Semax, Selank and Hair Loss


New Member
Anyone with some first hand experience, or quality info on the topic of Semax and/or Selank contributing to hair loss or lowering of hair quality? I've read from some that it's no big deal, and from others that it's significant, immediate, and irreversible. I'm sure it's case dependent, but it does sound risky. I have most of my hair, but the hairs themselves are slowly getting thinner over the years, and I don't want to cause or accelerate any potential issues.
I've tried Semax now and it causes insane shedding for me. It affects hair on the back and sides of my head too and even body hair so it's not androgen related. Most anecdotes say the hair grows back in 2-4 months. But what makes me worried is that it seems like the existing hair in the middle of my scalp has become thinner not just because of the shedding. It looks like individual hairs have become thinner and have less color now, kind of like miniaturization by androgens. Started taking oral castor oil some days ago out of desperation. I really hope it's not permanent.