reliablerxpharmacy how reliable is it?


Hello, a new pct/ancillaries pharmacy had come to my attention. It looks they have a good amount of things and are out of India, I've seem some chatter on here about it, I was wondering if anyone has ordered from them and shipped into the US, I know the europharma on this site is said to be extremely reliable, pharmacy grade stuff.... but expensive. I will post the link of this "reliable pharma"

Buy Generic, prescription Drugs from Reliable Online Pharmacy|Reliablerxpharmacy
Nolvadex D 20mg
Clomid (generic)
And HCG (not entirely sure on the dosage on the site if some one can explain it to me it would be appreciated)

Let me know what you guys think, if it's fake, if you've ordered from them... and some info for me on hcg... it's a bit confusing atm
see that search box up there? Top right of the page? you should learn how to use it.
nobody wants to spoonfeed noobs too lazy to do their own research.

Thank you, I knew that was coming. I have searched it and read some posts about people who liked it, but I mostly wanted some people opinions, like no stay away or yes they are good. Either way thank you for the input I will do more searching.
Search function.
Here let me help ya the spoon...:)
Reliable Rx

Europharma decreased waiting time. Now 2 weeks to door. You say it's pricey but why complain it's pharma.

Keep reading

Thank you, yeah I keep getting a lot of "people say it's good but haven't used it", I shall search harder!! Also, hopefully someone with experience with them says something. I don't care about shipping times because it's not like I need something urgently, I'm doing some planning for next cycle in a few months. Always good to research first right?;)
You would get more responses if your avatar wasn't as gay as the day is long.

Or you would from me anyway. If I had anything to say about reliablerx.

For real though, it's freaking me out. Change that fucking thing, lol.
You would get more responses if your avatar wasn't as gay as the day is long.

Or you would from me anyway. If I had anything to say about reliablerx.

For real though, it's freaking me out. Change that fucking thing, lol.

It's my first avatar pic.. the funniest thing I had on my phone. I'll change it tho...
You would get more responses if your avatar wasn't as gay as the day is long.

Or you would from me anyway. If I had anything to say about reliablerx.

For real though, it's freaking me out. Change that fucking thing, lol.

Sorry about that... what do you have to weigh in at?
Just pay the extra money and get the pharma grade dude. If you dont need it urgently then just save up and pay a little extra. Plus, just look at their thread, page after page of nothing but good things, how many sources can you say that about?
Just pay the extra money and get the pharma grade dude. If you dont need it urgently then just save up and pay a little extra. Plus, just look at their thread, page after page of nothing but good things, how many sources can you say that about?

I vantage tell if you're talking about the europharma, or reliablerx... but either way arent they both pharma grade?
you know what? your all right

Ive used reliable and everything I got worked well

however, you should pay attention to the brands because not all brands are created equal. Some indian pharma companies are coming under fire for qc issues.
I like cipla myself
you know what? your all right

Ive used reliable and everything I got worked well

however, you should pay attention to the brands because not all brands are created equal. Some indian pharma companies are coming under fire for qc issues.
I like cipla myself

Thank you, I will remember that.