Short 4 week cycle +hcg and NO PCT?


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I was thinking of doing a short 4 week test only cycle.

I'd front-load 600mg and then follow with 200mg every 3 days, for an effective level of around 700mg for four weeks.

I'd take 250iu of Hcg EOD from the beginning. And I'd supplement with an AI like Aromasin to control sides, and reduce my Estrogen so that my body would naturally be in recovery mode to replace the estrogen at the end of the weeks (with no Estrogen rebound).

So would I need to do a normal PCT with nolva/clomid?
OK, bumping this with some additional thoughts;

If I'm using more than 300mg a week, then my test production will be shut down by around week two. So Hcg will fake Lh and maintain my natural test production. But I will still be shut down by the end of week 4-6. Even with the AI killing most of the Estorgen production in my body, it would seem I still need a SERM to bind with the Estrogen receptors to trick my body into producing Lh naturally to keep my natural test production going after I stop using hcg.

The question is now, do I need to run a full 4 week PCT after such a short cycle? Or can I reduce the duration? Obviously bloodwork will tell me how I'm doing, but I was wondering what to plan for, and what to expect.
how about the 2on 4 off method? gains are modest each run but you are able to run much more cycles a year without having to worry about side effects and shutdown cycle.
You need to use fast acting gear on the 2/4 program.
Test Suspension
Test Prop
Tren Ace
And keep total aas around 1g/wk