reliablerxpharmacy how reliable is it?

At least pick a bad ass One Punch Man pic?


Have you seen the shows?? He walks around like a fucking nerd, then when it's time he just fucks shit up. I feel that's how we should all be, hide what he got underneath our cloths... but when it's go time ie, in the gym then we fuck shit up hard!!:eek:
I personally would not trust anything "pharmaceutical grade" out of India. While Cipla is an excellent pharmaceutical brand manufactured in India, it is also one of the most conterfeited brands around there. Even their own hospitals have fallen victim to this, and it's estimated at one facility up to 20% of the medications purchased were counterfeit. This isn't to say India isn't capable for producing quality pharmaceuticals, on the contrary, some of their facilities produce top quality and well regulated medication. The problem with these online pharmacies is they typically don't fall into those categories. Some will provide legitimate products some won't. While everyone's experience with these sites will vary, I say it's better to avoid them than take the risk.
I personally would not trust anything "pharmaceutical grade" out of India. While Cipla is an excellent pharmaceutical brand manufactured in India, it is also one of the most conterfeited brands around there. Even their own hospitals have fallen victim to this, and it's estimated at one facility up to 20% of the medications purchased were counterfeit. This isn't to say India isn't capable for producing quality pharmaceuticals, on the contrary, some of their facilities produce top quality and well regulated medication. The problem with these online pharmacies is they typically don't fall into those categories. Some will provide legitimate products some won't. While everyone's experience with these sites will vary, I say it's better to avoid them than take the risk.

Who would you recommend?
Hello, a new pct/ancillaries pharmacy had come to my attention. It looks they have a good amount of things and are out of India, I've seem some chatter on here about it, I was wondering if anyone has ordered from them and shipped into the US, I know the europharma on this site is said to be extremely reliable, pharmacy grade stuff.... but expensive. I will post the link of this "reliable pharma"

Buy Generic, prescription Drugs from Reliable Online Pharmacy|Reliablerxpharmacy
Nolvadex D 20mg
Clomid (generic)
And HCG (not entirely sure on the dosage on the site if some one can explain it to me it would be appreciated)

Let me know what you guys think, if it's fake, if you've ordered from them... and some info for me on hcg... it's a bit confusing atm

I wouldn't consider them expensive. I've always gotten what I have ordered and everything works fine. Only thing I would recommend is using a pre paid credit card.
Hello, a new pct/ancillaries pharmacy had come to my attention. It looks they have a good amount of things and are out of India, I've seem some chatter on here about it, I was wondering if anyone has ordered from them and shipped into the US, I know the europharma on this site is said to be extremely reliable, pharmacy grade stuff.... but expensive. I will post the link of this "reliable pharma"

Buy Generic, prescription Drugs from Reliable Online Pharmacy|Reliablerxpharmacy
Nolvadex D 20mg
Clomid (generic)
And HCG (not entirely sure on the dosage on the site if some one can explain it to me it would be appreciated)

Let me know what you guys think, if it's fake, if you've ordered from them... and some info for me on hcg... it's a bit confusing atm

Hey brother. Reliable is g2g. But if you want to stay on the safe side use a pre paid CC. Order with confidence.
Hey brother. Reliable is g2g. But if you want to stay on the safe side use a pre paid CC. Order with confidence.
They told me they changed CC companies after the problems a while back. Who knows if that's true though.
I personally would not trust anything "pharmaceutical grade" out of India.

All the reports of testing the hcg's have seemed to be positive. But I am sure what you said is factual.
Who would you recommend?
None of the India based pharmacies. Especially ones that claim to have "pharmaceutical" cialis. Tadalafil patent doesn't expire until 2017, and there are three companies (Sandoz, Sonafi, Lilly) that have permission to produce it. They're actually looking into making it one of the first OTC treatments available in the next few years if I'm not mistaken. Honestly buying anything "pharmaceutical grade" online is a crap shoot, about the same as a UGL or RC site. It's illegal, there is no Better Business Bureau for the illegal purchase of medication. However, some are genuine and do have the real deal (I. E. Some of our European friends. Canadian friends etc.) obviously I'm not discrediting every single site out there and I acknowledge that some people may praise a particular site while others have been scammed. Just the way things go, however India is a location with a very high rate of counterfeit product.
They told me they changed CC companies after the problems a while back. Who knows if that's true though.

All the reports of testing the hcg's have seemed to be positive. But I am sure what you said is factual.
I wouldn't doubt there are some legitimate products out there from them. I am not saying all of them and all of their products are crap. Just stating the risk in that particular country is pretty high. ;)
None of the India based pharmacies. Especially ones that claim to have "pharmaceutical" cialis. Tadalafil patent doesn't expire until 2017, and there are three companies (Sandoz, Sonafi, Lilly) that have permission to produce it. They're actually looking into making it one of the first OTC treatments available in the next few years if I'm not mistaken. Honestly buying anything "pharmaceutical grade" online is a crap shoot, about the same as a UGL or RC site. It's illegal, there is no Better Business Bureau for the illegal purchase of medication. However, some are genuine and do have the real deal (I. E. Some of our European friends. Canadian friends etc.) obviously I'm not discrediting every single site out there and I acknowledge that some people may praise a particular site while others have been scammed. Just the way things go, however India is a location with a very high rate of counterfeit product.

I'm not trying to flame you, just wanted to know who you would recommend other than Indian sources such as reliable. If you have a private source it's all good.
Thanks, ya'll, for the input. I'm still working on finding reliable sources for different rx's. And, even though I can confidently get pretty much everything I'm looking for at this point, each time I find a new source that seems reliable and has lower prices on stuff I use, its like hitting gold.

I'm a doomsday prepper when it comes to the stuff I take-I like to stock up. It sounds drastic-but if for some stupid reason the U.S.A decides to randomly go to war, importing stuff from places like China or India could become real difficult and real expensive, real fast.

Now I just need to wait for someone to start a thread like, "Its easter, so in the spirit of good christianity I'm going to list all my most dependable raw sources," and then I'll be set.

Thanks for the info, you guys.