Serostim vs other pharma brands


New Member
For those who have used Serostim what is your experience comparing it to other pharma grade brands? I’ve looked around on here and other forums and I have seen a few post about Serostim not giving the same results as Geno, Nordi, Humatrope. etc. and that Seros seem to stall after some time. A lot of these post are old and I wanted to see if more users had this experience recently

I have used Serostim almost exclusively for 2 years now and I recently got a random Geno pen and noticed a difference right away in terms of less water retention and the fact that I went straight to sleep after a 4iu shot.. lol. The fat burning properties seemed to be a little more enhanced as well. I wanted to see if this is just all in my head or if there is more recent science now to back this up? I know that Seros are produced from mammal cells vs E. coli, but could that really make that much of a difference in how your body responds to it? Considering it’s all 191aa at the end of the day

Any info/experience is appreciated
I know this is an older post but I completely agree with you regarding Seros being less effective than other pharma brands. I get more water retention at the same doses and look just overall worse all around. I’ve used pharma GH for more than ten years and prefer humas and Genos over Serostim any day. I’d rather buy the Genos and humas from overseas than drive down the street for a kit of Sero from the aids patient I buy it from.