Residual Testosterone in syringe???

Where are you injecting?

I'm using the deltoids and lats. It's worked well for more than 2 years.

I inject every other day, so the volume is small and it doesnt take long to fill the syringe.

I use quads mostly. Sometimes I use glutes.
I might try your suggestion someday.

.1cc would be 10mgs of 100 Depo. I worry about that.

Why are you so angry???


You think THIS is angry?


Just intense.

The point is, I remember when I was using a 3cc 27g and I wish someone would have slapped me and told me how stupid I was for not switching to a slin years earlier than I did. So, when I seen you commenting on using a 27/1.5" I can feel your pain, sitting there struggling...attempting not to wiggle around... needle buried in your muscle....pushing on the plunger hard as shit, trying to force the oil out the other end.

With a slin, it takes 2 fingers....and the waste is significantly less due to the smaller barrel size of the syringe.

As far as the .1cc being a waste. Deal with it. There are methods which can reduce the waste, but you will never eliminate it. We all deal with it. We all hate it. There are many threads already on this site, dedicated to this same topic. Google would have been an excellent recourse for the OP.

You think THIS is angry?


Just intense.

The point is, I remember when I was using a 3cc 27g and I wish someone would have slapped me and told me how stupid I was for not switching to a slin years earlier than I did. So, when I seen you commenting on using a 27/1.5" I can feel your pain, sitting there struggling...attempting not to wiggle around... needle buried in your muscle....pushing on the plunger hard as shit, trying to force the oil out the other end.

With a slin, it takes 2 fingers....and the waste is significantly less due to the smaller barrel size of the syringe.

As far as the .1cc being a waste. Deal with it. There are methods which can reduce the waste, but you will never eliminate it. We all deal with it. We all hate it. There are many threads already on this site, dedicated to this same topic. Google would have been an excellent recourse for the OP.

I don't know who you were watching "attempting not to wiggle around..." but you weren't watching me, 'cause I use an old steering wheel puller to push the plunger.

I think you're all shaky, jittery, and angry from those 5 injections of 250 a day Depo. LOL

I did google and they sent me to this site. I had no idea I'd run into 'roid rage' over pinning. :D

And pain is not from the injection itself, but the testosterone I'm pitch'n into the 'Sharps Box'. :p
And you don't have problems with this popping off from the pressure of forcing the oil out?

Well...I just started with this method and have only done one injection using the 1cc syringe, but no, it actually worked pretty good. In fact I think the slender cylinder requires less push pressure than the 3cc syringe.

I'm not say'n everybody ought to be do'n what I'm do'n, like the 'roid rage guy'. I really was just wondering if any one had a solution for the residual waste. So far most of the suggestions are for me to shoot Sub Q and only 'FEY' really offered an answer to deal with the waste.

I've been injecting into my left and right thigh for over a year now and I have no pain, no bruises and no blood squirting all over the place. Since the (correction--not 1 1/2) 1 1/4 27g needles are not a problem for me, I will probably continue to do so for the next year.

Since legal Test-C in a 10mL vial is at a premium right now, I actually might not sleep tonight over the 20% waste.

@roidstracks Google was not my friend.
Heya all,

I was surfing by & I came across this post & I couldn't resist tossing in my 2 cents.

1st- Yes 0.1ml of anything doesn't sound like very much. Some people aren't going to care very much about it (especially if they don't pay out of pocket for their test, like me) & to be honest I noticed it & didn't care that much. However others are going to care & if you fall into that category you should definitely read this post. I started caring about that 0.1ml of meds when I was put on another injectable drug with a dose of 0.05ml- 0.15ml.

After a bit of research I came across the fine dosage 1ml syringes (they come in a luer slip & luer lok configuration, though the slip are easier to find) that were mentioned earlier & the ultra low loss needles (they come in range of gauges), that when combined (especially with the air bubble technique) result in almost zero loss.

2nd- B-D makes a bunch of ultra low loss needles, B.Braun makes a luer lok fine dosage 1ml syringe for EPO (which incidentally is latex, DEHP & Silicone free & my personal choice) & a few companies make luer slip fine dosage 1ml syringes (including B.Braun). B-D makes a luer lok (non fine dosage) 1ml syringe for those who don't like the 1ml luer slip & don't care about the residual volume issue (what I used before I switched to B.Braun fine dosage).

3rd- Luer slip aren't ideal but they aren't the end of the world (for most people with good healthy hands) either. All you need to do to attach a needle is press down hard while turning (doesn't really matter which way) & pull while turning to remove. My only caution with the luer slip in general is to make extra certain that you have it on as tight as you can possibly get because (especially if you use a smaller gauge needle) a lot of pressure behind the plunger can cause the needle to pop off if you weren't really careful. All in all luer lok are a hell of a lot easier then luer slip.

