Residual Testosterone in syringe???


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10+ Year Member
Has anyone considered the amount of solution left in a syringe after injecting the required mg's for the said injection? I recently changed to a 1ml syringe from a 3ml. It looked to me like there might be as much as 5mg of residual testosterone left in the syringe. Is there a way to overcome what appears to be an inherent loss?
Has anyone considered the amount of solution left in a syringe after injecting the required mg's for the said injection? I recently changed to a 1ml syringe from a 3ml. It looked to me like there might be as much as 5mg of residual testosterone left in the syringe. Is there a way to overcome what appears to be an inherent loss?

If you are using a 1mL syringe the most you are going to be leaving in there is less than a tick mark, which is going to be less than 4mg. In actuality, we are really talking less than a mg.
If you are using a 1mL syringe the most you are going to be leaving in there is less than a tick mark, which is going to be less than 4mg. In actuality, we are really talking less than a mg.

What I did today, after I injected the 'T', I pulled back on the plunger. This brought the residual 'T' out of the needle and the nose of the syringe back into the cylinder of the syringe. I then pushed the plunger forward, as if I was going to expel the 'T', but stopped when the residual solution was at the highest marking of the cylinder. It appeared to me, it could have been as much as 5mg remaining in the syringe cylinder.

The reason this could be significant, at least to me is this. If you start with a 100mg/10mL vial it equals 1000mg. Assuming you inject 50mg per injection It theoretically would take 20 shots. 20 shots with a residual loss of 5mg would in effect make your 1000mg vial now 900mg. If you wanted to increase the frequency of injections--say to 25mg per injection, if my math is correct, theoretically the vial will only deliver 800mg into your body because 5mg @ 40 injections would leave a residual 200mg of testosterone in the nose of your syringe. See where this is going? The more frequent the injections, the greater the loss. Correct me if I am wrong. :) I will see if I can photo my next injection syringe with the attenuated residual amount.
in the past when I was doing every-day small injections, I would fill the syringe up half way and then only inject the small amount, pull the needle off, put a new needle on and then do the same thing the next day and the next until the syringe was empty, eliminating some of the waste and overall measuring issues

I know some guys get anal about wastage and have used the "air bubble method" to get all liquid out in a single shot, but it is a little tricky

most of the time I don't worry about it
I asked Doc about this and he told me it was OK to leave a small amount of air in the syringe, if you aspirate. He also, stated the markings on the syringe account for the waste in the hub, so you should draw that much less.

Now, however, I am using a one piece insulin syringe and using sq method - zero waste even without air.

I always leave a small air bubble in the syringe.
If you are doing IM injections how do you use a 1cc syringe? The only ones I have seen are insulin and I thought they were not long enough to inject the muscle properly?
On my acting - all anal - about this...I found these. It looks like the syringe with the plunger going up into the nose, would dispense most of the liquid. No?


Just load an extra 1/4cc air and hike yur arse in the air. LOL. It actually takes like 10+cc's of air and directly into blood vessel - to hurt you - I have read. Docs I know dont even bother to aspirate. LOL
If you are doing IM injections how do you use a 1cc syringe? The only ones I have seen are insulin and I thought they were not long enough to inject the muscle properly?

I buy the "No needle syringe" and put the 27G 1 1/2" needle on it.
Just load an extra 1/4cc air and hike yur arse in the air. LOL. It actually takes like 10+cc's of air and directly into blood vessel - to hurt you - I have read. Docs I know dont even bother to aspirate. LOL

Yeah, I was a real tight ass about aspirating a year ago. I don't even bother now. :drooling:
Before all you guys start thinking I got lost in the clouds, check this out.

I was using a 3ml/cc syringe. I was thinking about going to smaller doses more often. I thought the 1ml syringe markings would be easier to break into smaller doses than the 3ml syringe. When I used the 1ml syringe, I got to looking at the nose piece and thought there could be a residual loss greater than the loss in my larger 3ml syringe, which BTW is a loc-type. According to my previous post where I did the funny math, I figure I'm throwing 20% of my testosterone in a 'Sharps Container'. It's not exactly keeping me up nights, but it is chewing at my tight ass -- Moneywise. :D
I buy the "No needle syringe" and put the 27G 1 1/2" needle on it.

But they don't screw on do they? How does it affix to the syringe? I would love to be able to use a 1ml as I inject a couple times a week and getting .25mls into a 3cc is always a crap shoot
BD makes 1/2-inch needle insulin syringes with a volume of 0.3 mL and it's easy to fill them to within 1/2 the smallest division.
BD makes 1/2-inch needle insulin syringes with a volume of 0.3 mL and it's easy to fill them to within 1/2 the smallest division.

Yes but it was my understanding that 1/2 " doesnt penetrate deep enough for a proper im injection.
Yes but it was my understanding that 1/2 " doesnt penetrate deep enough for a proper im injection.

Where are you injecting?

I'm using the deltoids and lats. It's worked well for more than 2 years.

I inject every other day, so the volume is small and it doesnt take long to fill the syringe.
I buy the "No needle syringe" and put the 27G 1 1/2" needle on it.

Well, stop buying those p.o.s. needles, and switch over to a slin-pin. I would rather jab myself 5 times everyday to get my 2.5cc dose, than jab once/day with the 25g-27g I formerly used.

Oh, and stop worrying about the .1cc of oil. Everytime you inject you lose .1cc its just gonna happen. As others have stated, most vets, leave some air in the syringe, to clear out the residual product, but there is still a small amount of loss.
But they don't screw on do they? How does it affix to the syringe? I would love to be able to use a 1ml as I inject a couple times a week and getting .25mls into a 3cc is always a crap shoot

It's a 'press' fit. The needle just slips over the nose of the syinge. It 'kinda' twists on with friction-like.
Well, stop buying those p.o.s. needles, and switch over to a slin-pin. I would rather jab myself 5 times everyday to get my 2.5cc dose, than jab once/day with the 25g-27g I formerly used.

Oh, and stop worrying about the .1cc of oil. Everytime you inject you lose .1cc its just gonna happen. As others have stated, most vets, leave some air in the syringe, to clear out the residual product, but there is still a small amount of loss.

I might try your suggestion someday.

.1cc would be 10mgs of 100 Depo. I worry about that.

Why are you so angry???