Second cycle Test/Tren questions


New Member
Greeting to all,
I have been lifting weights for 20 years. I am currently getting into a second cycle. Adding Tren E onto my Test E. For my first cycle I stuck with just Test E 300mg, with 250mg dosing every 3.5-4 days for 500mg a week. I ran an AI (Letro) along with a Serm (Nolvadex) to help prevent/combat gyno related issues.

In my early 20's (currently 35) I was used to items sold at GNC, Vitamin World and Max Muscle. I have spent thousands on all sort of products to help gain weight/strength that never did what they advertised. One day in a supplement store, a pro bodybuilder working there suggested M-drol with P-plex stacked and guaranteed I would gain size and strength. With no research I purchased it and ran a full 60 day cycle. By the end, I had to go and ask the guy why my nipples were painfully sensitive and leaking. That is when the whole world of prohormones was opened up to me, and I learned about gyno, liver support and PCT.

My gyno still flares up time to time, so I am weary of running any cycle without AI or Serms to prevent progression. For my second cycle I am planning to run 500mg test E a week, with 300mg Tren E a week. I also purchased 2x5,000iu HCG vials to run while on cycle. My current supply of AI and Serm has been research chems and I am no longer confident in their effectiveness. I will be placing an order through Xpress for Amidex, Aromasin, Letro, clomid, Nolva. I understand overkill, but I want to see what responds best with my body for current and post cycle.

Any thoughts or suggestions on how to run a cycle of Test/Tren to help mitigate the onset of sides or gyno? Should I tweek dosages or days of administration? Do I run AI or Serm continuously while on cycle, or only hit it when I feel my gyno flaring up? I hit 500 HCG and my nipples got so sore the next day. Which leads me to believe my current stock of PCT is bunk. And is caber a must have while on cycle? Any other PCT you would recommend to try?

My wife wants to try having kids around the time my cycle is over. I am trying to keep testicular function throughout my cycle and a quick and smooth post cycle hence HCG, Clomid, Nolva.

Any postive or negative feedback would be greatly appreciated!
Second cycle tren hmm ... i train over 15 years and also complete but avoid tren at all cost and use it sparingly just when i really need to
Second cycle tren hmm ... i train over 15 years and also complete but avoid tren at all cost and use it sparingly just when i really need to
Is it just Tren that you avoid? I understand there are options the don't aromatize which could be an option. A buddy and I are going to do a competition together, since we have been lifting since our teens together into our 30s.
Avoid the Tren. It is not worth the toll it takes on your health (kidneys, insomnia etc) as well as possibly your personal life. There are much simpler alternatives.

If you want kids 19nors at all costs.
Why not Primo with some Var or something simple? Tren is a pre contest drug to be used very sparingly. Unless your competing at a higher level it is not necessary.
Why not Primo with some Var or something simple? Tren is a pre contest drug to be used very sparingly. Unless your competing at a higher level it is not necessary.
I have looked into other options since starting this cycle. I started to get paranoid of losing fertility forever, cardiovascular issues and such. A bodybuilding coach recommended this cycle and talked nothing but greatness with it, also claims he's been on it for years on and off. So like an idiot I paid in advance for a full 12-14 week cycle...
I have looked into other options since starting this cycle. I started to get paranoid of losing fertility forever, cardiovascular issues and such. A bodybuilding coach recommended this cycle and talked nothing but greatness with it, also claims he's been on it for years on and off. So like an idiot I paid in advance for a full 12-14 week cycle...

I feel you man. I waited until my 30s and had kids before even using Testosterone. Having kids was the best decision I ever made! Nothing is worth that risk in my opinion. Sell the tren. Tren isn't worth the possibility that you might not be around for your kids. Also some people are a real cunt on tren. A few guys here have lost their wives to that shit and regret it horribly!
Greeting to all,
I have been lifting weights for 20 years. I am currently getting into a second cycle. Adding Tren E onto my Test E. For my first cycle I stuck with just Test E 300mg, with 250mg dosing every 3.5-4 days for 500mg a week. I ran an AI (Letro) along with a Serm (Nolvadex) to help prevent/combat gyno related issues.

In my early 20's (currently 35) I was used to items sold at GNC, Vitamin World and Max Muscle. I have spent thousands on all sort of products to help gain weight/strength that never did what they advertised. One day in a supplement store, a pro bodybuilder working there suggested M-drol with P-plex stacked and guaranteed I would gain size and strength. With no research I purchased it and ran a full 60 day cycle. By the end, I had to go and ask the guy why my nipples were painfully sensitive and leaking. That is when the whole world of prohormones was opened up to me, and I learned about gyno, liver support and PCT.