4th- No matter what you do choose, stay as far away from permanently attached needles (i.e. those sold as tb or insulin combo needle & syringes) as physically possible! I can't emphasis this enough! The problem is that before you inject into your body, you have to draw up from the vial. If you are lucky you will only need to stab the vial once but once is still too much & if you need to do it more then once for whatever reason (bad stab or multiple products in a syringe) then you have dramatically dulled & damaged your needle!

The problem with those combo needle & syringes being used more then once is 2 fold. First, those needles aren't high quality steel & are well known to break on a first stab & the rates of breakage on second or more stabs is very very high. Additionally the are meant to be injected under the skin not muscle, so using them for I.M. even without the issues of multiple stabs means you are at an elevated risk for needle breakage because you actually effective have 2 stabs in one with I.M. shots (going through the skin & muscle which is even harder on the needle for athletes) & muscle spasms while injecting I.M. are quite frequent which are known to bend high quality needles & break low quality needles.

The second issue with those combo needle & syringes is then your injecting with a dull needle (it is dull after you've drawn up your meds, even if it doesn't seem that way) causes damage to your tissue, instead of cutting through the tissue it actually tears through causing extra damage, soreness & bleeding. Once the needle has gone through something once it develops a hook on the tip that gets worse with each additional stab & literally rips the tissue as it comes out (like a fish hook), causing further tissue damage (think of it as the insult to injury from injecting with a dull needle)!

As I said earlier, I can not emphasis strongly enough not to use combo needle & syringes! Using those combo needle & syringes puts you at a very high risk of a needle breaking off in your muscle, requiring you to go to the emergency room & explain why you were injecting yourself with a tb/insulin combo needle & syringe! Even if you are lucky enough to avoid breakage, you will cause significant damage to your muscles, cause scar tissue & adhesion to form that will weaken your muscles & potentially cause chronic pain (speaking as someone who lives with chronic pain from scar tissue & adhesions, its not pleasant)!

5th- You can get a wide variety of needles in a variety of gauges, anything from 18g to 23g is really just for drawing from a vial or doing large bore I.V. injections & anything from 25g to 27g is fine for I.M. injections (just make sure its at least a inch long since you need to go at least 0.75" into the mucle & you shouldn't stick the needle all the way into your body up to the hub). If you do use finer gauge for I.M. injection make sure to be very careful & steady to not causes extra damage from moving the needle in the muscle or bending it. As for drawing needles, its a trade off of larger needles drawing up more quickly but causing more damage tothe rubber stopper (which if you are giving smaller doses can add up to significant damage) versus taking longer to draw but doesn't harm the stopper (21g for drawing test seems to be ideal). Either way you go there is a reason for the wide selection of needles, so make use of them... but either way always use a separate new needle to draw up & a separate new needle to inject! Never ever reuse a needle!

Just some friendly tips from your friendly neighborhood medic, steroid & multiple injection drug user...

Good luck (& remember don't reuse needles & NEVER use combo needle & syringes)!

And you don't have problems with this popping off from the pressure of forcing the oil out?

he is right in that a 1cc syringe will put less pressure and easier flow which makes this less likely, but I am usually careful anyways and when I am using a larger syringe with a small diameter needle I will often make sure to keep pressure down and/or actually hold the needle hub
Incidentally I meant to mention this in my last post but I forgot & it wouldn't let me edit after 15 minutes but in regards to whether or not it's important to aspirate...

Testosterone & any other injection that is in oil *MUST* *ALWAYS* be aspirated prior to injecting & after insertion of the needle. No ifs, ands, or buts, period. It is very important, even essential. In fact I would go so far as to say any doctor who either recomends someone do an injection of an oil based solution like test without first aspirating or does an injection of an oil based solution like test with first aspirating should lose their license & be sued for malpractice! There is no excuse for failling to aspirate prior to doing an injection of test or other drug in oil suspensions.

If by some chance (it can & does happen, I know it happened to me) testosterone or any drug in an oil suspension is injected into a peripherial vein it will cause thrombosis, i.e. a blood clot in a blood vessel. If that happens & you are lucky, then you will have to go to the ER, be admitted to the hospital, possibly need surgery, be given vascular imaging with contrast, blood thinner & thrombolytics (with their own significant risks)! That's if you are lucky, if you aren't so lucky, you could lose a limb, get brain or other organ damage, even die. All it takes is a simple accident & your life could be ruined. That doesn't even consider the secondary complications of the treatment for the clot or if you happen to either be using test inappropriately or are an athlete & you have to explain to people at the hospital that you are using AASs!

If by some chance you think you have injected into a vein, don't panic, take some aspirin & go to the ER. Make sure to bring the testosterone, as with any other drugs you take with you & most of all be honest with the doctor. You will need to have vascular imagining done to see if you have a clot, where it is, what's the potential risks to you, the degree of blockage (if any), if any damage has occured, etc.

