Should I use nandrolone

Nandrolone is by FAR my fav compound ever and not even close. Minimal sides, nice consistent gains and not intense like tren . Some get anger sides but IMO It’s easily manageable . Depression / mental sides highly doubt it, makes u feel like a Fucking alpha superhero

I prefer deca to NPP, 1 pin a week works and goes to work for U
Nandrolone is by FAR my fav compound ever and not even close. Minimal sides, nice consistent gains and not intense like tren . Some get anger sides but IMO It’s easily manageable . Depression / mental sides highly doubt it, makes u feel like a Fucking alpha superhero

I prefer deca to NPP, 1 pin a week works and goes to work for U
Doses and duration?
400mg of npp a week had me on the edge of suicide, so I'd start very small and pay attention to changes in thought patterns lol (I was going through some shit at the time, but it definetly magnified what I was dealing with)
I work a minimum wage job, am still in college. I make enough money to do the things I want and get the things I want but item not enough for me. I don’t want to be average I want to be rich. As corny as it sounds I don’t want to work for someone else I want to be the boss. That way I can do whatever the fuck I want to, whenever the fuck I want to.
Being the boss means you generally work harder and more hours than anyone else at the entire company. It certainly doesn't mean you get to do whatever the fuck you want. At some point, it's possible to do what you want, but you better be prepared for a huge chunk of your life working harder than you realize is possible right now.

For now, you either accept that you're in college and don't have enough hours in the day to make money, or you go to work in something results-driven (like sales) and start making big boy money as long as you perform. But you can't have it both ways.

It's fine to be restless and discontent, as long as it drives you to be better. But day dreaming about your ideal situation without working your way out of your current situation accomplishes nothing, in fact, it's destructive in the sense that you'll grow even more discontent until you're embittered and blame the world for your own inaction.
I appreciate all the advice you guys have given, I genuinely feel like this is a community of brothers thank you guys. What I am going to do is add 200mgs of npp like I planned to. If I see any sides of my mental health getting worse I will drop it. I will also be working on getting my life together and getting in a better spot/closer to my goals.
Wow, it’s crazy how differently people react to the same compound.

On 350-700npp I felt nothing but hunger and good sense of well-being. I was much more patient than I normally am. My girlfriend even commented “you seem different lately, in a good way”.

I added dbol to 700npp and felt the same calmness. Much more patient, don’t give a shit about traffic, don’t really care about anything. But libido was not very high. It wasn’t gone, it just wasn’t what I’m accustomed to. Insane pumps in the gym, mild strength increases, body just felt good and healthy
Being the boss means you generally work harder and more hours than anyone else at the entire company. It certainly doesn't mean you get to do whatever the fuck you want. At some point, it's possible to do what you want, but you better be prepared for a huge chunk of your life working harder than you realize is possible right now.

For now, you either accept that you're in college and don't have enough hours in the day to make money, or you go to work in something results-driven (like sales) and start making big boy money as long as you perform. But you can't have it both ways.

It's fine to be restless and discontent, as long as it drives you to be better. But day dreaming about your ideal situation without working your way out of your current situation accomplishes nothing, in fact, it's destructive in the sense that you'll grow even more discontent until you're embittered and blame the world for your own inaction.
agreed. I got advised to apply for a higher level position that had a 10k a year increase.

my work would have increased by atleast 25% along with my responsibility. fuck that.
Update I decided not to add the npp, I just upped my primo and added Anadrol, something in my gut just told me not to add it. But gains have been amazing
All I hear is I want girls I don't want to work but I want to be rich. Grow up and quit smoking weed like some teen bum.
If you want to make a lot of money you have to work really hard. Spending your allowance on nandrolone is not a good start of becoming "rich"
What gains? Don't you think a week is a little quick to determine gains? Lol
Anadrol brings quite the sarcoplasmic hypertrophy in the first 3 weeks or so. That's likely what he's noticing. But you're right in the sense that there wouldn't be a noticeable increase regarding fibrillar hypertrophy.
All I hear is I want girls I don't want to work but I want to be rich. Grow up and quit smoking weed like some teen bum.
If you want to make a lot of money you have to work really hard. Spending your allowance on nandrolone is not a good start of becoming "rich"
Kids these days are ridiculous, they think they will be handed everything...

When the reality hits and they achieve maybe 20% of their dream if they're lucky and put in hard work then they are dissapointed with results.

So OP, don't be dissapointed when real life hits and then you understand you're not special kind of fruit. Deal with it sooner rather than later. Work hard and achieve what you can instead of dreaming some unnaitainable things. Grow the fuck up. Nandrolone he says...
It’s always good to have long term and short term goals. Finishing college would be short and starting your own business that is successful would be long. Enjoy college while it lasts cause you’re only there for a short time. You’ll have plenty of years to look back and go “fuck wish I was back there”. Nothing wrong with big dreams! I didn’t get shit till I started dreaming big. And my dreams came true plus more. Shit that I thought I would never have. It took a lot of long hours and work though.

Honestly I loved physically what NPP did for me. I got big quick on it. But it fucked with my sleep and I just felt exhausted while taking it. It was the first compound that when the time was up I was okay with stopping it lol Everybody is different though.
All I hear is I want girls I don't want to work but I want to be rich. Grow up and quit smoking weed like some teen bum.
If you want to make a lot of money you have to work really hard. Spending your allowance on nandrolone is not a good start of becoming "rich"
Show me your car that is worth at least 100k with a paper crumbled written meso on it with the date. Or else shut the fuck up. Don’t tell how to do something you’ve never done.
Show me your car that is worth at least 100k with a paper crumbled written meso on it with the date. Or else shut the fuck up. Don’t tell how to do something you’ve never done.
Sorry, you're right. "getting rich" as you put it is easy. Especially for a bum with zero money
Bruh this thread is GOLDEN
So many good advices.

I totally get what op is saying, im also a college student and I do feel lonely sometimes. (Im 23) I also want to be successful too.

I get what you are saying. Im being real here.

But you have to know why you want to be successful. If you just wanna get rich, buy sports cars, fuck girls, and flex on ig - with that mindset its hard to go far.

I have met several entrepreneurs (including my parents) and usually they have good reasons why they want to be successful. They also have insane work ethics.

You need to know why. And with good reasons, you will be able to dedicate yourself to the goal.

For me personally, I want to become successful because I love my family. They support whatever I do and whatever I think no matter what. So I want to support them in the future. I need money to support them. And I need a job to make money. And in order to do that, I need to fulfill my current role as a student and study.

I study because I love my parents. Because I want to support them in the future. Because I want to make them proud.

Just try to know the reason why you want to be successful. Work your ass off. And success will come easily.

Best of luck with everything.

Ps Btw what are you studying?