New Member
Hi everyone,
I have just finished my first cycle last week (Which was LGD for 8 weeks, (10mg for first 5 days, then 5 for a week, then 7,5 for a week, and then 10mg the rest of the way)
Below is an image of my blood test I got about 6 weeks into the cycle, and as you can see my testosterone was quite low (I then continued for about 2 and a half weeks) so I assume my testosterone was even worse in the end.
My last dose was 8 days ago & I was taking 40mg of Nolvadex (20 at morning & 20 in the evening) for the first 5 days, and now I take only 20mg & I am also taking 5mg of MK677 as well. (I plan to do this for another 2 weeks)
So my question is "Should I be feeling like "sh*t"?
I think that I should be quite suppressed, but I don't really feel any different. I'm obviously a bit weaker in the gym & have to take more time between the sets and push harder, but I still manage to get everything done. As for everything else I just don't feel any different at all in terms of mood, energy, sleep, acne, llibito ect. everything is 100% fine.
The main reason I wonder about this is; if I just manage to deal with low levels of test quite well as I plan to go on more cycles in the future (and definitely adding a test base from now on); so it'd just be useful to know especially when I'd go on heavier cycles if I really need to plan other aspects of my life around my reduced productivity during recovery, or if I'll be kind of like now, which is just fine.
Thank you to anyone that takes the time to read this and my the gains be with you!

(for reference, my natural levels of test were last measured at 5.54)
I have just finished my first cycle last week (Which was LGD for 8 weeks, (10mg for first 5 days, then 5 for a week, then 7,5 for a week, and then 10mg the rest of the way)
Below is an image of my blood test I got about 6 weeks into the cycle, and as you can see my testosterone was quite low (I then continued for about 2 and a half weeks) so I assume my testosterone was even worse in the end.
My last dose was 8 days ago & I was taking 40mg of Nolvadex (20 at morning & 20 in the evening) for the first 5 days, and now I take only 20mg & I am also taking 5mg of MK677 as well. (I plan to do this for another 2 weeks)
So my question is "Should I be feeling like "sh*t"?
I think that I should be quite suppressed, but I don't really feel any different. I'm obviously a bit weaker in the gym & have to take more time between the sets and push harder, but I still manage to get everything done. As for everything else I just don't feel any different at all in terms of mood, energy, sleep, acne, llibito ect. everything is 100% fine.
The main reason I wonder about this is; if I just manage to deal with low levels of test quite well as I plan to go on more cycles in the future (and definitely adding a test base from now on); so it'd just be useful to know especially when I'd go on heavier cycles if I really need to plan other aspects of my life around my reduced productivity during recovery, or if I'll be kind of like now, which is just fine.
Thank you to anyone that takes the time to read this and my the gains be with you!

(for reference, my natural levels of test were last measured at 5.54)