I am using 25 mg/day winnie and 50 mg/week Primo. i was only planning on using the winnie for 6 weeks, and then just Primo after that bumping up to 100 mg/week. (Ive run that before no problem) I am to be starting the 4th week of this cycle tomorrow. Here's my problem: i have NOT been able to sleep for shit for the last week or so. Maybe one or two nights i slept. Its been AWFUL. I will only sleep 2-3 hours and then rest of the night toss and turn. Maybe get one more hour if i am lucky. I've tried melatonin, and last night in a moment of desperation, i used some Zquil. I drank 2 big shots of it and STILL only got about 2-3 hours TOTAL. Its awful. I cant think. I dont want to eat. And I need both SLEEP and FOOD to grow these muscles! I am resorting to drinking a couple shakes a day just get my calories in (protein shakes). The disinterest in food just started a couple days ago. Help!! should i stop with the winnie?is that the problem? I also take melanotan, but that usually makes me sleepy. I take it eod now, and will tail down to twice a week or so soon.