Reuse hcg needle


New Member
I bought hcg it comes in a loaded syringe pre mixed. Is it sanitary to re use that hcg needle? It is 6500 iu. I am worried about getting an infection since I would never want to re use a needle but I don't see any better option for myself.
I bought hcg it comes in a loaded syringe pre mixed. Is it sanitary to re use that hcg needle? It is 6500 iu. I am worried about getting an infection since I would never want to re use a needle but I don't see any better option for myself.
Buy a sterile vial off Amazon and shoot the whole thing in there if your worried. Also what your referring to is the syringe. Re using needles is extremely unsafe. But a needle attaches to the syringe and you unscrew the needle assuming it’s laur lock style. Hope this helps.
Buy a sterile vial off Amazon and shoot the whole thing in there if your worried. Also what your referring to is the syringe. Re using needles is extremely unsafe. But a needle attaches to the syringe and you unscrew the needle assuming it’s laur lock style. Hope this helps.
Yea thanks. I after posting I injected the whole thing into an old hgh bottle that I already used. I'll order a vial from Amazon though. That's a better idea. I have another hcg syringe I can use that way
Re-using a needle is never recommended. That said for several years i have been re-using my insulin syringes for sub-q shots. I load them up with my HGH, Test, HCG etc. and get multiple injects from the same needle. I know many that do that but most don't bring it up due to back lash. I have done thousands of injections that way with no issue while doing sub-q. I just wipe the needle off before and after use along with the injection site.
Re-using a needle is never recommended. That said for several years i have been re-using my insulin syringes for sub-q shots. I load them up with my HGH, Test, HCG etc. and get multiple injects from the same needle. I know many that do that but most don't bring it up due to back lash. I have done thousands of injections that way with no issue while doing sub-q. I just wipe the needle off before and after use along with the injection site.
Just because you can do something doesn't mean you should. Very unsanitary. It's not a problem, until it is.
Same as taking illegal drugs but some are known to do that as well. Go figure.
Point is he knows he knows it's not proper and will receive backlash. Assumes many others do it. I don't. I'd rather pay for a a new cheap needle. We're harm reduction. If someone says something stupid they should be told correct. It's not reddit.
Point is he knows he knows it's not proper and will receive backlash. Assumes many others do it. I don't. I'd rather pay for a a new cheap needle. We're harm reduction. If someone says something stupid they should be told correct. It's not reddit.
I support you having a differing view. My job is not to go along with a group. I just post what i do and others can take or leave what they want. I do not tell others how to lead their lives. I leave that up to the individual. I am far more worried about UG labs and no accountability from such sources or the ingredients they use so i choose not to use those. Each to their own.
I support you having a differing view. My job is not to go along with a group. I just post what i do and others can take or leave what they want. I do not tell others how to lead their lives. I leave that up to the individual. I am far more worried about UG labs and no accountability from such sources or the ingredients they use so i choose not to use those. Each to their own.
Saying don't reuse a needle isn't telling someone how to live their life. It's just unsanitary. To each their own infections
A big NO to reusing needles even if it's only you and no one else. Too much danger there, not to mention needles get dulled right at the first use.
I bought some vials. I didn't think of that before hand. Just so everyone knows I am talking about the pre mixed syringes that contain 6500 hcg. I will get by and use the vials I ordered. I just forgot to order them before
Thank you for not telling me to discontinue a practice that i and many others have used thousands of times With no ill results!.I know a an x pro that does the same as me. Each to their own! I don't recommend it. It is just my experience. Even sterile needles right out of the pack should be wiped with an alcohol pad but few do.As factories are known to release less than hygienic products.I have had had pharma medication recalled for issues in the past.
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Thank you for not telling me to discontinue a practice that i and many others have used thousands of times With no ill results!.I know a an x pro that does the same as me. Each to their own! I don't recommend it. It is just my experience. Even sterile needles right out of the pack should be wiped with an alcohol pad but few do.As factories are known to release less than hygienic products.I have had had pharma medication recalled for issues in the past.
I know a guy. He knows a guy. It's not sterile. It's not recommended. Glad you haven't had problems. When you catch a fever it's too late to shell out a few bucks for a new needle.
Re-using a needle is never recommended. That said for several years i have been re-using my insulin syringes for sub-q shots. I load them up with my HGH, Test, HCG etc. and get multiple injects from the same needle. I know many that do that but most don't bring it up due to back lash. I have done thousands of injections that way with no issue while doing sub-q. I just wipe the needle off before and after use along with the injection site.
How do you sanitize the bore of the needle?
u cant unless heat it, but then burn off the smooth coating making injection tuff... then that bacteria gets put into the compound, potentially get lock jaw...

