Running Prop At The End Of Test E Cycle?


New Member
What is the the proper way to go about this? I figured this would be a good idea while the eth ester is clearing out, and then go straight into pct. Wouldn't this make the transition much smoother?

Any input guys?
Start the prop ester 2 weeks prior to ending the long ester, this method is favored by many, I used it a few times when I cycled, I blast and cruise now..The prop metabolizes much faster, so its in and out..
Start the prop ester 2 weeks prior to ending the long ester, this method is favored by many, I used it a few times when I cycled, I blast and cruise now..The prop metabolizes much faster, so its in and out..
Spot on that's what I'd do i would use it as a kick start in the beginning and the last 2 weeks. But I'm seriously considering blasting and cruising
I've read only never tried.

Last two weeks of test-e taper up with test-p. Then two weeks test-p by itself at test-e dosage. Wait 1 week before start pct.
Think I'm going change up my cycle and try it.

"exhaust the body. proceed the mind. cultivate the spirit."
I have ran it several times at the end of a cycle. I always started the prop on the last week of the enanthate then I run it for 3weeks after so it's a total of 4weeks on the prop. I used to run it as a way to taper the test down easily. It's been a while since my last cycle and people don't tend to taper anymore so I would just run it the same as the Enanthate. However you end up running it I promise you it's a lot better than having to wait until time for PCT with nothing. Good luck brother.
...hey dude, prop half life is 3 days, so three days after your last pin start pinning your prop at a ratio of 1:2 of whatever your long ester dosage was, this work your way down about 100 mg's a week...its worked well for me, get to 50mg on your last pin and start pct three days works like butter my man

so there for if you're on 500mg test e a week
3days after last pin - 250mg test prop that week
150 next week
down to the big 50 homey
ive actually never run a long ester without ending off with prop; just not worth it for me to suffer through the "2 weeks of death" . typically i begin the prop roughly about 3 weeks prior to my cycles end date, then begin PCT 3 days after my last shot (so on the the day). has always done me well
ive actually never run a long ester without ending off with prop; just not worth it for me to suffer through the "2 weeks of death" . typically i begin the prop roughly about 3 weeks prior to my cycles end date, then begin PCT 3 days after my last shot (so on the the day). has always done me well

there ya go
ive tried both the taper down as well as keeping consistant, and personally i dont find i feel a difference. i know some swear by tapering and feel it provides them with an easier transition into PCT; and im not discounting that it may be a better option for them, but for myself personally whether my last week is on 1000mg or 100mg i find the transition in PCT to be no different. since i dont experience any difference between the two i forgo any tapering down and ride it out at whatever dosage ive been on until the end; though AAS is a perfect example of something where the phrase "to each his own" certainly applies; because of this feel free to experiment with either method and find which works best for you. wont hurt try either way
i doing this right now. been about 1.5 weeks since my last TE pin and im pinning 200mg prop is my question:

im set for another 11 days on var. at this rate it would be about 3 weeks on prop shots so i could begin PCT whenever; should i come off var and prop at the same time and begin pct or pin another wks worth of prop before starting pct?
i doing this right now. been about 1.5 weeks since my last TE pin and im pinning 200mg prop is my question:

im set for another 11 days on var. at this rate it would be about 3 weeks on prop shots so i could begin PCT whenever; should i come off var and prop at the same time and begin pct or pin another wks worth of prop before starting pct?

Var half life is only 12 hrs no need to run your prop another week
TE tapers down naturally .. thought i might add that, as you coming off the levels are dropping ed , as to not be a dramatic let down, idk they both have advantages....
Personally, the last day I pin the long ester (usually Wednesday), I start test P the following Monday at a smaller dose (to avoid spiking levels), then Wednesday still use the smaller dose, then Friday I up it to the full dosage amount and continue my prop use for as long as I see fit.

When I have ramped the other way, I always spiked my E2 (running P and E at the same time) which resulted in over compensating with an AI.


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