Second blood test - Testosterone C. 350mg/week - High E2


Finally I have the blood test and I need some feedbacks. The change is there but I skyrocket my E2 and need to act.
I have the following products with me:
- Testosterone Cypionate 250mg/ml
- Arimidex 0.5 mg
- Novaldex 10 mg
- Anavar 10 mg

I have shot 250mg/1ml every 5 days which is kind of 3/320mg per week. Here it comes the blood test

| Marker          | Value       | Range      |
| Cholesterin     | 4.0 mmol/l  | < 5.0      |
| HDL Cholesterin | 1.1 mmol/l  | > 1.0      |
| Triglyceride    | 1.1 mmol/l  | < 1.7      |
| LDL             | 2.4 mmol/l  | < 3.0      |
| LDH             | 234 UI/l    | 135 - 225  |
| SHBG            | 33.9 nmol/l | 18.3 - 54  |
| LH              | 0.3         | 1.7 - 8.6  |
| FSH             | 0.3         | 1.5 - 12.4 |
| Prolaktin       | 7.7 mcg/l   | 4.0 - 15.0 |
| Estradiol       | 327 pmol/l  | 41 - 159   |
| Testo Total     | 52 nmol/l   | 8.6 - 29   |

So, LDL went down, it was 3.2 4 weeks ago. But my E2 skyrocket.
Plan, I will start to take 0.5mg of Arimidex every 3.5 days and check again blood in 4 weeks. What do you think?
Solved. I used 0.5mg of Arimidex E3D and after 15 days of usage, Estrogen are in perfect range. So that means that I need Ai even with 350mg of Testo, so probably this is already my limit, no point to go higher.

| Marker | Range | 27.05.2023 | 15.06.2023 | |-----------------------|-------------|-------|-------| | Cholesterin | < 5.0 | 4.0 | 4.1 | | HDL | > 1.0 | 1.1 | 0.9 | | Triglyceride | < 1.7 | 1.1 | 1.7 | | LDL | < 3.0 | 2.4 | 2.4 | | SHGB (mmol/l) | 18.3 - 54.1 | 33.9 | 35.3 | | Estradiol (pmol/l) | 41.4 - 159 | 327 | 134 | | Testosterone (nmol/l) | 8.6 - 29.0 | 52.0 | 52.0 |
I need 1mg arimidex per week for 200-250 test.
How do you feel compared to before with the higher estrogen?
With Arimidex I feel more awake, my erection improved drastically, at the gym I have more strength and the bloating/gas stopped. Only counter effect I have a few small pimples on my chest
With Arimidex I feel more awake, my erection improved drastically, at the gym I have more strength and the bloating/gas stopped. Only counter effect I have a few small pimples on my chest
Estrogen is a strange one some feel better when its higher others do not.
I like it in the upper range seems to be the best for me.
Estrogen is a strange one some feel better when its higher others do not.
I like it in the upper range seems to be the best for me.
Absolutely true. It’s really something personal which needs to be tested with blood and fine tuning. I found quickly my sweet spot for me it works when it’s in range. Next cycle I will try Aromasin and I will try to play more with dosage to find the real perfect sweet spot