It is just foolish to intentionally not aspirate to confirm you are not in a vessel prior to injecting drugs in an oil suspension... any doctor who says otherwise should be smacked upside the head & reported for incompetence! Speaking as a medical professional with nearly a decade & a half of using AASs along with many other injectable drugs & someone who had a DVT as a direct consequenses of forgetting to aspirate prior to injecting testosterone; I can say for certain that the few seconds saved with each injection are just not worth the risk!

So please, please just aspirate prior to injecting your AASs & oil suspension drugs & please don't recomend people do something that potentially serious as not aspirate. It's akin to not bothering to check to see if a gun is loaded prior to putting it to your head then pulling the trigger & then recomending that others do the same thing. Actually its worse because most people know better then to put a gun to their head & pull the trigger without checking if its unloaded, while most people don't know any better about aspirating.

Have a good night all
Well...I just started with this method and have only done one injection using the 1cc syringe, but no, it actually worked pretty good. In fact I think the slender cylinder requires less push pressure than the 3cc syringe.

I'm not say'n everybody ought to be do'n what I'm do'n, like the 'roid rage guy'. I really was just wondering if any one had a solution for the residual waste. So far most of the suggestions are for me to shoot Sub Q and only 'FEY' really offered an answer to deal with the waste.

I've been injecting into my left and right thigh for over a year now and I have no pain, no bruises and no blood squirting all over the place. Since the (correction--not 1 1/2) 1 1/4 27g needles are not a problem for me, I will probably continue to do so for the next year.

Since legal Test-C in a 10mL vial is at a premium right now, I actually might not sleep tonight over the 20% waste.

@roidstracks Google was not my friend.
I couldn't stand the waste as well. That's part of the reason why I switched to a 30G 1/2" .5cc or .3cc syringe. No visual waste what so ever. I use this syringe in the thigh and delts as a shallow IM injection and in the abdomen as a SQ injection. I believed we talked about this previously but man you ought to give it a try.

Or as my Doc stated - You could leave about 0.1cc of air in the syringe to push the testosterone out. Doc told me just make sure you aspirate.
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Incidentally I meant to mention this in my last post but I forgot & it wouldn't let me edit after 15 minutes but in regards to whether or not it's important to aspirate...

Testosterone & any other injection that is in oil *MUST* *ALWAYS* be aspirated prior to injecting & after insertion of the needle. No ifs, ands, or buts, period. It is very important, even essential. In fact I would go so far as to say any doctor who either recomends someone do an injection of an oil based solution like test without first aspirating or does an injection of an oil based solution like test with first aspirating should lose their license & be sued for malpractice! There is no excuse for failling to aspirate prior to doing an injection of test or other drug in oil suspensions.

If by some chance (it can & does happen, I know it happened to me) testosterone or any drug in an oil suspension is injected into a peripherial vein it will cause thrombosis, i.e. a blood clot in a blood vessel. If that happens & you are lucky, then you will have to go to the ER, be admitted to the hospital, possibly need surgery, be given vascular imaging with contrast, blood thinner & thrombolytics (with their own significant risks)! That's if you are lucky, if you aren't so lucky, you could lose a limb, get brain or other organ damage, even die. All it takes is a simple accident & your life could be ruined. That doesn't even consider the secondary complications of the treatment for the clot or if you happen to either be using test inappropriately or are an athlete & you have to explain to people at the hospital that you are using AASs!

If by some chance you think you have injected into a vein, don't panic, take some aspirin & go to the ER. Make sure to bring the testosterone, as with any other drugs you take with you & most of all be honest with the doctor. You will need to have vascular imagining done to see if you have a clot, where it is, what's the potential risks to you, the degree of blockage (if any), if any damage has occured, etc.

It is just foolish to intentionally not aspirate to confirm you are not in a vessel prior to injecting drugs in an oil suspension... any doctor who says otherwise should be smacked upside the head & reported for incompetence! Speaking as a medical professional with nearly a decade & a half of using AASs along with many other injectable drugs & someone who had a DVT as a direct consequenses of forgetting to aspirate prior to injecting testosterone; I can say for certain that the few seconds saved with each injection are just not worth the risk!

So please, please just aspirate prior to injecting your AASs & oil suspension drugs & please don't recomend people do something that potentially serious as not aspirate. It's akin to not bothering to check to see if a gun is loaded prior to putting it to your head then pulling the trigger & then recomending that others do the same thing. Actually its worse because most people know better then to put a gun to their head & pull the trigger without checking if its unloaded, while most people don't know any better about aspirating.

Have a good night all
Injecting without aspirating is a poor idea, but it's not going to cause a thrombosis. Not sure where you came up with that.