its crazy just to save 25 cents.. junkies use pond water aswell and dont instantly die so might aswell do that too lol.

and yes u can get hep even if aren't sharing needles when reuse needles if inject in bathrooms someone flushes a toilet and shit sprays all into the air..

anyhoo, perhaps we need to start a fundraiser to purchase folks needles? esp if live in a place with no needle exchange.

told this story before about the lady who was a professor at uni she reused needles constantly and kept getting staph infections and wouldn't heal for months and months and have to go to hospital etc. she would say "ive done it forever, its fine". smart lady who had money, yet people do stupid things even though clearly is causing more issues for ur body by injecting random germs/causing more damage to skin with dull needles etc...

just dont do it even if ur gym bro says he has done it forever its an insane practice. save 25 cents when injecting 50$+ of gear a week is crazy
Thank you for not telling me to discontinue a practice that i and many others have used thousands of times With no ill results!.I know a an x pro that does the same as me. Each to their own! I don't recommend it. It is just my experience. Even sterile needles right out of the pack should be wiped with an alcohol pad but few do.As factories are known to release less than hygienic products.I have had had pharma medication recalled for issues in the past.
Here is the issue with this. The op is asking if it's OK to reuse a needle, wants to know if it's sanitary, and is afraid of getting an infection. You know it's not OK to reuse it, it's not sanitary, and yes, you can get an infection, which is why you state "I don't recommend it".

By telling him that you actually do it, he or someone else reading your comment may say, well if he can do it, so can I. This person, however, may not be as lucky as you and can get seriously hurt.

Meso is about harm reduction and your statement clearly isn't. That's why you shouldn't be posting things like this.
Here is the issue with this. The op is asking if it's OK to reuse a needle, wants to know if it's sanitary, and is afraid of getting an infection. You know it's not OK to reuse it, it's not sanitary, and yes, you can get an infection, which is why you state "I don't recommend it".

By telling him that you actually do it, he or someone else reading your comment may say, well if he can do it, so can I. This person, however, may not be as lucky as you and can get seriously hurt.

Meso is about harm reduction and your statement clearly isn't. That's why you shouldn't be posting things like this.
I understand that you do not want actual info going out on what people do. I have seen podcasts where multiple pros have said the same as me. But what pros do is not exactly safe either. All of us chemical warriors are taking chances. We all get to decide what the risk is worth. I am just relaying my experience. We all know that people should not use UG gear as we have absolutely know idea of it's sterility., but yet people still use it. We all know using grams of gear is unhealthy yet that level of ill health is reasonable to some. I have choose to not do that. We all make out choices. I always recommend people gather as much facts as they can and make their own decisions in life.
I understand that you do not want actual info going out on what people do. I have seen podcasts where multiple pros have said the same as me. But what pros do is not exactly safe either. All of us chemical warriors are taking chances. We all get to decide what the risk is worth. I am just relaying my experience. We all know that people should not use UG gear as we have absolutely know idea of it's sterility., but yet people still use it. We all know using grams of gear is unhealthy yet that level of ill health is reasonable to some. I have choose to not do that. We all make out choices. I always recommend people gather as much facts as they can and make their own decisions in life.
Chemical warriors? You're just advocating an unsafe practice. There is no argument here. Yes you can do it, is it as sanitary and safe as not doing it? No.

You talk about ugls possibly not being safe, so you add in more variables that can have negative consequences? It's not sanitary that's it.

I understand you want to risk your health for a small monetary inconvenience. To each their own, don't encourage others to do the same.
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