resistant to HCG

Chris U.

New Member
I'm up to 1,000 IU every 2 days HCG after 500 and 750 werent working.. to get my ball size close to normal. I'm almost 52 and have been on TRT for about 4 years. I have had cycles of Primo 300 mg a week and Deca or anavar added about 10-12 weeks. Few week breaks to 150-200 mg / wk test e. Was doing 300 iu 3 x a week. It never kept my balls more than 1/2 normal size. I've been on HCG about coninuously for many years.
Anyhow am I the only one that needs high HCG to hope to return to near normal? I've read that you do not become resistant to it. Though, I seem to remember many years ago HCG woudl work better on me . Is there a way to re sensitize to HCG? I'm sure my age has big part of it.

How long did you wait before you decided to do 1cc of HCG every other day?

That much HCG is going to shoot your estrogen through the roof so make sure you keep that in check.

I'm a little older than you and I take 350-400iu every other day. It took about 1 month for my balls and semen output to get to pre-TRT level. They now stay there with this dosage no matter how much gear I take. I do believe I read or heard 345iu every other day was the minimum to maintain normal production.
I'm up to 1,000 IU every 2 days HCG after 500 and 750 werent working.. to get my ball size close to normal. I'm almost 52 and have been on TRT for about 4 years. I have had cycles of Primo 300 mg a week and Deca or anavar added about 10-12 weeks. Few week breaks to 150-200 mg / wk test e. Was doing 300 iu 3 x a week. It never kept my balls more than 1/2 normal size. I've been on HCG about coninuously for many years.
Anyhow am I the only one that needs high HCG to hope to return to near normal? I've read that you do not become resistant to it. Though, I seem to remember many years ago HCG woudl work better on me . Is there a way to re sensitize to HCG? I'm sure my age has big part of it.

Have you thought about trying a different compound perhaps? Maybe Clomid or Nolvadex for example?
Is no point to use hcg and nor19 together then?
not really no i don't see a point in using hcg in general unless you want to pct after blasting but i don't see that as a valid way of using ped's

HCG is a fertility drug and it should be kept there imo if HCG fails HMG is next i guess
not really no i don't see a point in using hcg in general unless you want to pct after blasting but i don't see that as a valid way of using ped's

HCG is a fertility drug and it should be kept there imo if HCG fails HMG is next i guess
Even if you trying baby while on cycle included nor19 is pointless to use hcg?
Even if you trying baby while on cycle included nor19 is pointless to use hcg?
if you try really really really hard you hcg will magically work....

why would it be any different if youre trying to get a kid or not HCG still wont play well with 19-nor's
Why you need bigger balls at 52? If HCG is not working for you, are you willing to try other drugs more harsh on your body (like clomid) only for making balls bigger?