***SCAM ALERT***Nordic Fusion Canadian domestic source

lol makes 0 sense, if trust is broken, u think ur more likely to get a refund than product? lets be clear what broke ur trust, u didn't get a reply on the weekend.. how that breaks trust, no idea lol. untrustworthy people take weekends off I guess? your prob going to loose $ because of exchange, and may not even offer it because of system in place for OPSEC. anyway, I get u think your helping the community but just made urself look foolish , and slandering them for 0 reason.. 0.
Do I look like I’m expecting anything from them? I’m simply sharing the experience so people know at least how they deal with customers.
I can't post in the underground subforum, so creating a new post and replying to comments here:

1) I know it's underground, but some common courtesies apply across all communities. With all the incidents happening in Canada, I don't think it's dumb or "moronic" as some people put it, to get anxious when you don't hear from the vendors suddenly.

2) Not sure why it was so difficult for people to grasp the idea of exchange rates. The screenshot is in US dollars, and the quote was in Canadian dollars. In case you don't know, yes, US dollar is worth more.

3) I have done nothing wrong by posting this, all I wanted is to alert people. If you think I am the dumb one, by all means, go to this Nordic Fusion guy for all your needs. Otherwise, keep your stupid judgemental opinions to yourself.

4) The guy replied to me this morning asking for the shipping address, I don't know if he was just slow or cuz he saw this post. Since now trust is already broken I have asked for a refund. I will update again if he ends up refunding me or not. You can be your own judge to see if you want to deal with him.
In all honesty no one would hate him if he told you to suck his fucking cock. Not a fan of the lab but I would not be selling steroids to downies. Apologize to him and delete this shit.
Do I look like I’m expecting anything from them? I’m simply sharing the experience so people know at least how they deal with customers.
I think you're missing what everyone is trying to point out. You're complaining about something thats normal which shows your inexperience on these kinds of transaction.

Most guys know how to deal with these situation properly but that comes with time and reading. That's why your post is meaningless to most if not all of the members here, it just makes you look like a Karen buying stuff and whining when not served right away.

in the future, if you still want to do this expect the worst and hope for the best but don't expect the service to be on par with Amazon.

Good luck.
Hi, I'm Canadian too.
I also did not realize you were giving numbers in two different currencies because you didn't tell us that.

Not sure why that's the hill you're willing to die on OP, I guess it shows how important to you "being right" is.

You are getting pretty standard service from an online drug dealer and throwing a fit over some perceived injustice.

Just wait until you move out of your parents basement and see how hard life actually can be.

This thread is embarrassing. If you rejoin under a new handle, never admit you're the one who started this thread.

Good luck.
Just going to add that yes, you're being ridiculous, his response time was fine. Not responding on weekends is normal, chill

Stop making these threads
Hello, folks

Please be aware of this Canadian domestic source Nordic Fusion. I sent them the bitcoins and never heard from them since. See below emails and transfer confirmation.

They are using the following email addresses:

I can’t reply to the thread so I will just add here: for those of you that think I am not patient enough, I can only say as an ordinary customer (yes, without knowing how this “works”), if you are replying within 3 hours when I’m inquiring but disppear for 2 days after I send the money, that spells fishy to me.

Having said that, if they reply eventually, I will update the post.

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You are a dumb ass and this post needs to be removed because you are a dumb ass. NORDIC and I are the reps here. How about I spray on your car hit me because I'm a dumb ass? I would never send you a damn thing. Yes we ban customers. Consider your ass banned. Choke on your fucking Clomid.

You are a dumb ass and this post needs to be removed because you are a dumb ass. NORDIC and I are the reps here. How about I spray on your car hit me because I'm a dumb ass? I would never send you a damn thing. Yes we ban customers. Consider your ass banned. Choke on your fucking Clomid.

I think that Meso was doing a pretty good job of shaming this customer enough but kudos to you for taking the opportunity to embarrass yourself and your brand so effectively with this outburst.
I think that Meso was doing a pretty good job of shaming this customer enough but kudos to you for taking the opportunity to embarrass yourself and your brand so effectively with this outburst.
Yes dad. A man has a right to take a stand and defend oneself. How about you keep your brainless comments to yourself? This isn't a "normal" market place. Sir
Yes dad. A man has a right to take a stand and defend oneself. How about you keep your brainless comments to yourself? This isn't a "normal" market place. Sir
No one is suggesting you don't have a right to defend yourself, but when a retarded person starts screaming it's pretty retarded of you to start screaming back louder and more retardedly. Just laugh it off.
No one is suggesting you don't have a right to defend yourself, but when a retarded person starts screaming it's pretty retarded of you to start screaming back louder and more retardedly. Just laugh it off.
We are posted as a scammer which we are not but thats the first thing people read. They don't follow the thread of replies. I enjoy being called retarded. I'm laughing you off. Mind your own business.
We are posted as a scammer which we are not but thats the first thing people read. They don't follow the thread of replies. I enjoy being called retarded. I'm laughing you off. Mind your own business.
Anybody who reads this thread already thinks the customer is in the wrong. All you've done is show everyone you're off your rocker, too. Best of luck to ya.
Anybody who reads this thread already thinks the customer is in the wrong. All you've done is show everyone you're off your rocker, too. Best of luck to ya.
Same to you friend. First you call me a retard and now you call me insane. Your momma raised you right. I frankly don't give a shit what you have to say. Opinions are like assholes and everyone has one. You have interjected yourself into a thread that has absolutely zero to do with you. I'm still laughing you off. You really don't matter. I on the other hand am impacted by this thread and your as big of a dumb ass that started this thread. I'm done. Go ahead and have your last highly intelligent reply. You deserve it.
Hahaha…professional response from a source!!
You were worried about the OP comments reflecting badly on the business - sometimes it’s best keep quiet.
Also, how do you enforce banning customers, if you don’t keep customer info?
On a positive note, NF Tren must be alright!!
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Same to you friend. First you call me a retard and now you call me insane. Your momma raised you right. I frankly don't give a shit what you have to say. Opinions are like assholes and everyone has one. You have interjected yourself into a thread that has absolutely zero to do with you. I'm still laughing you off. You really don't matter. I on the other hand am impacted by this thread and your as big of a dumb ass that started this thread. I'm done. Go ahead and have your last highly intelligent reply. You deserve it.
It doesn't look like you don't give a shit... highly intelligent reply? i think you meant to say highly retarded reply. You sound more retarded then the person who started this Thread. Just get off the coke and get some sleep and you will feel better tomorrow.