My gyno still flares up time to time, so I am weary of running any cycle without AI or Serms to prevent progression. For my second cycle I am planning to run 500mg test E a week, with 300mg Tren E a week. I also purchased 2x5,000iu HCG vials to run while on cycle. My current supply of AI and Serm has been research chems and I am no longer confident in their effectiveness. I will be placing an order through Xpress for Amidex, Aromasin, Letro, clomid, Nolva. I understand overkill, but I want to see what responds best with my body for current and post cycle.

Any thoughts or suggestions on how to run a cycle of Test/Tren to help mitigate the onset of sides or gyno? Should I tweek dosages or days of administration? Do I run AI or Serm continuously while on cycle, or only hit it when I feel my gyno flaring up? I hit 500 HCG and my nipples got so sore the next day. Which leads me to believe my current stock of PCT is bunk. And is caber a must have while on cycle? Any other PCT you would recommend to try?

My wife wants to try having kids around the time my cycle is over. I am trying to keep testicular function throughout my cycle and a quick and smooth post cycle hence HCG, Clomid, Nolva.

Any postive or negative feedback would be greatly appreciated!
It sounds like you’ve had some really bad experience and guidance In the past, might I suggest you look into getting a coach that can help you with all of this stuff? It sounds like you have the money to do so, and this way any of these problems that happen for you are on them to fix, and they will because they know what they’re doing..
I forgot to put in OC thread that my buddy and I both have the same coach who got us on any type of PED. We are going to do a show together, and this guy straight up told us depite our physiques need to get on gas to be competitive. He says nothing but great things about tren and this cycle and that he's been on tren for years.
I forgot to put in OC thread that my buddy and I both have the same coach who got us on any type of PED. We are going to do a show together, and this guy straight up told us depite our physiques need to get on gas to be competitive. He says nothing but great things about tren and this cycle and that he's been on tren for years.

No offense but anyone who spends years on tren is a retard lol. Sounds like you you are already happy with your physique. In all honesty a little bit of gear goes a long way. I personally get a lot off adding a mild oral on the back end, my absolute favorite is Anavar!

Maybe consider this.

300-500 test
300 mast
Last 6 weeks 40 mg anavar

You will grow like crazy. You will look dry as hell!

I know sub 10 percent bf I looked grainy as fuck on that!

Also if you want more growth. 3 days var 3 day Adrol and rotate like that. Some many really knowledgeable and great guys here do it that way to avoid the sometimes shitty sides associated with Anadrol.

Also if you are worried and take a serm. Try Fareston. It is much better for you than the alternatives. I personally experience no sides from it. My brother @Silentlemon1011 is super gyno prone and is a fan of ralox and will chime in here.
No offense but anyone who spends years on tren is a retard lol. Sounds like you you are already happy with your physique. In all honesty a little bit of gear goes a long way. I personally get a lot off adding a mild oral on the back end, my absolute favorite is Anavar!

Maybe consider this.

300-500 test
300 mast
Last 6 weeks 40 mg anavar

You will grow like crazy. You will look dry as hell!

I know sub 10 percent bf I looked grainy as fuck on that!

Also if you want more growth. 3 days var 3 day Adrol and rotate like that. Some many really knowledgeable and great guys here do it that way to avoid the sometimes shitty sides associated with Anadrol.

Also if you are worried and take a serm. Try Fareston. It is much better for you than the alternatives. I personally experience no sides from it. My brother @Silentlemon1011 is super gyno prone and is a fan of ralox and will chime in here.
Man, Yeah that the general feel I have been getting in regards to Tren. I should try to remember that alot of people bullshit and stretch truths...

I got a 30 day supply of Ananvar in capsules a while back,they are 25mg caps. I stayed away from the oral stigma of toxicity.

I am pretty happy my physique, i guess the competitive side of me got the better of me for wanting to blow away competition.

That stack looks delicous, as I have already committed to Mast on my next re-up. Have some Anavar and need Anadrol. I tried to stick to injectables again due to toxicity issues with orals. Im assuming clean diet, liver support and cholesterol support will help negate this. Thanks again!!!

Man, Yeah that the general feel I have been getting in regards to Tren. I should try to remember that alot of people bullshit and stretch truths...

I got a 30 day supply of Ananvar in capsules a while back,they are 25mg caps. I stayed away from the oral stigma of toxicity.

I am pretty happy my physique, i guess the competitive side of me got the better of me for wanting to blow away competition.

That stack looks delicous, as I have already committed to Mast on my next re-up. Have some Anavar and need Anadrol. I tried to stick to injectables again due to toxicity issues with orals. Im assuming clean diet, liver support and cholesterol support will help negate this. Thanks again!!!

