Saw Palmetto for BPH, Hair Loss and Other Benefits


Had some recent, mild BPH symptoms (slow to start, lighter stream) with a PSA result at my consistent <1.0 over 10+ years. Researched and added a Saw Palmetto, Beta-Sitosterol and Lycopene formula (with other herbs and compounds) of which I have only been using 1 softgel per day (vs the recommended 3). Comes out 10 only 107mg Saw Palmetto per day. I have to say after a few weeks my prostate symptoms have all but subsided so I'm really happy with the result, especially considering the dose (I always start with the lowest dose as a rule, even with AAS). Thought I might share this article as well since it seems Saw Palmetto also potentially helps with hair loss, inflammation, etc:

For what it's worth. It helped me...

Full disclosure: I also use 2.5mg tadalafil per day (taken at night) so this could also be a contributing factor to my symptom resolution.
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