Risks with Intravenous Injection?


New Member
I'm asking this since it seems customary to inject PEDs subQ or intramuscular, and intravenous seems to get mentioned more as a crazy idea. The drug of choice I'm thinking of injecting intravenously is hgh, by doing it in small amounts multiple times a day to mimic more the natural pulses.

I know you have to be careful to inject in a vein and not hit an artery or nerve, that you can collapse veins by causing too much stress, that there's a sharper rise in concentration. Are there any other risks with it? I'm mainly curious if there's an increased risk of infection. I'll be using UGL hgh.
I'm asking this since it seems customary to inject PEDs subQ or intramuscular, and intravenous seems to get mentioned more as a crazy idea. The drug of choice I'm thinking of injecting intravenously is hgh, by doing it in small amounts multiple times a day to mimic more the natural pulses.

I know you have to be careful to inject in a vein and not hit an artery or nerve, that you can collapse veins by causing too much stress, that there's a sharper rise in concentration. Are there any other risks with it? I'm mainly curious if there's an increased risk of infection. I'll be using UGL hgh.
Yes definitely increased use of infection. Honestly I wouldn’t do it unless it was pharma grade. I know some bodybuilders use iv insulin which sounds pointless too, but if there is anything in your vial or tiny specks on top, rather than your body flushing it out or having an inflammatory response you’re slamming it directly into a vein which could cause a bigger issue. That being said, I know lots of heroin addicts who’ve regularly injected with toilet water or scraped their stash out of a dirty cup holder so who knows
Why? Yes, it's practical enough.
Have you ever seen floaters in generic vials of hgh? Unless you are running pharma, I wouldn't do that at all.

Even then, how necessary is it to do this? It works fine SUBq so why complicate your life?

Even if it improved response by 20%, Most of us don't even need a "competitive edge"
So what, you're going to wake up like every 30min to iv hgh?

The terminal half-life of intravenous GENOTROPIN in normal adults is 0.4 hours according to Pfizers website

Use your brain, man...
No bro, not gonna inject at night. I was thinking more like 4-6 injections a day. I'm gonna inject frequently regardless of subq or iv. Was wondering if there's some risk with iv injection that I'm not aware of.
Damn, I thought OP was about to ask what happens if somehow accidentally he manages to inject IV...

Seriously, don't even try it. That's beyond crazy in my opinion.

IM or Subq is your only choice, don't experiment such stuff, it's really bad idea and you might end up at the point of no return because of simple stupid action like this.

Don't play with fire. They say it for a reason.
I have a lifetime certification in sterile compounding. This is a terrible idea.

The standards for safely producing IV vs IM drugs is VERY different. To properly make sterile IV drugs we have to go through 2-3 different rooms of different air pressures while throwing on more layers of sterile clothing and either covering or disinfecting every part of our body. We use a workbench that sucks all the particulate matter away from the product and wipe everything down with alcohol every time we make a new batch. Even the alcohol wipes we use are designed to leave no residue behind.
All it takes is one single pathogen to get injected IV and it can end up in your heart or brain. Or it just gets infected at the injection site and rots your arm off. So unless you reconstitute your GH in a quarter million dollar pharmacy lab you’re risking that.

iM injections are safer because the body has way more opportunities to fight off the germs. Is it LIKELY that you die from an IV infection? Probably not. Considering junkies shoot up street drugs multiple times a day and survive for years, I’m sure the GH will be fine. But why risk it? You will eventually blow out your veins and look like a dope fiend walking around with bruises and track marks.
No bro, not gonna inject at night. I was thinking more like 4-6 injections a day. I'm gonna inject frequently regardless of subq or iv. Was wondering if there's some risk with iv injection that I'm not aware of.
If you are injecting 4-6 times a day intravenously you should be mindful of track marks and your veins collapsing. That’s a lot of injections over time considering HGH is going to be a long-term commitment. Is this the route you want to take?

So you plan on averaging 5 IV injections a day, everyday, into the future. There are junkies that do less.
Yeah DO NOT do this under any circumstance. I did this and got sepsis it almost killed me somehow injected staph right into my blood stream IVing peptides and gh. Strongly advise against this. Its not needed anyway.
Yeah DO NOT do this under any circumstance. I did this and got sepsis it almost killed me somehow injected staph right into my blood stream IVing peptides and gh. Strongly advise against this. Its not needed anyway.
I have a lifetime certification in sterile compounding. This is a terrible idea.

The standards for safely producing IV vs IM drugs is VERY different. To properly make sterile IV drugs we have to go through 2-3 different rooms of different air pressures while throwing on more layers of sterile clothing and either covering or disinfecting every part of our body. We use a workbench that sucks all the particulate matter away from the product and wipe everything down with alcohol every time we make a new batch. Even the alcohol wipes we use are designed to leave no residue behind.
All it takes is one single pathogen to get injected IV and it can end up in your heart or brain. Or it just gets infected at the injection site and rots your arm off. So unless you reconstitute your GH in a quarter million dollar pharmacy lab you’re risking that.

iM injections are safer because the body has way more opportunities to fight off the germs. Is it LIKELY that you die from an IV infection? Probably not. Considering junkies shoot up street drugs multiple times a day and survive for years, I’m sure the GH will be fine. But why risk it? You will eventually blow out your veins and look like a dope fiend walking around with bruises and track marks.
Ok, thanks for the inputs guys. Gonna skip doing this.