Sigma Audley Inc. - Your source for peptides, ancillaries, AAS, and more!

I’d be interested but only if it’s not a huge premium vs raw powder. I’m happy to cap a couple capsules each morning if it’s going to be half the cost or less. I just have my bag of 100g of SLUPP sitting on my desk and it takes me 2 minutes.
How can you cap the powder tho? I tried to look into capping manual machine and couldn't find any that use size 4-5 that would allow a 100/150mg pill.

Smallest I could find is size 2 and that's around 300mg capsule :(
How can you cap the powder tho? I tried to look into capping manual machine and couldn't find any that use size 4-5 that would allow a 100/150mg pill.

Smallest I could find is size 2 and that's around 300mg capsule :(
I just take some tweezers and scoop some powder in the capsule from the bag then throw it on scale… pretty good at eyeballing now. Super scientific and precise I know lol
I just take some tweezers and scoop some powder in the capsule from the bag then throw it on scale… pretty good at eyeballing now. Super scientific and precise I know lol
Fucking genius, tho I would be fucking annoyed in having to do it everyday.

Yeah let's see what kind of premium we would have to pay for those tablets. If it's reasonable I would be all over it ahaha
Fucking genius, tho I would be fucking annoyed in having to do it everyday.
yeah it’s not ideal but I gotta do same with 5Amino so whatever. The SLUPP raws I could dry scoop no problem or throw in pre workout doesn’t taste like much.

5Amino tastes like shit. Not as bad as phenylpiracetam but I’m not going to have that uncapped.
Yeah let's see what kind of premium we would have to pay for those tablets. If it's reasonable I would be all over it ahaha
If it’s reasonable sign me the fuck up!
Fucking genius, tho I would be fucking annoyed in having to do it everyday.

Yeah let's see what kind of premium we would have to pay for those tablets. If it's reasonable I would be all over it ahaha
I’m really surprised at the lack of vendors selling SLUPP. From what I can find SSA and QSC are the only two. I contacted a couple of sources today that only sell peptides and they do not carry it. Which of course only makes me want it more. Lol