane to see the amount or arrogant, entitled, dick-headery around here. It’s crazy, because 20 years ago, the OGs were more than happy to help. Had a question, and you’d get 50 personal responses aimed at helping you achieve your goal. Now many people feel the need to be an asshole just to satisfy their own need to feel superior on an internet message board.
He did help him.

Spoon-feeding lazy members is not only bad for the board, but also bad for those members.

Taking source recommendations from strangers is idiotic.
Not as idiotic as shooting in the dark. Agreed?

Much more intelligent to ask the board, get 10-15 solid recommendations, and then form an opinion.
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Seriously, could you be helpful or just shut the fuck up. Jesus Christ, you took the time to respond only to tell the OP you won't help him?
Enabling spoon feeders.

I gave him a big tip.

Keep this up and many people will make threads "where can I buy gear?"

couldn’t agree more. It’s insane to see the amount or arrogant, entitled, dick-headery around here. It’s crazy, because 20 years ago, people were more than happy to help; now many people feel the need to be an asshole just to satisfy their own need to feel superior on an internet message board
Stop being a lazy fuck. It's not hard..

It's not some rare medication. You are asking for a handout.
Enabling spoon feeders.

I gave him a big tip.

Keep this up and many people will make threads "where can I buy gear?"

Stop being a lazy fuck. It's not hard..

It's not some rare medication. You are asking for a handout.
A lazy fuck? By asking board veterans to speak about their experience with reliability? I didn’t simply ask for a source… I asked for a reliable one.

Go crawl back into your tren-hole. You clearly live a very sad and isolated existence.
A lazy fuck? By asking board veterans to speak about their experience with reliability? I didn’t simply ask for a source… I asked for a reliable one.

Go crawl back into your tren-hole. You clearly live a very sad and isolated existence.

A lot of the pharmacy threads have something called "reviews" and those reviews are usually people describing their experience..

Their experience usually goes over shipping, communication, and quality.

Not on tren. Estrogen is in check, I feel happy

It's definitely you