Second cycle Test/Tren questions

I love tren e because I can take low doses for a short amount of time and get the results I want, with only 200 mg of test e. For a first tren run ace is better so if you have bad sides you can get it out of your system fast. If you have anger issues or jealousy towards your wife, don’t mess with tren because it amplifies it. I’m laid back, no anger issues at all so it doesn’t effect my attitude to badly at reasonable doses. I’ve done high doses in the past and I hated the way it made me feel. Getting jealous and having trust issues for no reason at all is not ok and not fair to your girl.
Man I have to say that I think you’re a very good guy... like WiseLemon...

Anyway, the guys who lost their wives didn’t lose them because of tren, pretty sure about that... lot of Women make you crazy... they are sneaky... they re stupid... they make you gonna crazy nowadays... i ve lived 5 years with a crazy girl , tren or not tren she compromised the bell out of my mind... and guess what? She’s not the only one that made me gonna insane...

I m On test / tren / Oxymetholone and Primo right now... I lost ton of money, I m fuckin pissed off because a lot of stuff...,I hate lor of people and I become very nervous all of a sudden when I see them (every fuckin day) and would kill them very badly... but... i meet even people I like and there is no way I lose my self control... I have a small dog too, a female Cavalier King Charles Spaniel... she’s lovely and funny... she does every fuckin day the same messes... I get angry at her but then I look at her and I start laughing... even if I m an asshole tren enraged person with a fucked up mind full of very very bad thoughts... and I bet my ass those wives did their best to break those guys balls... tren let you express your wild side, your manly spirit... it makes you bypasses all the social filters society created to tryna live together..
In the perfect world my answer to all of those bitchy behaviors that show disrespect and stupid immaturity would be a fuckin uppercut that would decapitate her, Mortal Kombat style... and I would be fuckin happy about that..

toxic people should be banned from this fuckin world... obv I m wondering about good guys that have went trough bad bitchy behaviors from their wives... because if you say Tren was the cause, then there are good probabilities they weren’t screwed up men and almost everything was fine before tren.. tren suggest you the right answer to those fuckin stupid women that love to piss good men offs..

Tren make me more mad at racist people, people that bully weak people, people who treat bad animals and so on.. I hope to find some kiddos beating up another kid alone to play the role of Batman and kick them in their face while screaming in growl ONE MORE TIME MOTHERFUCKEEEERRRSSSSS


Wtf .... and you call other people toxic lol wow pal . You’re off your rocker [emoji2957]
I would use test and mast over tren and test. Even a light cycle like 150mg test p a week, with 350mg Tren ace a week is taxing on the body. Out of breath just doing warm up sets, it's kinda scary. Var is always a good addition like others have mentioned.
Ralox is a good option, I get very few sides on legit Ralox (Get pharma, dont trust a UGL)
I feel a bit shitty on Nolva for Gyno.

My newest anti Gyno Protocol is.
Slam Ralox 1 to 2 weeks
Then I switch to Fareston to cruise and prevent it from returning while I get my e2 in control

As for the tren...
Man a year of tren is an awful idea.. terrible.
Guys in here compete without tren and look AMAZING
Get a new coach lol
I wont pretend to sit here and tell you what to do for contest prep, I have a vague idea... but I'm just not on that level.
ICAN say that years of tren is fucked lmao
I got some exemestane [Aromasin] from a pct supplier that is express ;) So far it is amazing, little to no sensitivity in the nipple area. Also, it could be in my head but I swear the mass is shrinking too!!! I already know I am over doing my estrogen control, but now with this exemestane I am confident that I could take just that.

Yeah, we just let our coach know 2 weeks ago that we were going a different route. He barely checked in, we were always trying to get ahold of him with no answer. Just a meal plan in the beginning, and that was it for 300 a month. We have been talking with Charles Griffin as possibly taking us on, an olympia level competitor!

