Should i run NPP instead of Tren this summer?


I've currently on 300 test 150 primo and plan on adding in a low dose of a third compound this summer. Last year i did Tren E at 150mg per week and it was good, didn't have many side effects besides acid reflux, fatigue and a little bit shorter fuse.

This year i was thinking about adding in NPP at 150mg per week, and wanted to hear your opinion on it. I plan to run it for 10 weeks.

What are your experience with running NPP instead of Tren for the summer? It will be my first time running a "wet" compound during summer. Also im a bit worried about the mental sides i've been reading about, saying you will feel anxiety, jealousy and think your partner is cheating 24/7.

Im currently in a good relationship so i try to be careful with my choice of 19nors. It is also why i prefer to keep dosage lower (100-150mg).
If you didn’t get those same side effects on Tren at that dose I’d assume you wouldn’t get them on them same dose npp. If you’re that concerned just increase test and primo
your physique is going to still come down to diet overall. Tren is going to make you drier, harder and more vascular if your at 10% bf compared to npp.
I'd increase the test and primo.. and personally I always choose npp over tren. I will never need tren to look good. I don't plan on competing where tren may be needed in a prep. Pri.o is the most advanced compound meant for human use.
Thank you everyone for the replies. I could up the dose of Test/Primo but i've done it before and just wanted to try something different this time around. I am naturally very lean, so when i was on tren it looked too unnatural and freaky. So i thought maybe try npp, it makes you fuller without being too shredded and peeled. Also heard NPP helps libido ALOT so this is also a pro for me as my libido is on the lower end.
Thank you everyone for the replies. I could up the dose of Test/Primo but i've done it before and just wanted to try something different this time around. I am naturally very lean, so when i was on tren it looked too unnatural and freaky. So i thought maybe try npp, it makes you fuller without being too shredded and peeled. Also heard NPP helps libido ALOT so this is also a pro for me as my libido is on the lower end.
No such thing as too freaky. You'll probably have great results with either cycle though.

As far as libido I can't really speak on NPP, it's been a while since I've used npp/deca, but I remember my dick would go limp when I was using it, regardless of how high my sex drive was.

Tren puts your sex drive into overdrive mode. It's almost too much. Add in a little bit of cialis and you'll be f***ing like a pornstar. Had this girl over last night and I think we got maybe 3 hours of sleep. Probably had sex atleast 15 times, not even exaggerating. Tren is wild man.
How the hell are we supposed to know what look do you prefer? Every steroid brings unique cosmetic effect. If you say you're naturally skinny, then it depends on what are you trying to achieve. Do you want to get that shredded look and freaky or do you want a more full, bulky and muscular to an average person look? Sometimes finding that in between balance works, so try not to rely more on the steroids, but rather your diet to get desired results.
My personal experience: NPP gives me an incredible 3D rounder look even when cutting. Personally I started with 200mg a week NPP but saw minimal gains, slight roundness, and no sides. After 5 weeks I upped the dose to 350 test e and 350 NPP and the limp dick would occur very rarely, but that's an easy fix. The gains from that was insane for me.
As Sector says, tren is damn wild hence why I've always loved tren. It's all in your head when it comes to these sides man.
I've currently on 300 test 150 primo and plan on adding in a low dose of a third compound this summer. Last year i did Tren E at 150mg per week and it was good, didn't have many side effects besides acid reflux, fatigue and a little bit shorter fuse.

This year i was thinking about adding in NPP at 150mg per week, and wanted to hear your opinion on it. I plan to run it for 10 weeks.

What are your experience with running NPP instead of Tren for the summer? It will be my first time running a "wet" compound during summer. Also im a bit worried about the mental sides i've been reading about, saying you will feel anxiety, jealousy and think your partner is cheating 24/7.

Im currently in a good relationship so i try to be careful with my choice of 19nors. It is also why i prefer to keep dosage lower (100-150mg).
What are your goals ??? Like most of the guys have touched on,e2 and diet control determines
You mentioned that it would be your first time running a wet compound during the summer, so I'm guessing you are worried about bloat, well a lot of bloat has to do with managing e2 and diet. I can run anadrol at 100mg ed with npp and high test and stay dry af. What other "wet" compounds have you used?