sleeplessness and Winstrol


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I am using 25 mg/day winnie and 50 mg/week Primo. i was only planning on using the winnie for 6 weeks, and then just Primo after that bumping up to 100 mg/week. (Ive run that before no problem) I am to be starting the 4th week of this cycle tomorrow. Here's my problem: i have NOT been able to sleep for shit for the last week or so. Maybe one or two nights i slept. Its been AWFUL. I will only sleep 2-3 hours and then rest of the night toss and turn. Maybe get one more hour if i am lucky. I've tried melatonin, and last night in a moment of desperation, i used some Zquil. I drank 2 big shots of it and STILL only got about 2-3 hours TOTAL. Its awful. I cant think. I dont want to eat. And I need both SLEEP and FOOD to grow these muscles! I am resorting to drinking a couple shakes a day just get my calories in (protein shakes). The disinterest in food just started a couple days ago. Help!! should i stop with the winnie?is that the problem? I also take melanotan, but that usually makes me sleepy. I take it eod now, and will tail down to twice a week or so soon.
How late do you take your second dose of winny? How late do you workout? Do you drink any pre workouts or anything that has stimulants... even some teas can keep you up all night.
You most likely suffer from Polycythemia , too many red blood cells . One of the consequences of using AAS . Get a blood report and you will notice elevated RBC"s and Hematocrit . Time to donate....;)
oh my! Ok i will. Never thought of that

Im going thru this right now , 6/7 weeks into a test-c cycle and strong insomnia last week . Plus that red , flushed look in the face . Polycythemia , Im kinda used to it . I"ll go donate "double red-cells" at Red Cross and all will be well .
I have only been on this cycle for this is going into the 4th week. SInce i am female and dont take NEAR the amounts of anything a male would i didnt think this would be an issue, but maybe? Am going to get it checked out.
On the other hand, i've been running a low grade fever due to a sinus infection (just started antibiotics and do feel better) and I've been having some "man" problems so that might all contribute as well.
I have only been on this cycle for this is going into the 4th week. SInce i am female and dont take NEAR the amounts of anything a male would i didnt think this would be an issue, but maybe? Am going to get it checked out.
On the other hand, i've been running a low grade fever due to a sinus infection (just started antibiotics and do feel better) and I've been having some "man" problems so that might all contribute as well.

I would get a hormone blood report just to be sure , or at least a basic blood report where your RBC"s and Hematocrit are checked . Doesnt seem like you should be affected this way this soon but it does happen. If you donate blood they will check your hematocrit to see if its too high...Goodluck .

PS- Winstrol usually effects the liver more than anything , keep a check on dark urine and black or white colored stools....(elevated liver enzymes)