Sex Hormones on 375mg a week Cat Café Sustanon


New Member
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So I've just recieved the results from my bloodwork at week 4 of 375mg, split into 3 doses of 125mg M/W/F of Cat's Sustanon, and looking at Total Test I doubt any would argue it's not legit (not that there where any doubts considering the source). First impressions are as follow:

Total T is good, a decent 6x multiplier;
E2 I was kinda expecting it to be where it is since I'm naturally in the high 30's and I'm not using an AI;
DHT, thought it would be lower as I've been uisng 0.5mg Dutasteride E3.5D plus 1.25mg Finasteride EOD, but seems low enough considering the Total T;
Free T is honestly garbage, not even on top of my age bracket;
SHBG a little on the higher side.

Question is, how normal are these numbers? I'm well on supraphysiological levels of Total T, shouldn't Free T, which supposedly increses disproportionaly on exogenous injections, be much higher? I know reducing injection frequency will probably bring the numbers up, but I doubt it will put them in the 80's to low 100's, as I'd hoped they'd be.

It's my first time on gear, and I don't really have a good clue how I would react to it, so any input would be appreciated, especially the levels you guys usally get on similar dosages.
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Free Testosterone will be decided mainly by the SHBG, and you, are in the mid range value.

Before injection, with both pharma and UGL Test C, I get a 9-10x multiplier in trough, that is right before injection. But with TRT dosages/ TRT + my shbg is between 25-33. It seems that testosterone itself does not decrease my SHBG , at least very mild. Oxandrolone, orals, crushed my SHBG to single digits.

The lower your SHBG is the more free test you get.
Anywyas I have heard tha those Free Testosterone direct results are not the most accurate due to the method they use.

Regarding the DHT I have never tested it, started with 1.25mg Finasteride daily and started using Dutasteride 0.5mg every day instead.
You just rememberer me to check it next time just for curiosity.
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Free Testosterone will be decided mainly by the SHBG, and you, are in the mid range value.

Before injection, with both pharma and UGL Test C, I get a 9-10x multiplier in trough, that is right before injection. But with TRT dosages/ TRT + my shbg is between 25-30.

The lower your SHBG is the more free test you get.
Thanks for the reply. What do you mean by TRT dosages, around 250mg/week? Also, when you say you get a 9-10x multiplier right before injection, at what frequency is it?

I should add that this test was done around 60h after last injection.
Thanks for the reply. What do you mean by TRT dosages, around 250mg/week? Also, when you say you get a 9-10x multiplier right before injection, at what frequency is it?

I should add that this test was done around 60h after last injection.
Well, I mean that when I get bloods testosterone is at its lowest .

When I started 125mg pharma Test C per week, pinning every 3.5 days, I got 1160 and 1130 ng/dl Total Testosterone, on my lowest point before my injection after arriving from the blood extraction. 4 weeks between bloodworks, same schedule and time. SHBG was 33 and 31 I think.

On 200mg UGL Test C per week, pinning EoD, that is pinning 3.5 times per week, I got close to 2000 ng/dl, like 1950 or so. SHBG close to 30 as well, 29 or so.

I was not able to ask for direct Free Test since last times I tried it they used Free Test (Calculated).

Using an online calculator with your SHBG of 40 and 2275 ng/dl gives an estimated Free Test of 57.3 ng/dl, more than double the value you got. An I choose a high value for the albumin, which is usually lower that that.

Site used:
I guess it's entirely possible that the free test is not accurate as the method used is not very reliable. Only thing I will say is that I feel pretty much natty, but that's neither here nor there.

I'll try lowering the injection frequency as it's supposedly good at driving SHBG down and see where that puts me, though I should probably add an AI in that case.

Trial and error is the name of the game it seems.
Regarding the DHT I have never tested it, started with 1.25mg Finasteride daily and started using Dutasteride 0.5mg every day instead.
You just rememberer me to check it next time just for curiosity.
Please do test it and let us know, I would be really interested in seeing the diference between yours and mine protocols
Please do test it and let us know, I would be really interested in seeing the diference between yours and mine protocols
I will do, when I am on low-dose /TRT I probably have less libido but my erections are good as always, I can say it does not fuck me and I do tolerate Dutasteride well.
The problem is I do not have any DHT value before TRT, nor on TRT before fina and before dut, to compare.
There's only been one other person (@pwns) posting bloodwork on Sustanon iirc - not an exhaustive panel exactly but for reference: