So confused about PCT

Lol. Once again, nobody helped at all, I didn't complain till after nobody helped. You guys keep claiming that people aren't helping because I'm complaining, is it really that hard to understand?
What "help" was given? Nobody helped with anything that's the entire problem. People (dr Jim) just snarkily misinterpreted my question and told me to get labs and then are completely silent when I post the labs. Use your head bro. My issue is there was NO help given, this forum is pointless. But please, keep the nut hugging up its working out well for you, beta boy.
Beta boy. Lmao. That is awesome. If you don't like what or how things are done here at MESO then hit the bricks. Go to evo or where ever your safe space is where you can hear what you want to hear. Labs will tell you a lot and probably answer your question. MESO is most likely not for you. It takes tough skin and you can't be a pussy here.
Your blood work looks pretty normal, at least as far as hormones go.

Now you have a baseline of what your natty levels are, and a target to reach after PCT.
Lol. Once again, nobody helped at all, I didn't complain till after nobody helped. You guys keep claiming that people aren't helping because I'm complaining, is it really that hard to understand?

I feel your pain man. Sometimes it does get frustrating because you ask a question and people just vaguely tell you to do more research. And its like, man... I've been reading stuff in the forums for over a month or more and just want clarification, some specific advice.

However, you do catch more flies with honey than vinegar... or so they say. I would say over all. When I asked nicely, I was given more specific advice.
Just wanted to update the smart asses who had no clue what they were talking about, "instructing me" that steroids can't help fat loss.

I've been on cycle for less than 3 weeks and my physique has leaned out dramatically, with NO CHANGE to workout volume, NEAT or nutrition. So guess that proves douche bags like Dr Jim wrong.

I recommend the rest of you don't follow that idiot's advice.

Steroids makes everything easier. Having trained for almost 20 years drug free I have more authority to say that than about 99% of the lifting community.

Thank you to Burrr and others who were positive and actually answered my questions. The rest of you, fuck off :)
Pct looks fine.

You might wanna extend the cycle to 12 weeks.

If your only 3 weeks in so far then the test cyp has probably had very minimal impact. It's slow to take effect as its a long ester. Many guys won't even report feeling it until the 4 week mark. If your noticeably leaner looking it's possible you've "dried" up from taking the aromatase inhibitor which can result in a rapid reduction in subcutaneous water that your holding, the opposite of what happens when you let your estrogen levels sky rocket where you get water bloated.

I'd find it hard to believe the test cyp has had such a dramatic effect on your physique in such a short time.

Good luck with the cycle.