Searching for answers. Antibiotics?


New Member
Back in April, my partner and I came down with a mystery illness that was similar to strep but was not strep. We tested negative for COVID, flu, and mono. At my worst, I had a 103-degree fever, which drove me to go to the hospital, where they treated me with a heavy dose of injectable antibiotics and gave me an oral prescription of antibiotics. Shortly after finishing the prescription, I started experiencing moderate GI issues (won’t go into detail). In the following weeks, I noticed that my overall body composition was on the decline. I was looking dramatically less “full,” and my strength had decreased slightly. My diet and protocol had not changed during this time; I actually increased my food intake in an attempt to preserve muscle. I even increased my TRT dose slightly, but despite this, my body composition has still been on a steady decline. Has anyone had any adverse effects from antibiotics that seemed to have semi lasting effects? Blood work looks good so this the only thing I could think of. Antibiotic recovery protocols are appreciated if anyone wants to add.
Back in April, my partner and I came down with a mystery illness that was similar to strep but was not strep. We tested negative for COVID, flu, and mono. At my worst, I had a 103-degree fever, which drove me to go to the hospital, where they treated me with a heavy dose of injectable antibiotics and gave me an oral prescription of antibiotics. Shortly after finishing the prescription, I started experiencing moderate GI issues (won’t go into detail). In the following weeks, I noticed that my overall body composition was on the decline. I was looking dramatically less “full,” and my strength had decreased slightly. My diet and protocol had not changed during this time; I actually increased my food intake in an attempt to preserve muscle. I even increased my TRT dose slightly, but despite this, my body composition has still been on a steady decline. Has anyone had any adverse effects from antibiotics that seemed to have semi lasting effects? Blood work looks good so this the only thing I could think of. Antibiotic recovery protocols are appreciated if anyone wants to add.

Killed off your gut flora, a common effect with most antibiotics, some, like doxycycline are even available in capsules coated in probiotics to replace what they kill, but it can be much more severe with powerful antibiotics like what you describe.

They're necessary to properly extract nutrients from food, which may be your problem.

I would start with a course of any of the commonly available multi-strain probiotics available over the counter. That will almost certainly be effective.

But if you have the resources, you could go straight to the top with Visbiome Extra Strength to expedite your recovery.

You should notice improvements starting within a few days, but studies show it takes around 3 months of treatment to fully restore a demolished gut biome.

It may be a bumpy ride as your gut goes through the changes. To keep the digestion issues to a minimum it'd be useful to have a serving of Metamucil psyllium fiber supplement drink each day to keep things moving properly in the bathroom.
Thank you for your reply. Just started physicians choice 60 billion probiotic a few days ago, it’s definitely doing something because I’m starting to bloat a little which I read was normal. Plan on including several fermented type foods in my diet as well.
Thank you for your reply. Just started physicians choice 60 billion probiotic a few days ago, it’s definitely doing something because I’m starting to bloat a little which I read was normal. Plan on including several fermented type foods in my diet as well.

The psyllium fiber will also help feed your crop of gut flora, but mostly, it'll stabilize your digestion which can get unpleasant before it gets better. I consider Metamucil orange flavor drink the only pleasant psyllium supplement. Don't use a dry psyllium supplement.

Good luck, sounds like you're on the right path.

Be glad you're not someone who was on very long term powerful antibiotics.

Those folks sometimes need a fecal transplant!
Killed off your gut flora, a common effect with most antibiotics, some, like doxycycline are even available in capsules coated in probiotics to replace what they kill, but it can be much more severe with powerful antibiotics like what you describe.

They're necessary to properly extract nutrients from food, which may be your problem.

I would start with a course of any of the commonly available multi-strain probiotics available over the counter. That will almost certainly be effective.

But if you have the resources, you could go straight to the top with Visbiome Extra Strength to expedite your recovery.

You should notice improvements starting within a few days, but studies show it takes around 3 months of treatment to fully restore a demolished gut biome.

It may be a bumpy ride as your gut goes through the changes. To keep the digestion issues to a minimum it'd be useful to have a serving of Metamucil psyllium fiber supplement drink each day to keep things moving properly in the bathroom.

I like your i depth answer… makes me wonder whats wrong with my stomach… might go for a slightly expensive full body mri…. Because i bloat like crazy and have severe stomach issues over the last years