Restore normal HPTA - Long after cycle, help needed..


New Member
Good evening all,

It has been about 8 years (current age 30y/o) since my last cycle of Test E @ 500mg wk / 8+months. I was unable to complete a full PCT and wound up only taking Clomid for 2 weeks. After being overseas I'm finally trying to correct my past mistakes.
All the years I thought I recovered and treated these symptoms as normal, low libido, soft erections, lack of self-confidence, low motivation.

After the below lab results on 4/18/2014 a urologist prescribed adex at 2mg/wk for 12 wks. It has been tricky keeping the E2 sweet spot. For about a month I felt back to normal, morning wood, libido, motivated, testicles hanging lower etc.. Then joint pain set in, scaled the AI back for 2 weeks. Felt great until the past 3 days, same symptoms as before (E2 creeping back up?) started dosing AI at .5mg EOD. From monday's lab E2 looks to be too low.

Should I be going another route and try Hcg w/ SERMS? Would a full pct be beneficial or a scaled back pct with smaller dosages? Thank you for your guidance..

Baseline labs and labs from monday (adex usage after 12 wks)


prolactin, serum 7.5ng/mL
follicle stimulating hormone, serum 3600
luteinizing hormone, serum 5.61m[iU]/mL
prostate specific antigen (PSA) screening 0.94 ng/mL
thyroid stimulating hormone, serum 1.400u[iU]/mL
testosterone, total 400ng/dL
B-12, serum 611pg/mL
estradiol, serum 38pg/mL

testosterone, total 344ng/dL
estradiol, serum <15 pg/mL
testosterone, total 424ng/dL
I doubt your pct had anything to do with your current issues. 8 years is enough time for the problem to resolve itself on its own IMO. I think this may just be what was going to happen anyway and you are suffering from symptoms of low T or it could be something else.

At a certain age I started feeling the same things even though my TT was low 500s, high 400s (mid twenties). This may have been what led me to AAS to begin with. My gains sucked, I picked up bodyfat easier than just a couple years before and my sex drive sucked. Mind you this happened in my twenties and it didn't seem like gradual onset of symptoms but fairly abrupt. And I had never touched AAS.