Retatrutide Clinical Trials


I've been using Tirzepatide, on and off, for 8 Months. Results have been favourable. Up to this point never thought about Retatrutide, however, the clinical trials look seemingly great.

I know many of us have user Sema, Tirz, and Reta… would Reta be worth a run or stay with Tirzepatide?…

I've been using Tirzepatide, on and off, for 8 Months. Results have been favourable. Up to this point never thought about Retatrutide, however, the clinical trials look seemingly great.

I know many of us have user Sema, Tirz, and Reta… would Reta be worth a run or stay with Tirzepatide?…

ve only ever used tirz. It was superb. Never went over 7.5. I say stick with it until it stops working.
I'm thinking about trying Reta. Tirze gives me fatigue and makes my workouts frustrating - no endurance and no strength, even when i eat more the day before workout. I'm starting to think it's the tirze, that makes me weak and not so much the energy deficit.
I'm thinking about trying Reta. Tirze gives me fatigue and makes my workouts frustrating - no endurance and no strength, even when i eat more the day before workout. I'm starting to think it's the tirze, that makes me weak and not so much the energy deficit.
I've read others saying this. It's been an issue for a few people but I'm not sure I've felt this way. I threw in NAD+ recently and my energy levels have improved. At least I think they have. Maybe add that?
I've hear a lot of people up in arms because "it hasn't passed phase 3 yet!" but these same people praised ozemic for almost a year and I've heard nothing but lawsuit after pending lawsuit for permanent gastroparesis against Ozempic over the last week.

Some drugs are going to be safer than others. Everything is a risk. Your mileage may vary. Are you willing to take the risk? Do the benefits outweigh the potential negative outcomes? You might grow a third arm out of your ass or an extra cock lol.

I wish I had more to contribute to the conversation but I'll try to give you another perspective. I was about to purchase some myself, it may still be a wise investment before the demand goes up even higher.

Based on what they're reporting Ret sounds like it has the most potential.

Here's what I would do which is basically what I'm doing.

I would start with the first medication which is Semaglutide at the recommended starting dose. Over the next year or until I have achieved my desired result I would slowly titrate up the dose until I reach the max dosage.

By that point if I have not reached my goal and the medication has stopped working I would then switch to Tirzepatide and start the process over again for another 12 months or until I've reached the desired result or until the medication is no longer effective.

And finally by that time phase 3 will more than likely be done and if needed I would start Retatrutide.

If I haven't already achieved my goals or a new medication hasn't come out by this point I would start stacking as others have reported doing at their lowest recommended dose. Starting with Sema and Triz at the lowest possible dose until I reach the max then switching out Sema for Ret or some other variation.

Until we have the final data I'm going to ignore the hype coming from the media. It's what everybody's talking about and it's their job to get clicks and views. But in the meantime good luck with your journey.
I've been using Tirzepatide, on and off, for 8 Months. Results have been favourable. Up to this point never thought about Retatrutide, however, the clinical trials look seemingly great.

I know many of us have user Sema, Tirz, and Reta… would Reta be worth a run or stay with Tirzepatide?…

Still making progression in your weight loss? If so, wait. If not. Give it a run. Lots of bodybuilders, housewives, and very fat asses and have a great success with it.
I jumped to Reta over Sema and Tirz only because they both gave me crippling fatigue and circadian rhythm dysfunction. I could be wide awake but have no energy then 9am my body wanted me to sleep for 8 hours. Next day I would fall asleep at 9pm like Bill Cosby was making my drinks and wake up 2 hours later and no matter what not be able to sleep.

Reta so far has had much less affect with hunger suppression, but I’m not fatigued at all and actually have better energy due to the GCR-GR Agonism. Still slowly but steadily losing weight while keeping most if not all my muscle.
I jumped to Reta over Sema and Tirz only because they both gave me crippling fatigue and circadian rhythm dysfunction. I could be wide awake but have no energy then 9am my body wanted me to sleep for 8 hours. Next day I would fall asleep at 9pm like Bill Cosby was making my drinks and wake up 2 hours later and no matter what not be able to sleep.

Reta so far has had much less affect with hunger suppression, but I’m not fatigued at all and actually have better energy due to the GCR-GR Agonism. Still slowly but steadily losing weight while keeping most if not all my muscle.
How's your sleep?