Thanks Brah, I will deff look into those products for sure!!!
I love tren e because I can take low doses for a short amount of time and get the results I want, with only 200 mg of test e. For a first tren run ace is better so if you have bad sides you can get it out of your system fast. If you have anger issues or jealousy towards your wife, don’t mess with tren because it amplifies it. I’m laid back, no anger issues at all so it doesn’t effect my attitude to badly at reasonable doses. I’ve done high doses in the past and I hated the way it made me feel. Getting jealous and having trust issues for no reason at all is not ok and not fair to your girl.
I know I am dumb for not listening to people and just selling the damn tren. To tell you the truth, I feel amazing on it. I am constantly pumped, dense and bursting when I flex. When I workout, the pump is insane, my arms grow twice the size. No behavioral changes so far. Wife and I get along great and don't really argue about much. Only downside so far is lack of sleep. Only getting an hour here and there for a total if maybe 4 5 hours of sleep, but not straight sleep. It would really suck if I had work while this was happening, and would quit then. But since I am laid off during winter months, lets gooooo!
I know I am dumb for not listening to people and just selling the damn tren. To tell you the truth, I feel amazing on it. I am constantly pumped, dense and bursting when I flex. When I workout, the pump is insane, my arms grow twice the size. No behavioral changes so far. Wife and I get along great and don't really argue about much. Only downside so far is lack of sleep. Only getting an hour here and there for a total if maybe 4 5 hours of sleep, but not straight sleep. It would really suck if I had work while this was happening, and would quit then. But since I am laid off during winter months, lets gooooo!
It catches up to you. To you, you think you feel the same, but others see a difference,Just keep in mind if anything tics you off, its not your real emotions its the tren, even though it seems real in the moment.
It catches up to you. To you, you think you feel the same, but others see a difference,Just keep in mind if anything tics you off, its not your real emotions its the tren, even though it seems real in the moment.
I hear that... I wasn't trying to glorify the Tren, and that's exactly what I sounded like.... It could be the Test dosage too that is making me feel the way I do. And yes I also see the catching up to you happening as well. Little to no sleep alone would have some affect on anybody. And there was 1 time we had our niece and nephew over. The 5 month old would not stop crying and was screaming because of constipation. The 2.5 year old crying and wanting my every second of attention. The 10 year old gold spoon fed and tv/tablet babysat little bitch wanting to watch what he wanted to watch, and also have the tablet to have some other dumb youtube shit playing straight wouldn't even try my wifes food she made for everyone (teriyaki chicken. Brown rice, broccoli) which was soooo good. And the little shit wouldn't even touch it. Pretended to gag and shit. All he eats is chicken and rice with different masalas... ughhhhhh..... yeah I was about to snap and loose my cool. I could tell it was the tren so I was able to wooosaaahhhh... thats a really dumbed down version of what happened for over 6 hours straight.... i was Trenbling so bad
Tren its an eyes opener... it lets you be aware of the lack of respect some people show to you..

People nowadays often don’t pay respect because they can easily get away with that... with tren or other aas, something changes..

Fuck you Jesus Christ and your passive attitude... if you slap me I ll take your eyes outta your face, I won’t turn you my other cheek.. or better, I could turn the other cheek and yell Cmon motherfucker Ahahah slap me again.. cmooon... and then you’ll smash his face with a baseball club


I’m kinda joking but I’m kinda serious...

Better bully than being bullied
Tren its an eyes opener... it lets you be aware of the lack of respect some people show to you..

People nowadays often don’t pay respect because they can easily get away with that... with tren or other aas, something changes..

Fuck you Jesus Christ and your passive attitude... if you slap me I ll take your eyes outta your face, I won’t turn you my other cheek.. or better, I could turn the other cheek and yell Cmon motherfucker Ahahah slap me again.. cmooon... and then you’ll smash his face with a baseball club


I’m kinda joking but I’m kinda serious...

Better bully than being bullied
Ha ha ha, yeah my buddy and I are feel like we can and will crush people to our will lol...