Reliable Rx

Thanks, just use a false phone number I guess? Why would they need it?
I tbink to confirm the order.

I remember another thread about this and they said they had a burner phone they used. But I'm not buyin a phone just for an order
I tbink to confirm the order.

I remember another thread about this and they said they had a burner phone they used. But I'm not buyin a phone just for an order
This is good info. I was going to place an order but not if I'm going to get hammered with marketing calls.
I think there's a spot that says your sending it in or soemthing like that. Just click it.

My question is, I heard they ask for phone number then bomb U w Indian telemarketers. Is that true
i have heard that from 2 different guys that have ordered
I've ordered from them several times with no issues. The ancillaries seem to work, they keep my estrogen sides in check. Be prepared to wait, customs is a bitch.
I have a buddy who has used them and his order took about 2 weeks. I just placed an order recently I'll keep you guys posted
I have used and bought some of their Alpha Pharma nolva and Arimidex. The scratch codes were verified on Alpha pharmas website, so its all legit. Just another option for you.
Been hearing good things about them also thanks.
I have used and bought some of their Alpha Pharma nolva and Arimidex. The scratch codes were verified on Alpha pharmas website, so its all legit. Just another option for you.
I have used and bought some of their Alpha Pharma nolva and Arimidex. The scratch codes were verified on Alpha pharmas website, so its all legit. Just another option for you.
How are you liking the alpha pharma ais, im thinking about ordering some letro from them soon
Has anyone who ordered from reliable had their order stuck in customs? Mines been stuck in customs for a few days now
just placed my first order with them (caber) and looks like it just got through inbound customs. will let you know my thoughts on the quality
1st off...they don't bombard you with telemarketing. They call you to verify your order & take payment

2nd...everything ordered from them goes through customs.

3rd. You have to sign for the package (home or post office) big deal