Anavar is metabolized in the kidney and has never moved my liver values or cholesterol. Maybe I'm just lucky. I don't know about adrol. A prescribed dose can be is high as 100mg. I would think the sides would be nasty at that dose. 25mg should be plenty if everything else is good. Also from what I learned here the 3 on 3 off rotation really helps. I haven't tried that but definitely willing to give it a go. At low doses I'm not concerned with "toxicity" for some guys yes the liver enzymes go up.....but a few beers on does that too for some. If you leave the adrol have no liver worries if it real anavar.
I forgot to put in OC thread that my buddy and I both have the same coach who got us on any type of PED. We are going to do a show together, and this guy straight up told us depite our physiques need to get on gas to be competitive. He says nothing but great things about tren and this cycle and that he's been on tren for years.

No offense but anyone who spends years on tren is a retard lol. Sounds like you you are already happy with your physique. In all honesty a little bit of gear goes a long way. I personally get a lot off adding a mild oral on the back end, my absolute favorite is Anavar!

Maybe consider this.

300-500 test
300 mast
Last 6 weeks 40 mg anavar

You will grow like crazy. You will look dry as hell!

I know sub 10 percent bf I looked grainy as fuck on that!

Also if you want more growth. 3 days var 3 day Adrol and rotate like that. Some many really knowledgeable and great guys here do it that way to avoid the sometimes shitty sides associated with Anadrol.

Also if you are worried and take a serm. Try Fareston. It is much better for you than the alternatives. I personally experience no sides from it. My brother @Silentlemon1011 is super gyno prone and is a fan of ralox and will chime in here.

Ralox is a good option, I get very few sides on legit Ralox (Get pharma, dont trust a UGL)
I feel a bit shitty on Nolva for Gyno.

My newest anti Gyno Protocol is.
Slam Ralox 1 to 2 weeks
Then I switch to Fareston to cruise and prevent it from returning while I get my e2 in control

As for the tren...
Man a year of tren is an awful idea.. terrible.
Guys in here compete without tren and look AMAZING
Get a new coach lol
I wont pretend to sit here and tell you what to do for contest prep, I have a vague idea... but I'm just not on that level.
ICAN say that years of tren is fucked lmao
Ralox is a good option, I get very few sides on legit Ralox (Get pharma, dont trust a UGL)
I feel a bit shitty on Nolva for Gyno.

My newest anti Gyno Protocol is.
Slam Ralox 1 to 2 weeks
Then I switch to Fareston to cruise and prevent it from returning while I get my e2 in control

As for the tren...
Man a year of tren is an awful idea.. terrible.
Guys in here compete without tren and look AMAZING
Get a new coach lol
I wont pretend to sit here and tell you what to do for contest prep, I have a vague idea... but I'm just not on that level.
ICAN say that years of tren is fucked lmao
Agreed way too long for a Tren run. That would be rough on the body.
I like to run tren ace for 8 - 10 weeks at most. Can tell when it;s time to quit it because I plateau and the magic wears off. Definitely best bang for your buck steroid imo. Use it sparingly and don't rely on it to work miracles
Man I have to say that I think you’re a very good guy... like WiseLemon...

Anyway, the guys who lost their wives didn’t lose them because of tren, pretty sure about that... lot of Women make you crazy... they are sneaky... they re stupid... they make you gonna crazy nowadays... i ve lived 5 years with a crazy girl , tren or not tren she compromised the bell out of my mind... and guess what? She’s not the only one that made me gonna insane...

I m On test / tren / Oxymetholone and Primo right now... I lost ton of money, I m fuckin pissed off because a lot of stuff...,I hate lor of people and I become very nervous all of a sudden when I see them (every fuckin day) and would kill them very badly... but... i meet even people I like and there is no way I lose my self control... I have a small dog too, a female Cavalier King Charles Spaniel... she’s lovely and funny... she does every fuckin day the same messes... I get angry at her but then I look at her and I start laughing... even if I m an asshole tren enraged person with a fucked up mind full of very very bad thoughts... and I bet my ass those wives did their best to break those guys balls... tren let you express your wild side, your manly spirit... it makes you bypasses all the social filters society created to tryna live together..
In the perfect world my answer to all of those bitchy behaviors that show disrespect and stupid immaturity would be a fuckin uppercut that would decapitate her, Mortal Kombat style... and I would be fuckin happy about that..

toxic people should be banned from this fuckin world... obv I m wondering about good guys that have went trough bad bitchy behaviors from their wives... because if you say Tren was the cause, then there are good probabilities they weren’t screwed up men and almost everything was fine before tren.. tren suggest you the right answer to those fuckin stupid women that love to piss good men offs..

Tren make me more mad at racist people, people that bully weak people, people who treat bad animals and so on.. I hope to find some kiddos beating up another kid alone to play the role of Batman and kick them in their face while screaming in growl ONE MORE TIME MOTHERFUCKEEEERRRSSSSS


I feel you man. I waited until my 30s and had kids before even using Testosterone. Having kids was the best decision I ever made! Nothing is worth that risk in my opinion. Sell the tren. Tren isn't worth the possibility that you might not be around for your kids. Also some people are a real cunt on tren. A few guys here have lost their wives to that shit and regret it horribly!