Well, one additional thing to consider is dosing frequency. If you're on cyp, make sure you're dosing at least E3.5D if not EOD. This might help with estro and SHBG a little.
Hmm, I found Adex to be more touchy than asin. I had a harder time dialing in my adex dose, which is why I switched. I found it to be slightly more powerful than asin pill for pill, equating 1 asin pill (25mg) to 1 adex pill (1mg).
That said, I would still recommend take a quarter pill of adex (.25mg) twice a week and retest in three weeks. 96 Estro is really high, so you have quite some room to go before you crash yourself if the dose is too high, so abolutely take bloods in 3 weeks for sure.
When you split the pills, I'd measure carefully with a milligram scale if you have one because those suckers are very hard to quarter. Make it a quarter AT MOST, a fifth at least (.20-.25mg range). You don't want to crash your Estro and end up on the other side of the game. That's why going TRT with no AI is so popular....it just does not work for everyone, myself included, particularly with our dosages. Getting the AI dose right is very difficult and requires bloodwork.
If you're really just on TRT, another alternative you can consider is lowering your dose to 75-100mg per week such that you may not need an AI. Lowering the dose should also raise your SHBG, so the combined effect may put your estro in range. It's just something to consider. I am holding onto a physique so I choose to cruise at 200mg, for which I require an AI. When I am ready to give up on BB, I will consider very low dosages such that I don't need an AI.
Good luck brother. The key to using an AI is bloodwork, 3 weeks, don't fuck that up. Adjust the dose if necessary from there. And if you're still fucked, consider the final option of dropping test much further (even 75-100mg per week) and trying again with no AI. If you don't care to maintain a physique, this should still put you high normal.